

No business of his! The merest sense of comradeship, then, took him once more to Dromore's after that disclosure, to prove that the word 'outside' had no significance save in his friend's own fancy;to assure him again that Sylvia would be very glad to welcome the child at any time she liked to come.

When he had told her of that little matter of Nell's birth, she had been silent a long minute, looking in his face, and then had said:

"Poor child! I wonder if SHE knows! People are so unkind, even nowadays!" He could not himself think of anyone who would pay attention to such a thing, except to be kinder to the girl; but in such matters Sylvia was the better judge, in closer touch with general thought.She met people that he did not--and of a more normal species.

It was rather late when he got to Dromore's diggings on that third visit.

"Mr.Dromore, sir," the man said--he had one of those strictly confidential faces bestowed by an all-wise Providence on servants in the neighbourhood of Piccadilly--"Mr.Dromore, sir, is not in.

But he will be almost sure to be in to dress.Miss Nell is in, sir."And there she was, sitting at the table, pasting photographs into an album--lonely young creature in that abode of male middle-age!

Lennan stood, unheard, gazing at the back of her head, with its thick crinkly-brown hair tied back on her dark-red frock.And, to the confidential man's soft:

"Mr.Lennan, miss," he added a softer: "May I come in?"She put her hand into his with intense composure.

"Oh, yes, do! if you don't mind the mess I'm making;" and, with a little squeeze of the tips of his fingers, added: "Would it bore you to see my photographs?"And down they sat together before the photographs--snapshots of people with guns or fishing-rods, little groups of schoolgirls, kittens, Dromore and herself on horseback, and several of a young man with a broad, daring, rather good-looking face."That's Oliver--Oliver Dromore--Dad's first cousin once removed.Rather nice, isn't he? Do you like his expression?"Lennan did not know.Not her second cousin; her father's first cousin once removed! And again there leaped in him that unreasoning flame of indignant pity.

"And how about drawing? You haven't come to be taught yet."She went almost as red as her frock.

"I thought you were only being polite.I oughtn't to have asked.

Of course, I want to awfully--only I know it'll bore you.""It won't at all."

She looked up at that.What peculiar languorous eyes they were!

"Shall I come to-morrow, then?"

"Any day you like, between half-past twelve and one.""Where?"

He took out a card.

"Mark Lennan--yes--I like your name.I liked it the other day.

It's awfully nice!"

What was in a name that she should like him because of it? His fame as a sculptor--such as it was--could have nothing to do with that, for she would certainly not know of it.Ah! but there was a lot in a name--for children.In his childhood what fascination there had been in the words macaroon, and Spaniard, and Carinola, and Aldebaran, and Mr.McCrae.For quite a week the whole world had been Mr.McCrae--a most ordinary friend of Gordy's.

By whatever fascination moved, she talked freely enough now--of her school; of riding and motoring--she seemed to love going very fast;about Newmarket--which was 'perfect'; and theatres--plays of the type that Johnny Dromore might be expected to approve; these together with 'Hamlet' and 'King Lear' were all she had seen.

  • 记游


  • 弥沙塞羯磨本


  • 明伦汇编人事典贵贱部


  • 金刚顶瑜伽金刚萨埵仪轨


  • 十二經補瀉溫涼引經藥歌


  • 一念之间,咫尺天堂


  • 诸神共主


  • 杨勇悫公奏议


  • 闪闪奇遇记五:闪闪的魔法


  • 非诗辨妄


  • Volume Seven

    Volume Seven

  • 成为拉着企业奔跑的人


  • 我是地理知识大王(青少年科学小百科)


    科普读物从来不拒绝科学性、知识性、艺术性三者的完美统一,它强化生动性与现实感;不仅要让青少年朋友欣赏科学世界的无穷韵律,更关注技术对现实生活的改变,以及人类所面对的问题和挑战。本书的出发点正是用科学的眼光追寻青少年心中对这个已知和未知世界的热情和关注,共同了解军事科技的相关知识,帮助他们认识自然界的客观规律,了解人类社会,插上科学的翅膀, 去探索科学的奥秘,勇攀科学的高峰。
  • 陌上桑之初心


  • 亚瑟王的综漫之旅


    穿越成阿尔托莉雅.潘德拉贡(女)带着系统的综漫旅行事先声明,本书不嫁人(八成没有不会写感情戏九成单身文。)1斗罗3(一小段)2FGO特异点f3我的世界4Fatezero5卡美洛6斗罗3天海联盟大比7卡美洛VS卡美洛 8斗气大陆 9精灵宝可梦 10第七特异点最终魔兽战线魔改 11游戏人生5000年前(一小段) 12FGO冠位神殿 13约会大作战里的圣杯战争 14崩坏3(卡莲奥托时期) 15从零开始的异世界生活书友群,群聊号码:965053610,顺带一提,我不是群主,是个书友创的,所以他经常会改问题,要是进群的问题和本书没关系的话,等第二天,我每天都会修改一次的。 这些剧情下面剧情世界与剧情世界的中间在后面一般都有其他的一些小剧情。 建议在41章或者61章又或者是105章的时候开始看,从头开始看的话会出现,因为作者是萌新写手的原因,写文的时候自嗨过头,前面世界各种乱穿很乱,劝退极高,41章后就没有太多这种结果(作者自以为) 精灵宝可梦章可以选择不看,劝退极高。 简介修改时间:2020:2:16