


'We shan't be able to go anywhere on the carpet for a whole week, though,' said Robert.

'And I'm glad of it,' said Jane, unexpectedly.

'Glad?' said Cyril; 'GLAD?'

It was breakfast-time, and mother's letter, telling them how they were all going for Christmas to their aunt's at Lyndhurst, and how father and mother would meet them there, having been read by every one, lay on the table, drinking hot bacon-fat with one corner and eating marmalade with the other.

'Yes, glad,' said Jane.'I don't want any more things to happen just now.I feel like you do when you've been to three parties in a week--like we did at granny's once--and extras in between, toys and chocs and things like that.I want everything to be just real, and no fancy things happening at all.'

'I don't like being obliged to keep things from mother,' said Anthea.'I don't know why, but it makes me feel selfish and mean.'

'If we could only get the mater to believe it, we might take her to the jolliest places,' said Cyril, thoughtfully.'As it is, we've just got to be selfish and mean--if it is that--but I don't feel it is.'

'I KNOW it isn't, but I FEEL it is,' said Anthea, 'and that's just as bad.'

'It's worse,' said Robert; 'if you knew it and didn't feel it, it wouldn't matter so much.'

'That's being a hardened criminal, father says,' put in Cyril, and he picked up mother's letter and wiped its corners with his handkerchief, to whose colour a trifle of bacon-fat and marmalade made but little difference.

'We're going to-morrow, anyhow,' said Robert.'Don't,' he added, with a good-boy expression on his face--'don't let's be ungrateful for our blessings; don't let's waste the day in saying how horrid it is to keep secrets from mother, when we all know Anthea tried all she knew to give her the secret, and she wouldn't take it.

Let's get on the carpet and have a jolly good wish.You'll have time enough to repent of things all next week.'

'Yes,' said Cyril, 'let's.It's not really wrong.'

'Well, look here,' said Anthea.'You know there's something about Christmas that makes you want to be good--however little you wish it at other times.Couldn't we wish the carpet to take us somewhere where we should have the chance to do some good and kind action? It would be an adventure just the same,' she pleaded.

'I don't mind,' said Cyril.'We shan't know where we're going, and that'll be exciting.No one knows what'll happen.We'd best put on our outers in case--'

'We might rescue a traveller buried in the snow, like St Bernard dogs, with barrels round our necks,' said Jane, beginning to be interested.

'Or we might arrive just in time to witness a will being signed--more tea, please,' said Robert, 'and we should see the old man hide it away in the secret cupboard; and then, after long years, when the rightful heir was in despair, we should lead him to the hidden panel and--'

'Yes,' interrupted Anthea; 'or we might be taken to some freezing garret in a German town, where a poor little pale, sick child--'

'We haven't any German money,' interrupted Cyril, 'so THAT'S no go.

What I should like would be getting into the middle of a war and getting hold of secret intelligence and taking it to the general, and he would make me a lieutenant or a scout, or a hussar.'

When breakfast was cleared away, Anthea swept the carpet, and the children sat down on it, together with the Phoenix, who had been especially invited, as a Christmas treat, to come with them and witness the good and kind action they were about to do.

Four children and one bird were ready, and the wish was wished.

Every one closed its eyes, so as to feel the topsy-turvy swirl of the carpet's movement as little as possible.

When the eyes were opened again the children found themselves on the carpet, and the carpet was in its proper place on the floor of their own nursery at Camden Town.

'I say,' said Cyril, 'here's a go!'

'Do you think it's worn out? The wishing part of it, I mean?'

Robert anxiously asked the Phoenix.

'It's not that,' said the Phoenix; 'but--well--what did you wish--?'

'Oh! I see what it means,' said Robert, with deep disgust; 'it's like the end of a fairy story in a Sunday magazine.How perfectly beastly!'

'You mean it means we can do kind and good actions where we are?

I see.I suppose it wants us to carry coals for the cook or make clothes for the bare heathens.Well, I simply won't.And the last day and everything.Look here!' Cyril spoke loudly and firmly.

'We want to go somewhere really interesting, where we have a chance of doing something good and kind; we don't want to do it here, but somewhere else.See? Now, then.'

The obedient carpet started instantly, and the four children and one bird fell in a heap together, and as they fell were plunged in perfect darkness.

'Are you all there?' said Anthea, breathlessly, through the black dark.Every one owned that it was there.

'Where are we? Oh! how shivery and wet it is! Ugh!--oh!--I've put my hand in a puddle!'

'Has any one got any matches?' said Anthea, hopelessly.She felt sure that no one would have any.

It was then that Robert, with a radiant smile of triumph that was quite wasted in the darkness, where, of course, no one could see anything, drew out of his pocket a box of matches, struck a match and lighted a candle--two candles.And every one, with its mouth open, blinked at the sudden light.

'Well done Bobs,' said his sisters, and even Cyril's natural brotherly feelings could not check his admiration of Robert's foresight.

'I've always carried them about ever since the lone tower day,'

said Robert, with modest pride.'I knew we should want them some day.I kept the secret well, didn't I?'

'Oh, yes,' said Cyril, with fine scorn.'I found them the Sunday after, when I was feeling in your Norfolks for the knife you borrowed off me.But I thought you'd only sneaked them for Chinese lanterns, or reading in bed by.'

'Bobs,' said Anthea, suddenly, 'do you know where we are? This is the underground passage, and look there--there's the money and the money-bags, and everything.'

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    一个只有蒸汽时代文明的孤星,却存在着高科技时代的遗迹,到处充斥着剧毒的植物和变异野兽,成为这个星球的生命禁区。徐乐,一个只有三等公民身份的穷学生,每天最兴奋的事儿就是跑到食堂抢上一顿难吃的免费饱饭,森严的等级,已经决定他一辈子只能成为那个让他绝望的司炉工…… 然而,无意中解救的“流放者”改变着她的一生,意外的牢狱之灾被迫加入生存率极低的恐怖游戏,只有如此,才有生的希望,别无选择,只能与流放者组织合作,与伙伴们一起为生存挣扎,阴谋、背叛,游戏的真相正在一步步揭开……
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