Mr.Wharton sat at dinner with his nephew and the housekeeper.He had been at home for some time, and of course on his arrival had been greeted with the news of our hero's perfidy.But, to the indignation of Mrs.Bradley and John, he was obstinately incredulous.
``There is some mistake, I am sure,'' he said.``Such a boy as Frank is incapable of stealing.You may be mistaken after all, John.Why did you not let him stay till I got back? I should like to have examined him myself.''
``I was so angry with him for repaying your kindness in such a way that I instantly ordered him out of the house.''
``I blame you, John, for your haste,'' said his uncle.
``It was not just to the boy.''
``I acted for the best, sir,'' he forced himself to say in a subdued tone.
``Young people are apt to be impetuous, and Iexcuse you; but you should have waited for my return.
I will call at Gilbert & Mack's, and inquire of Frank himself what explanation he has to give.''
``Of course, sir, you will do what you think proper,''
said his nephew.
This ended the conversation, and Mr.Wharton, according to his declared intention, went to Gilbert & Mack's.He returned disappointed with the information that our hero was no longer in the store.
I now return to Mr.Wharton at dinner.
``Here is a letter for you, sir,'' said the housekeeper.``It was brought by the postman this afternoon.''
Mr.Wharton adjusted his spectacles and read as follows:
``No.-- Wall Street.
``Dear Sir: Will you have the kindness to call at my office to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock, if it suits your convenience? I have an important communication to make to you, which will, I think be of an agreeable character.Should the time named not suit you, will you have the kindness to name your own time?
``Yours respectfully, ``MORRIS HALL.''
``Read that, John,'' said his uncle, passing him the letter.
``Morris Hall is a lawyer, I believe, sir,'' said John.
``Have you any idea of the nature of the communication he desires to make?''
``No idea at all.''
``If it would relieve you, sir, I will go in your place,'' said John, whose curiosity was aroused.
``Thank you, John, but this is evidently a personal matter.I shall go down there to-morrow at the appointed time.''
John was far from suspecting that the communication related to Frank, though he had heard the day previous from Nathan Graves of the boy's escape.
He had been very much annoyed, and had given his agent a severe scolding, with imperative orders to recapture the boy, if possible.
It was not without a feeling of curiosity that Mr.
Wharton entered the law office of Mr.Hall.He announced himself and was cordially welcomed.
``You have a communication to make to me,'' said Mr.Wharton.
``I have.''
``Tell me all without delay.''
``I will, sir.This is the communication I desire to make.''
The story of John Wade's treachery was told, and the means by which he had imposed upon his uncle, but the lawyer carefully abstained from identifying the lost grandson with Frank Fowler.
When the story was concluded, Mr.Wharton said:
``Where is my grandson--my poor George's boy?
Find him for me, and name your own reward.''
``I will show him to you at once, sir.Frank!''
At the word, Frank, who was in an inner office.
entered.Mr.Wharton started in amazement.