

Perhaps it is not generally known that we get the idea of some of our best military maneuvers from the turkey.The deploying of the skirmish-line in advance of an army is one of them.The drum-major of our holiday militia companies is copied exactly from the turkey gobbler; he has the same splendid appearance, the same proud step, and the same martial aspect.The gobbler does not lead his forces in the field, but goes behind them, like the colonel of a regiment, so that he can see every part of the line and direct its movements.

This resemblance is one of the most singular things in natural history.I like to watch the gobbler maneuvering his forces in a grasshopper-field.He throws out his company of two dozen turkeys in a crescent-shaped skirmish-line, the number disposed at equal distances, while he walks majestically in the rear.They advance rapidly, picking right and left, with military precision, killing the foe and disposing of the dead bodies with the same peck.Nobody has yet discovered how many grasshoppers a turkey will hold; but he is very much like a boy at a Thanksgiving dinner,--he keeps on eating as long as the supplies last.The gobbler, in one of these raids, does not condescend to grab a single grasshopper,--at least, not while anybody is watching him.But I suppose he makes up for it when his dignity cannot be injured by having spectators of his voracity;perhaps he falls upon the grasshoppers when they are driven into a corner of the field.But he is only fattening himself for destruction; like all greedy persons, he comes to a bad end.And if the turkeys had any Sunday-school, they would be taught this.

The New England boy used to look forward to Thanksgiving as the great event of the year.He was apt to get stents set him,--so much corn to husk, for instance, before that day, so that he could have an extra play-spell; and in order to gain a day or two, he would work at his task with the rapidity of half a dozen boys.He always had the day after Thanksgiving as a holiday, and this was the day he counted on.Thanksgiving itself was rather an awful festival,--very much like Sunday, except for the enormous dinner, which filled his imagination for months before as completely as it did his stomach for that day and a week after.There was an impression in the house that that dinner was the most important event since the landing from the Mayflower.Heliogabalus, who did not resemble a Pilgrim Father at all, but who had prepared for himself in his day some very sumptuous banquets in Rome, and ate a great deal of the best he could get (and liked peacocks stuffed with asafetida, for one thing), never had anything like a Thanksgiving dinner; for do you suppose that he, or Sardanapalus either, ever had twenty-four different kinds of pie at one dinner? Therein many a New England boy is greater than the Roman emperor or the Assyrian king, and these were among the most luxurious eaters of their day and generation.But something more is necessary to make good men than plenty to eat, as Heliogabalus no doubt found when his head was cut off.Cutting off the head was a mode the people had of expressing disapproval of their conspicuous men.

Nowadays they elect them to a higher office, or give them a mission to some foreign country, if they do not do well where they are.

For days and days before Thanksgiving the boy was kept at work evenings, pounding and paring and cutting up and mixing (not being allowed to taste much), until the world seemed to him to be made of fragrant spices, green fruit, raisins, and pastry,--a world that he was only yet allowed to enjoy through his nose.How filled the house was with the most delicious smells! The mince-pies that were made!

If John had been shut in solid walls with them piled about him, he could n't have eaten his way out in four weeks.There were dainties enough cooked in those two weeks to have made the entire year luscious with good living, if they had been scattered along in it.

But people were probably all the better for scrimping themselves a little in order to make this a great feast.And it was not by any means over in a day.There were weeks deep of chicken-pie and other pastry.The cold buttery was a cave of Aladdin, and it took a long time to excavate all its riches.

Thanksgiving Day itself was a heavy dav, the hilarity of it being so subdued by going to meeting, and the universal wearing of the Sunday clothes, that the boy could n't see it.But if he felt little exhilaration, he ate a great deal.The next day was the real holiday.Then were the merry-making parties, and perhaps the skatings and sleigh-rides, for the freezing weather came before the governor's proclamation in many parts of New England.The night after Thanksgiving occurred, perhaps, the first real party that the boy had ever attended, with live girls in it, dressed so bewitchingly.And there he heard those philandering songs, and played those sweet games of forfeits, which put him quite beside himself, and kept him awake that night till the rooster crowed at the end of his first chicken-nap.What a new world did that party open to him! I think it likely that he saw there, and probably did not dare say ten words to, some tall, graceful girl, much older than himself, who seemed to him like a new order of being.He could see her face just as plainly in the darkness of his chamber.He wondered if she noticed how awkward he was, and how short his trousers-legs were.He blushed as he thought of his rather ill-fitting shoes; and determined, then and there, that he wouldn't be put off with a ribbon any longer, but would have a young man's necktie.It was somewhat painful, thinking the party over, but it was delicious, too.He did not think, probably, that he would die for that tall, handsome girl;he did not put it exactly in that way.But he rather resolved to live for her, which might in the end amount to the same thing.At least, he thought that nobody would live to speak twice disrespectfully of her in his presence.



  • 瘦身进行时


  • 美味滋补菜


  • 佛说水沫所漂经


  • 法集要颂经


  • 都市无敌剑仙


  • 总裁老公不请自来


  • 大神家那位又在闹海


    原书名《报告长官:夫人在捉鬼》 第五家女人代代只能活到28岁,是报应也是命。第五念作为第五家87代传人,以收服妖魔为己任,她因为追一只千年的狐狸精,误闯了某个人的梦境,本着救人一命胜造七级浮屠的理念,在妖物的手上救了他一条小命,虽然梦中拜天地不算什么,却是秉承了天地,也算是夫妻了。姑姑哭啼,“第五念,你是蠢货吗?救人就救人,干嘛在梦里与那人拜了天地,你死后如何入得了第五家的祖坟?”第五念没心没肺的问,“为啥?”“你已经是闵家的媳妇儿了,我不管,你赶快给我去求一封休书。”“姑姑,别闹!”拜托,二十一世纪去找人求休书,她不被人笑掉大牙才怪。果不其然,她求也求了,人家根本把她当成了另类引起他注意的不轨女花痴。不仅如此,还大力的表扬了她,说是他有生以来见过最特别的手段。闵御尘冷冷的说道,“休书,可以有,看你的表现。”表现你个球啊!
  • 龙武战神


  • 余生换你一微笑


  • 我变成了鲲

