

The woman looked at him as if she wondered what had suddenly taken him. Then she asked in an injured tone: "Why shouldn't I have told you if you'd 'ad callers, sir?""I thought you might have thought I was asleep.""Indeed you were, sir, when I came in with the lamp--and well you'd earned it, Mr. Wayworth!"The landlady came back an hour later to bring him a telegram; it was just as he had begun to dress to dine at his club and go down to the theatre.

"See me to-night in front, and don't come near me till it's over."It was in these words that Violet communicated her wishes for the evening. He obeyed them to the letter; he watched her from the depths of a box. He was in no position to say how she might have struck him the night before, but what he saw during these charmed hours filled him with admiration and gratitude. She WAS in it, this time; she had pulled herself together, she had taken possession, she was felicitous at every turn. Fresh from his revelation of Nona he was in a position to judge, and as he judged he exulted. He was thrilled and carried away, and he was moreover intensely curious to know what had happened to her, by what unfathomable art she had managed in a few hours to effect such a change of base. It was as if SHE had had a revelation of Nona, so convincing a clearness had been breathed upon the picture. He kept himself quiet in the entr'actes--he would speak to her only at the end; but before the play was half over the manager burst into his box.

"It's prodigious, what she's up to!" cried Mr. Loder, almost more bewildered than gratified. "She has gone in for a new reading--a blessed somersault in the air!""Is it quite different?" Wayworth asked, sharing his mystification.

"Different? Hyperion to a satyr! It's devilish good, my boy!""It's devilish good," said Wayworth, "and it's in a different key altogether from the key of her rehearsal.""I'll run you six months!" the manager declared; and he rushed round again to the actress, leaving Wayworth with a sense that she had already pulled him through. She had with the audience an immense personal success.

When he went behind, at the end, he had to wait for her; she only showed herself when she was ready to leave the theatre. Her aunt had been in her dressing-room with her, and the two ladies appeared together. The girl passed him quickly, motioning him to say nothing till they should have got out of the place. He saw that she was immensely excited, lifted altogether above her common artistic level.

The old lady said to him: "You must come home to supper with us: it has been all arranged." They had a brougham, with a little third seat, and he got into it with them. It was a long time before the actress would speak. She leaned back in her corner, giving no sign but still heaving a little, like a subsiding sea, and with all her triumph in the eyes that shone through the darkness. The old lady was hushed to awe, or at least to discretion, and Wayworth was happy enough to wait. He had really to wait till they had alighted at Notting Hill, where the elder of his companions went to see that supper had been attended to.

"I was better--I was better," said Violet Grey, throwing off her cloak in the little drawing-room.

"You were perfection. You'll be like that every night, won't you?"She smiled at him. "Every night? There can scarcely be a miracle every day.""What do you mean by a miracle?"

"I've had a revelation."

Wayward stared. "At what hour?"

"The right hour--this afternoon. Just in time to save me--and to save YOU.""At five o'clock? Do you mean you had a visit?""She came to me--she stayed two hours."

"Two hours? Nona Vincent?"

"Mrs. Alsager." Violet Grey smiled more deeply. "It's the same thing.""And how did Mrs. Alsager save you?"

"By letting me look at her. By letting me hear her speak. By letting me know her.""And what did she say to you?"

"Kind things--encouraging, intelligent things.""Ah, the dear woman!" Wayworth cried.

"You ought to like her--she likes YOU. She was just what I wanted,"the actress added.

"Do you mean she talked to you about Nona?""She said you thought she was like her. She IS--she's exquisite.""She's exquisite," Wayworth repeated. "Do you mean she tried to coach you?""Oh, no--she only said she would be so glad if it would help me to see her. And I felt it did help me. I don't know what took place--she only sat there, and she held my hand and smiled at me, and she had tact and grace, and she had goodness and beauty, and she soothed my nerves and lighted up my imagination. Somehow she seemed to GIVEit all to me. I took it--I took it. I kept her before me, I drank her in. For the first time, in the whole study of the part, I had my model--I could make my copy. All my courage came back to me, and other things came that I hadn't felt before. She was different--she was delightful; as I've said, she was a revelation. She kissed me when she went away--and you may guess if I kissed HER. We were awfully affectionate, but it's YOU she likes!" said Violet Grey.

Wayworth had never been more interested in his life, and he had rarely been more mystified. "Did she wear vague, clear-coloured garments?" he asked, after a moment.

Violet Grey stared, laughed, then bade him go in to supper. "YOUknow how she dresses!"

He was very well pleased at supper, but he was silent and a little solemn. He said he would go to see Mrs. Alsager the next day. He did so, but he was told at her door that she had returned to Torquay.

She remained there all winter, all spring, and the next time he saw her his play had run two hundred nights and he had married Violet Grey. His plays sometimes succeed, but his wife is not in them now, nor in any others. At these representations Mrs. Alsager continues frequently to be present.


  • Virginibus Puerisque

    Virginibus Puerisque

  • 温病指南


  • The Professor at the Breakfast Table

    The Professor at the Breakfast Table

  • 法华经安乐行义


  • 贡愚录


  • 可惜不是你,陪我到最后


  • 狂人日记:鲁迅小说全集


  • 你们都一样


  • 本草简要方


  • 僧伽吒经


  • 青春在年少时光走过


  • 外来工


  • 超级败家学生


  • 巴山旧事


    中原巴国是一块神秘而又浪漫的土地,在这里生活着的土家族儿女们虽然很少被外人所关注,但是他们却用他们自己的方式演绎着同样精彩的历史和传奇。 在这里不仅有中华民族传统的智慧与善良,而且他们还具有独特的武风和情感。《巴山旧事》记载着一个巴地广为流传的故事,土家儿女田虎和丹妹喜结良缘,可是王爷公子却追逼丹妹,要按土司王法施行初夜权。王府家丁强掳新娘,追杀田虎。危急关头,丹妹为了让田虎一心制服王爷、战胜土司,自己舍身赴死、跳进油锅,化为照亮人心的天灯。土司的野蛮残暴和倒行逆施终于激起山民的强烈义愤,邬阳关发生兵变。各地反抗斗争风起云涌,民众纷纷聚集万全洞、迫使土司头目投降官兵。内外交困之下,容美宣慰使田旻如走投无路、畏罪自缢,土司统治终于土崩瓦解,改土归流得以推行。
  • 好女不宅斗

