

`I should be glad to have somebody like me, somehow,' said Mr Lillyvick, `before I die.'

`You don't mean to do that, yet awhile?' said Newman.

Unto which Mr Lillyvick replied in a solemn voice, `Let me be shaved!'

and again consigning himself to the hands of the journeyman, said no more.

This was remarkable behaviour. So remarkable did it seem to Miss Morleena, that that young lady, at the imminent hazard of having her ear sliced off, had not been able to forbear looking round, some score of times, during the foregoing colloquy. Of her, however, Mr Lillyvick took no notice: rather striving (so, at least, it seemed to Newman Noggs) to evade her observation, and to shrink into himself whenever he attracted her regards. Newman wondered very much what could have occasioned this altered behaviour on the part of the collector; but, philosophically reflecting that he would most likely know, sooner or later, and that he could perfectly afford to wait, he was very little disturbed by the singularity of the old gentleman's deportment.

The cutting and curling being at last concluded, the old gentleman, who had been some time waiting, rose to go, and, walking out with Newman and his charge, took Newman's arm, and proceeded for some time without making any observation. Newman, who in power of taciturnity was excelled by few people, made no attempt to break silence; and so they went on, until they had very nearly reached Miss Morleena's home, when Mr Lillyvick said--`Were the Kenwigses very much overpowered, Mr Noggs, by that news?'

`What news?' returned Newman.

`That about--my being--'

`Married?' suggested Newman.

`Ah!' replied Mr Lillyvick, with another groan--this time not even disguised by a wheeze.

`It made ma cry when she knew it,' interposed Miss Morleena, `but we kept it from her for a long time; and pa was very low in his spirits, but he is better now; and I was very ill, but I am better too.'

`Would you give your great-uncle Lillyvick a kiss if he was to ask you, Morleena?' said the collector, with some hesitation.

`Yes,--uncle Lillyvick, I would,' returned Miss Morleena, with the energy of both her parents combined; `but not aunt Lillyvick. She's not an aunt of mine, and I'll never call her one.'

Immediately upon the utterance of these words, Mr Lillyvick caught Miss Morleena up in his arms, and kissed her; and, being by this time at the door of the house where Mr Kenwigs lodged (which, as has been before mentioned, usually stood wide open), he walked straight up into Mr Kenwigs's sitting-room, and put Miss Morleena down in the midst. Mr and Mrs Kenwigs were at supper.

At sight of their perjured relative, Mrs Kenwigs turned faint and pale, and Mr Kenwigs rose majestically.

`Kenwigs,' said the collector, `shake hands.'

`Sir,' said Mr Kenwigs, `the time has been, when I was proud to shake hands with such a man as that man as now surweys me. The time has been, sir,' said Mr Kenwigs, `when a wisit from that man has excited in me and my family's boozums sensations both nateral and awakening. But, now, Ilook upon that man with emotions totally surpassing everythink, and I ask myself where is his h onour, where is his straightfor'ardness, and where is his human natur?'

`Susan Kenwigs,' said Mr Lillyvick, turning humbly to his niece, `don't you say anything to me?'

`She is not equal to it, sir,' said Mr Kenwigs, striking the table emphatically.

`What with the nursing of a healthy babby, and the reflections upon your cruel conduct, four pints of malt liquor a day is hardly able to sustain her.'

`I am glad,' said the poor collector meekly, `that the baby is a healthy one. I am very glad of that.'

This was touching the Kenwigses on their tenderest point. Mrs Kenwigs instantly burst into tears, and Mr Kenwigs evinced great emotion.

`My pleasantest feeling, all the time that child was expected,' said Mr Kenwigs, mournfully, `was a thinking, "If it's a boy, as I hope it may be; for I have heard its uncle Lillyvick say again and again he would prefer our having a boy next--if it's a boy, what will his uncle Lillyvick say--what will he like him to be called--will he be Peter, or Alexander,or Pompey, or Diorgeenes, or what will he be?" and now when I look at him--a precious, unconscious, helpless infant, with no use in his little arms but to tear his little cap, and no use in his little legs but to kick his little self--when I see him a lying on his mother's lap, cooing and cooing, and, in his innocent state, almost a choking hisself with his little fist--when I see him such a infant as he is, and think that that uncle Lillyvick, as was once a-going to be so fond of him, has withdrawed himself away, such a feeling of wengeance comes over me as no language can depicter, and I feel as if even that holy babe was a telling me to hate him.'

This affecting picture moved Mrs Kenwigs deeply. After several imperfect words, which vainly attempted to struggle to the surface, but were drowned and washed away by the strong tide of her tears, she spake.

`Uncle,' said Mrs Kenwigs, `to think that you should have turned your back upon me and my dear children, and upon Kenwigs which is the author of their being--you who was once so kind and affectionate, and who, if anybody had told us such a thing of, we should have withered with scorn like lightning--you that little Lillyvick, our first and earliest boy, was named after at the very altar--oh gracious!'

`Was it money that we cared for?' said Mr Kenwigs. `Was it property that we ever thought of?'

`No,' cried Mrs Kenwigs, `I scorn it.'

`So do I,' said Mr Kenwigs, `and always did.'

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