

"The idea of Father's worrying," she said."Such a wonderful night as this, bright moonlight, and in South Harniss, too.Nothing ever happens to people in South Harniss.I will be ready in a minute or two.Mrs.Howes' niece is here now and will stay with her until to-morrow.Then her sister is coming to stay a month.As soon as I get her medicine ready we can go."The door of the tiny bedroom adjoining the sitting room was open, and Albert, sitting upon the lounge with the faded likeness of a pink dog printed on the plush cover, could hear the querulous voice of the invalid within.The widow Howes was deaf and, as Laban Keeler described it, "always hollered loud enough to make herself hear" when she spoke.Helen was moving quietly about the sick room and speaking in a low tone.Albert could not hear what she said, but he could hear Lurania.

"You're a wonder, that's what you be," declared the latter, "and Itold your pa so last time he was here.'She's a saint,' says I, 'if ever there was one on this earth.She's the nicest, smartest, best-lookin' girl in THIS town and...' eh?"There had been a murmur, presumably of remonstrance, from Helen.


Another murmur.

"EH? WHO'D you say was there?"

A third murmur.

"WHO?...Oh, that Speranzy one? Lote Snow's grandson? The one they used to call the Portygee?...Eh? Well, all right, Idon't care if he did hear me.If he don't know you're nice and smart and good-lookin', it's high time he did."Helen, a trifle embarrassed but laughing, emerged a moment later, and when she had put on her hat she and Albert left the Howes cottage and began their walk home.It was one of those nights such as Cape Codders, year-rounders or visitors, experience three or four times during a summer and boast of the remainder of the year.

A sky clear, deep, stretched cloudless from horizon to horizon.

Every light at sea or on shore, in cottage window or at masthead or in lighthouse or on lightship a twinkling diamond point.A moon, apparently as big as a barrel-head, hung up in the east and below it a carpet of cold fire, of dancing, spangled silver spread upon the ocean.The sound of the surf, distant, soothing; and for the rest quiet and the fragrance of the summer woods and fields.

They walked rather fast at first and the conversation was brisk, but as the night began to work its spell upon them their progress was slower and there were intervals of silence of which neither was aware.They came to the little hill where the narrow road from West Harniss comes to join the broader highway leading to the Center.There were trees here, a pine grove, on the landward side, and toward the sea nothing to break the glorious view.

Helen caught her breath."Oh, it is beautiful, beautiful!" she said.

Albert did not answer."Why don't you talk?" she asked."What are you thinking about?"He did not tell her what he was thinking about.Instead, having caught himself just in time, he began telling her of what he had been thinking when his grandfather called him to the telephone.

"Helen," he said, "I want to ask your advice.I had an astonishing proposal made to me this afternoon.I must make a decision, I must say yes or no, and I'm not sure which to say."She looked up at him inquiringly.

"This afternoon," he went on, "Doctor Parker called me into his office.There was a group of men there, prominent men in politics from about the country; Judge Baxter from Ostable was there, and Captain Warren from South Denboro, and others like them.What do you suppose they want me to do?""I can't imagine."

"They offer me the party nomination for Congress from this section.

That is, of course, they want me to permit my name to stand and they seem sure my nomination will be confirmed by the voters.The nomination, they say, is equivalent to election.They seem certain of it....And they were insistent that I accept.""Oh--oh, Albert!"

"Yes.They said a good many flattering things, things I should like to believe.They said my war record and my writing and all that had made me a prominent man in the county-- Please don't think I take any stock in that--""But _I_ do.Go on."

"Well, that is all.They seemed confident that I would make a good congressman.I am not so sure.Of course the thing...well, it does tempt me, I confess.I could keep on with my writing, of course.I should have to leave the home people for a part of the year, but I could be with them or near them the rest.And...

well, Helen, I--I think I should like the job.Just now, when America needs Americans and the thing that isn't American must be fought, I should like--if I were sure I was capable of it--""Oh, but you are--you ARE."

"Do you really think so? Would you like to have me try?"He felt her arm tremble upon his.She drew a long breath.

"Oh, I should be so PROUD!" she breathed.

There was a quiver in her voice, almost a sob.He bent toward her.

She was looking off toward the sea, the moonlight upon her face was like a glory, her eyes were shining--and there were tears in them.

His heart throbbed wildly.

"Helen!" he cried."Helen!"

She turned and looked up into his face.The next moment her own face was hidden against his breast, his arms were about her, and...and the risk, the risk he had feared to take, was taken.

They walked home after a time, but it was a slow, a very slow walk with many interruptions.

"Oh, Helen," he kept saying, "I don't see how you can.How can you? In spite of it all.I--I treated you so badly.I was SUCHan idiot.And you really care? You really do?"She laughed happily."I really do...and...and I really have, all the time.""Always?"


"Well--well, by George! And...Helen, do you know I think--I think I did too--always--only I was such a young fool I didn't realize it.WHAT a young fool I was!""Don't say that, dear, don't....You are going to be a great man.You are a famous one already; you are going to be great.

Don't you know that?"

He stooped and kissed her.

"I think I shall have to be," he said, "if I am going to be worthy of you."

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