

`He had used me ill -- cruelly -- I reminded him in what, not long ago when I met him in the street -- and I hated him. I brought the child home to his own house, and lodged him in the front garret. Neglect had made him very sickly, and I was obliged to call in a doctor, who said he must be removed for change of air, or he would die. I think that first put in my head. I did it then. He was gone six weeks, and when he came back, Itold him -- with every circumstance well planned and proved; nobody could have suspected me -- that the child was dead and buried. He might have been disappointed in some intention he had formed, or he might have had some natural affection, but he was grieved at that , and Iwas confirmed in my design of opening up the secret one day, and making it a means of getting money from him. I had heard, like most other men, of Yorkshire schools. I took the child to one kept by a man named Squeers, and left it there. I gave him the name of Smike. Year by year, I paid twenty pounds a year for him for six years: never breathing the secret all the time: for I had left his father's service after more hard usage, and quarrelled with him again. I was sent away from this country. I have been away nearly eight years. Directly I came home again, I travelled down into Yorkshire, and, skulking in the village of an evening-time, made inquiries about the boys at the school, and found that this one, whom I had placed there, had run away with a young man bearing the name of his own father. I sought his father out in London, and hinting at what I could tell him, tried for a little money to support life; but he repulsed me with threats. I then found out his clerk, and, going on from little to little, and showing him that there were good reasons for communicating with me, learnt what was going on; and it was I who told him that the boy was no son of the man who claimed to be his father. All this time I had never seen the boy. At length, I heard from this same source that he was very ill, and where he was. I travelled down there, that might recall myself, if possible, to his recollection and confirm my story. I came upon him unexpectedly; but before I could speak he knew me -- he had good cause to remember me, poor lad! -- and I would have sworn to him if I had met him in the Indies. Iknew the piteous face I had seen in the little child. After a few days'

indecision, I applied to the young gentleman in whose care he was, and I found that he was dead. He knows how quickly he recognised me again, how often he had described me and my leaving him at the school, and how he told him of a garret he recollected: which is the one I have spoken of, and in his father's house to this day. This is my story. I demand to be brought face to face with the schoolmaster, and put to any possible proof of any part of it, and I will show that it's too true, and that Ihave this guilt upon my soul.'

`Unhappy man!' said the brothers. `What reparation can you make for this?'

`None, gentlemen, none! I have none to make, and nothing to hope now.

I am old in years, and older still in misery and care. This confession can bring nothing upon me but new suffering and punishment; but I make it, and will abide by it whatever comes. I have been made the instrument of working out this dreadful retribution upon the head of a man who, in the hot pursuit of his bad ends, has persecuted and hunted down his own child to death. It must descend upon me too. I know it must fall. My reparation comes too late; and, neither in this world nor in the next, can I have hope again!'

He had hardly spoken, when the lamp, which stood upon the table close to where Ralph was seated, and which was the only one in the room, was thrown to the ground, and left them in darkness. There was some trifling confusion in obtaining another light; the interval was a mere nothing;but when the light appeared, Ralph Nickleby was gone.

The good brothers and Tim Linkinwater occupied some time in discussing the probability of his return; and, when it became apparent that he would not come back, they hesitated whether or no to send after him. At length, remembering how strangely and silently he had sat in one immovable position during the interview, and thinking he might possibly be ill, they determined, although it was now very late, to send to his house on some pretence. Finding an excuse in the presence of Brooker, whom they knew not how to dispose of without consulting his wishes, they concluded to act upon this resolution before going to bed.

  • 北里志




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    当《深渊中的奇点》游戏停摆的那一刻,汤姆操控下的“昂”正手握一柄光剑,与一只长着一张类似蜥蜴脸庞、浑身疙瘩的怪兽激烈鏖战。在广阔的艾斯坦山谷中,旨在拯救黛娅公主的联军战士正与泽拉兹城堡释放出的恶魔怪兽们捉对厮杀。山谷的尽头,半隐于云端的泽拉兹城堡巍然屹立,看上去触手可及,却又远在天边。此时此刻,他们的黛娅公主还被“暗冰封印”束缚在泽拉兹城堡中,命悬一线。在游戏中, “昂” 拥有着不朽的生命,不过一旦失血过多,他还是会暂时死亡,随后将在他的出生地复活,但即使搭乘最快的飞行器重抵艾斯坦山谷也要花上十天时间——这对战役的结局已无济于事。
  • 为了弱者的尊严

