

"My dear, you tumble my gown," was Mrs. Allen's reply.

Her assurance, however, standing sole as it did, was not thrown away; it brought a more cordial, more natural smile into his countenance, and he replied in a tone which retained only a little affected reserve:

"We were much obliged to you at any rate for wishing us a pleasant walk after our passing you in Argyle Street:

you were so kind as to look back on purpose.""But indeed I did not wish you a pleasant walk;I never thought of such a thing; but I begged Mr. Thorpe so earnestly to stop; I called out to him as soon as ever Isaw you; now, Mrs. Allen, did not-- Oh! You were not there;but indeed I did; and, if Mr. Thorpe would only have stopped, I would have jumped out and run after you."Is there a Henry in the world who could be insensible to such a declaration? Henry Tilney at least was not.

With a yet sweeter smile, he said everything that need be said of his sister's concern, regret, and dependence on Catherine's honour. "Oh! Do not say Miss Tilney was not angry," cried Catherine, "because I know she was;for she would not see me this morning when I called;I saw her walk out of the house the next minute after my leaving it; I was hurt, but I was not affronted.

Perhaps you did not know I had been there.""I was not within at the time; but I heard of it from Eleanor, and she has been wishing ever since to see you, to explain the reason of such incivility;but perhaps I can do it as well. It was nothing more than that my father--they were just preparing to walk out, and he being hurried for time, and not caring to have it put off--made a point of her being denied. That was all, I do assure you. She was very much vexed, and meant to make her apology as soon as possible."Catherine's mind was greatly eased by this information, yet a something of solicitude remained, from which sprang the following question, thoroughly artless in itself, though rather distressing to the gentleman: "But, Mr. Tilney, why were you less generous than your sister? If she felt such confidence in my good intentions, and could suppose it to be only a mistake, why should you be so ready to take offence?""Me! I take offence!"

"Nay, I am sure by your look, when you came into the box, you were angry.""I angry! I could have no right."

"Well, nobody would have thought you had no right who saw your face." He replied by asking her to make room for him, and talking of the play.

He remained with them some time, and was only too agreeable for Catherine to be contented when he went away.

Before they parted, however, it was agreed that the projected walk should be taken as soon as possible; and, setting aside the misery of his quitting their box, she was, upon the whole, left one of the happiest creatures in the world.

While talking to each other, she had observed with some surprise that John Thorpe, who was never in the same part of the house for ten minutes together, was engaged in conversation with General Tilney; and she felt something more than surprise when she thought she could perceive herself the object of their attention and discourse.

What could they have to say of her? She feared General Tilney did not like her appearance: she found it was implied in his preventing her admittance to his daughter, rather than postpone his own walk a few minutes. "How came Mr. Thorpe to know your father?" was her anxious inquiry, as she pointed them out to her companion. He knew nothing about it; but his father, like every military man, had a very large acquaintance.

When the entertainment was over, Thorpe came to assist them in getting out. Catherine was the immediate object of his gallantry; and, while they waited in the lobby for a chair, he prevented the inquiry which had travelled from her heart almost to the tip of her tongue, by asking, in a consequential manner, whether she had seen him talking with General Tilney: "He is a fine old fellow, upon my soul! Stout, active--looks as young as his son.

I have a great regard for him, I assure you: a gentleman-like, good sort of fellow as ever lived.""But how came you to know him?"

"Know him! There are few people much about town that Ido not know. I have met him forever at the Bedford;and I knew his face again today the moment he came into the billiard-room. One of the best players we have, by the by; and we had a little touch together, though Iwas almost afraid of him at first: the odds were five to four against me; and, if I had not made one of the cleanest strokes that perhaps ever was made in this world--I took his ball exactly--but I could not make you understand it without a table; however, I did beat him.

A very fine fellow; as rich as a Jew. I should like to dine with him; I dare say he gives famous dinners.

But what do you think we have been talking of? You.

Yes, by heavens! And the general thinks you the finest girl in Bath.""Oh! Nonsense! How can you say so?"

"And what do you think I said?"--lowering his voice--"well done, general, said I; I am quite of your mind."Here Catherine, who was much less gratified by his admiration than by General Tilney's, was not sorry to be called away by Mr. Allen. Thorpe, however, would see her to her chair, and, till she entered it, continued the same kind of delicate flattery, in spite of her entreating him to have done.

That General Tilney, instead of disliking, should admire her, was very delightful; and she joyfully thought that there was not one of the family whom she need now fear to meet. The evening had done more, much more, for her than could have been expected.

  • 天地八阳神咒经


  • 手臂录


  • 片玉山房词话


  • 梵语千字文并


  • 无准师范禅师语录


  • 吞灭万古


  • 渡劫高手在末日


  • 佛为海龙王说法印经


  • 禁忌校园


  • 异能者收集手册


  • 怎样延长你的寿命


    书中内容涉及生物学、昆虫学、解剖学、微生物学、生理学、医学、美食学、历史学、文学,讲解深入浅出,所提供的养生方法简单易用。因此,对许多读者而言,本书又是一本养生书,书中对影响寿命的因素及如何延长寿命这个问题进行了精辟的分析,并提供了延长寿命的方法,而这些方法操作简单,对读者大有益处。 本书虽然为研究性著作,然而论断精辟,文风简练,语言流畅。正是如此,编者才敢将这盘佳肴精细加工,以飨读者。全书包括老年的研究,动物的寿命,自然死亡的研究,以及人类的寿命能延长吗?四个章节。每个章节都围绕主题进行深入的探讨与分析,从生命的本质上为读者解释养生和长寿的秘诀。
  • 盛世凰天


  • The Duchesse de Langeais

    The Duchesse de Langeais

  • 千金魔女腹黑少


  • 记忆的陷阱

