

John himself was no skulker in joy. He not only bestowed on Mr. Morland the high commendation of being one of the finest fellows in the world, but swore off many sentences in his praise.

The letter, whence sprang all this felicity, was short, containing little more than this assurance of success;and every particular was deferred till James could write again.

But for particulars Isabella could well afford to wait.

The needful was comprised in Mr. Morland's promise;his honour was pledged to make everything easy; and by what means their income was to be formed, whether landed property were to be resigned, or funded money made over, was a matter in which her disinterested spirit took no concern. She knew enough to feel secure of an honourable and speedy establishment, and her imagination took a rapid flight over its attendant felicities. She saw herself at the end of a few weeks, the gaze and admiration of every new acquaintance at Fullerton, the envy of every valued old friend in Putney, with a carriage at her command, a new name on her tickets, and a brilliant exhibition of hoop rings on her finger.

When the contents of the letter were ascertained, John Thorpe, who had only waited its arrival to begin his journey to London, prepared to set off. "Well, Miss Morland,"said he, on finding her alone in the parlour, "I am come to bid you good-bye." Catherine wished him a good journey.

Without appearing to hear her, he walked to the window, fidgeted about, hummed a tune, and seemed wholly self-occupied.

"Shall not you be late at Devizes?" said Catherine.

He made no answer; but after a minute's silence burst out with, "A famous good thing this marrying scheme, upon my soul! A clever fancy of Morland's and Belle's.

What do you think of it, Miss Morland? I say it is no bad notion.""I am sure I think it a very good one."

"Do you? That's honest, by heavens! I am glad you are no enemy to matrimony, however. Did you ever hear the old song 'Going to One Wedding Brings on Another?'

I say, you will come to Belle's wedding, I hope.""Yes; I have promised your sister to be with her, if possible.""And then you know"--twisting himself about and forcing a foolish laugh--"I say, then you know, we may try the truth of this same old song.""May we? But I never sing. Well, I wish you a good journey.

I dine with Miss Tilney today, and must now be going home.""Nay, but there is no such confounded hurry.

Who knows when we may be together again? Not but that Ishall be down again by the end of a fortnight, and a devilish long fortnight it will appear to me.""Then why do you stay away so long?"

replied Catherine--finding that he waited for an answer.

"That is kind of you, however--kind and good-natured.

I shall not forget it in a hurry. But you have more good nature and all that, than anybody living, I believe.

A monstrous deal of good nature, and it is not only good nature, but you have so much, so much of everything;and then you have such-- upon my soul, I do not know anybody like you.""Oh! dear, there are a great many people like me, I dare say, only a great deal better. Good morning to you.""But I say, Miss Morland, I shall come and pay my respects at Fullerton before it is long, if not disagreeable.""Pray do. My father and mother will be very glad to see you.""And I hope--I hope, Miss Morland, you will not be sorry to see me.""Oh! dear, not at all. There are very few people I am sorry to see. Company is always cheerful.""That is just my way of thinking. Give me but a little cheerful company, let me only have the company of the people I love, let me only be where I like and with whom I like, and the devil take the rest, say I. And I am heartily glad to hear you say the same. But I have a notion, Miss Morland, you and I think pretty much alike upon most matters.""Perhaps we may; but it is more than I ever thought of.

And as to most matters, to say the truth, there are not many that I know my own mind about.""By Jove, no more do I. It is not my way to bother my brains with what does not concern me. My notion of things is simple enough. Let me only have the girl I like, say I, with a comfortable house over my head, and what care I for all the rest? Fortune is nothing.

I am sure of a good income of my own; and if she had not a penny, why, so much the better.""Very true. I think like you there. If there is a good fortune on one side, there can be no occasion for any on the other. No matter which has it, so that there is enough.

I hate the idea of one great fortune looking out for another.

And to marry for money I think the wickedest thing in existence. Good day. We shall be very glad to see you at Fullerton, whenever it is convenient." And away she went. It was not in the power of all his gallantry to detain her longer. With such news to communicate, and such a visit to prepare for, her departure was not to be delayed by anything in his nature to urge; and she hurried away, leaving him to the undivided consciousness of his own happy address, and her explicit encouragement.

The agitation which she had herself experienced on first learning her brother's engagement made her expect to raise no inconsiderable emotion in Mr. and Mrs. Allen, by the communication of the wonderful event.

How great was her disappointment! The important affair, which many words of preparation ushered in, had been foreseen by them both ever since her brother's arrival;and all that they felt on the occasion was comprehended in a wish for the young people's happiness, with a remark, on the gentleman's side, in favour of Isabella's beauty, and on the lady's, of her great good luck. It was to Catherine the most surprising insensibility. The disclosure, however, of the great secret of James's going to Fullerton the day before, did raise some emotion in Mrs. Allen.

She could not listen to that with perfect calmness, but repeatedly regretted the necessity of its concealment, wished she could have known his intention, wished she could have seen him before he went, as she should certainly have troubled him with her best regards to his father and mother, and her kind compliments to all the Skinners.

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