

Her heart, however, was hastily, even rudely thrust to the background when she discovered that her brother had been gambling in wheat with practically her entire fortune.With an adroitness that irritated her against herself, as she looked back, he had continued to induce her to disregard their father's cautionings and to ask him to take full charge of her affairs.He had not lost her fortune, but he had almost lost it.But for an accidental stroke, a week of weather destructive to crops all over the country, she would have been reduced to an income of not more than ten or fifteen thousand a year--twenty times the income of the average American family of five, but for Miss Hastings straitened subsistence and a miserable state of shornness of all the radiance of life.And, pushing her inquiries a little farther, she learned that her brother would still have been rich, because he had taken care to settle a large sum on his wife--in such a way that if she divorced him it would pass back to him.

In the course of her arrangings to meet this situation and to prevent its recurrence she saw much of Doctor Charlton.He gave her excellent advice and found for her a man to take charge of her affairs so far as it was wise for her to trust any one.The man was a bank cashier, Robert Headley by name--one of those rare beings who care nothing for riches for themselves and cannot invest their own money wisely, but have a genius for fidelity and wise counsel.

``It's a pity he's married,'' said Charlton.``If he weren't I'd urge you to take him as a husband.''

Jane laughed.A plainer, duller man than Headley it would have been hard to find, even among the respectabilities of Remsen City.

``Why do you laugh?'' said Charlton.``What is there absurd in a sensible marriage?''

``Would you marry a woman because she was a good housekeeper?''

``That would be one of the requirements,'' said Charlton.``I've sense enough to know that, no matter how much I liked a woman before marriage, it couldn't last long if she were incompetent.

She'd irritate me every moment in the day.I'd lie awake of nights despising her.And how she would hate me!''

``I can't imagine you a husband,'' laughed Jane.

``That doesn't speak well for your imagination,' rejoined Charlton.``I have perfect health--which means that I have a perfect disposition, for only people with deranged interiors are sour and snappy and moody.And I am sympathetic and understanding.I appreciate that women are rottenly brought up and have everything to learn--everything that's worth while if one is to live comfortably and growingly.So, I shouldn't expect much at the outset beyond a desire to improve and a capacity to improve.Yes, I've about all the virtues for a model husband--a companionable, helpful mate for a woman who wants to be more of a person every day she lives.''

``No, thanks,'' said Jane, mockingly.``The advertisement reads well, but I don't care to invest.''

``Oh, I looked you over long ago,'' said Charlton with a coolness that both amused and exasperated her.``You wouldn't do at all.

You are very attractive to look at and to talk with.Your money would be useful to some plans I've got for some big sanatoriums along the line of Schulze's up at Saint Christopher.But---''

He shook his head, smiling at her through a cloud of cigarette smoke.

``Go on,'' urged Jane.``What's wrong with me?''

``You've been miseducated too far and too deeply.You KNOW too much that isn't so.You've got the upper class American woman habit of thinking about yourself all the time.You are an indifferent housekeeper, and you think you are good at it.You don't know the practical side of life--cooking, sewing, house furnishing, marketing.You're ambitious for a show career--the sort Davy Hull--excuse me, Governor David Hull--is making so noisily.There's just the man for you.You ought to marry.

Marry Hull.''

Jane was furiously angry.She did not dare show it; Charlton would merely laugh and walk away, and perhaps refuse to be friends with her.It exasperated her to the core, the narrow limitations of the power of money.She could, through the power of her money, do exactly as she pleased to and with everybody except the only kind of people she cared about dominating; these she was apparently the less potent with because of her money.

It seemed to put them on their mettle and on their guard.

She swallowed her anger.``Yes, I've got to get married,'' said she.``And I don't know what to do about it.''

``Hull,'' said Charlton.

``Is that the best advice you can give?'' said she disdainfully.

``He needs you, and you need him.You like him-- don't you?''

``Very much.''

``Then--the thing's done.Davy isn't the man to fail to seize an opportunity so obviously to his advantage.Not that he hasn't a heart.He has a big one--does all sorts of gracious, patronizing, kind things--does no end of harm.But he'd no more let his emotions rule his life than--than--Victor Dorn--or I, for that matter.''

Jane colored; a pathetic sadness tinged the far-away expression of her eyes.

``No doubt he's half in love with you already.Most men are who know you.A kindly smile and he'll be kneeling.''

``I don't want David Hull,'' cried Jane.``Ever since I can remember they've been at me to marry him.He bores me.He doesn't make me respect him.He never could control me--or teach me--or make me look up to him in any way.I don't want him, and I won't have him.''

``I'm afraid you've got to do it,'' said Charlton.``You act as if you realized it and were struggling and screaming against manifest destiny like a child against a determined mother.''

Jane's eyes had a look of terror.``You are joking,'' said she.

``But it frightens me, just the same.''

``I am not joking,'' replied he.``I can hear the wedding bells--and so can you.''

``Don't!'' pleaded Jane.``I've so much confidence in your insight that I can't bear to hear you saying such things even to tease me....Why haven't you told me about these sanatoriums you want?''

  • 竹叶亭杂记


  • 山海经校注


  • 燕石集


  • 奸劫弑臣


  • 观自在菩萨说普贤陀罗尼经


  • 战匈奴


  • 佛说十二头陀经


  • 旋爱


  • 误惹豪门:秦少的歌星娇妻


  • 教你学中长跑


  • 我杀死了我自己(短篇小说集)


  • 莎士比亚十四行诗(化境文库)


    《莎士比亚十四行诗》是世界文豪莎士比亚创作的十四行诗全收录。成书大约于1590年至1598年之间,其诗作的结构技巧和语言技巧都很高,几乎每首诗都有独立的审美价值。诗集分为两部分,第一部分为前126首,献给一个年轻的贵族(Fair Lord),诗人的诗热烈地歌颂了这位朋友的美貌以及他们的友情;第二部分为第127首至最后,献给一位“黑女士”(Dark Lady),描写爱情。
  • 第一嫡妃摄政王盛宠


  • 岳游纪行录


  • 清夜凝冰:生死相随

