

As they stole farther and farther in by slight and scarcely perceptible degrees, and with such caution that they scarcely seemed to breathe, the old hag and Squeers little dreaming of any such invasion, and utterly unconscious of there being any soul near but themselves, were busily occupied with their tasks. The old woman, with her wrinkled face close to the bars of the stove, puffing at the dull embers which had not yet caught the wood--Squeers stooping down to the candle, which brought out the full ugliness of his face, as the light of the fire did that of his companion--both intently engaged, and wearing faces of exultation which contrasted strongly with the anxious looks of those behind, who took advantage of the slightest sound to cover their advance, and, almost before they had moved an inch, and all was silent, stopped again--this, with the large bare room, damp walls, and flickering doubtful light, combined to form a scene which the most careless and indifferent spectator (could any have been present) could scarcely have failed to derive some interest from, and would not readily have forgotten.

Of the stealthy comers, Frank Cheeryble was one, and Newman Noggs the other. Newman had caught up, by the rusty nozzle, an old pair of bellows, which were just undergoing a flourish in the air preparatory to a descent upon the head of Mr Squeers, when Frank, with an earnest gesture, stayed his arm, and, taking another step in advance, came so close behind the schoolmaster that, by leaning slightly forward, he could plainly distinguish the writing which he held up to his eye.

Mr Squeers, not being remarkably erudite, appeared to be considerably puzzled by this first prize, which was in an engrossing hand, and not very legible except to a practised eye. Having tried it by reading from left to right, and from right to left, and finding it equally clear both ways, he turned it upside down with no better success.

`Ha, ha, ha!' chuckled Peg, who, on her knees before the fire, was feeding it with fragments of the box, and grinning in most devilish exultation.

`What's that writing about, eh?'

`Nothing particular,' replied Squeers, tossing it towards her. `It's only an old lease, as well as I can make out. Throw it in the fire.'

Mrs Sliderskew complied, and inquired what the next one was.

`This,' said Squeers, `is a bundle of overdue acceptances and renewed bills of six or eight young gentlemen, but they're all MPs, so it's of no use to anybody. Throw it in the fire!' Peg did as she was bidden, and waited for the next.

`This,' said Squeers, `seems to be some deed of sale of the right of presentation to the rectory of Purechurch, in the valley of Cashup. Take care of that, Slider--literally for God's sake. It'll fetch its price at the Auction Mart.'

`What's the next?' inquired Peg.

`Why, this,' said Squeers, `seems, from the two letters that's with it, to be a bond from a curate down in the country, to pay half a year's wages of forty pound for borrowing twenty. Take care of that, for if he don't pay it, his bishop will very soon be down upon him. We know what the camel and the needle's eye means--no man as can't live upon his income, whatever it is, must expect to go to heaven at any price. It's very odd;I don't see anything like it yet.'

`What's the matter?' said Peg.

`Nothing,' replied Squeers, `only I'm looking for--'

Newman raised the bellows again. Once more, Frank, by a rapid motion of his arm, unaccompanied by any noise, checked him in his purpose.

`Here you are,' said Squeers, `bonds--take care of them. Warrant of attorney--take care of that. Two cognovits--take care of them. Lease and release--burn that. Ah! "Madeline Bray--come of age or marry--the said Madeline"--here, burn that !'

Eagerly throwing towards the old woman a parchment that he caught up for the purpose, Squeers, as she turned her head, thrust into the breast of his large coat, the deed in which these words had caught his eye, and burst into a shout of triumph.

`I've got it!' said Squeers. `I've got it! Hurrah! The plan was a good one, though the chance was desperate, and the day's our own at last!'

Peg demanded what he laughed at, but no answer was returned. Newman's arm could no longer be restrained; the bellows, descending heavily and with unerring aim on the very centre of Mr Squeers's head, felled him to the floor, and stretched him on it flat and senseless.

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  • 四物国物语


    她是个心狠手辣的23岁冷艳强势女boss!却穿越成了15岁的小女孩!不仅如此成为拥有四个倾城男宠:冷面美男特司迪、高傲帅哥雷克司、成熟稳重的夜、残酷无情的磷火。这个高高在上的冰封女王,组建自己的后宫更是不在话下,但她接受这一切匪夷所思的原因,还是为 了拯救她的罗密欧!但当她与那个和他长相一模一样的人,痴情不改的她,是否会重燃爱火?而治理国家,远比她想象得更错综复杂……爱情、命运、阴谋……亘古不变的主题,繁衍出一个奇妙穿越之旅。我到底是回到你已经不在的那个世界中呢,还是留下来与和你一模一样的他共谱恋曲呢?
  • Hans Brinker

    Hans Brinker

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  • 中小企业财税一本通

