


Several times in the course of this interview Norbert de Champdoce had been on the point of bursting into a furious passion, but he restrained himself from a motive of self-pride; but now that his wife was no longer present, he showed a savage intensity of purpose and a deadly earnestness that was absolutely appalling.As he followed Croisenois down the great staircase, he kept repeating the words, "Quick! quick! we have lost too much time already;" for he saw that a mere trifle might upset all his plans--such as a servant returning home before the others.When they reached the ground-floor, he led George into a by-room which looked like an armory, so filled was it with arms of all kinds and nations.

"Here," said he, with a bitter sneer, "we can find, I think, what we want"; and placing the candle he carried on the mantelpiece, he leaped upon the cushioned seat that ran round the room, and took down from the wall several pairs of duelling swords, and, throwing them upon the floor, exclaimed, "Choose your own weapon."George was an anxious as Norbert to bring this painful scene to a close, for anything was preferable to this hideous state of suspense.

The last despairing glance of the Duchess had pierced his heart like a dagger thrust, and when he saw Norbert thrust aside his trembling wife with such brutality, it was all he could do to refrain from striking him down.He made no choice of weapons, but grasped the nearest, saying,--"One will do as well as another."

"We cannot fight in this darkness," said Norbert, "but I have a means to remedy that.Come with me this way, so that we may avoid the observation of the porter."They went into the stables, where he took up a large lantern, which he lighted.

"This," said he, "will afford ample light for our work.""Ah, but the neighbors will see it, too; and at this hour a light in the garden is sure to attract attention," observed George.

"Don't be afraid; my grounds are not overlooked."They entered the garden, and soon reached the spot to which the Duke had alluded.Norbert hung the lantern on the bough of a tree, and it gave the same amount of light as an ordinary street lamp.

"We will dig the grave in that corner," observed he; "and when it is filled in, we can cover it with that heap of stones over there."He threw off his great coat, and, handing a spade to Croisenois, took another himself, repeating firmly the words,--"To work! To work!"

Croisenois would have toiled all night before he could have completed the task, but the muscles of the Duke were hardened by his former laborious life, and in forty minutes all was ready.

"That will do," said Norbert, exchanging his spade for a sword."Take your guard."Croisenois, however, did not immediately obey.Impressible by nature, he felt a cold shiver run through his frame; the dark night, the flickering lantern, and all these preparations, made in so cold-blooded a manner, affected his nerves.The grave, with its yawning mouth, fascinated him.

"Well," said Norbert impatiently, "are you not ready?""I will speak," exclaimed De Croisenois, driven to desperation."In a few minutes one of us will be lying dead on this spot.In the presence of death a man's words are to be relied on.Listen to me.I swear to you, on my honor and by all my hopes of future salvation, that the Duchess de Champdoce is entirely free from guilt.""You have said that before; why repeat it again?""Because it is my duty; because I am thinking that, if I die, it will be my insane passions that have caused the ruin of one of the best and purest women in the world.I entreat you to believe that she has nothing to repent of.See, I am not ashamed to descend to entreaty.

Let my death, if you kill me, be an expiation for everything.Be gentle with your wife; and if you survive me, do not make her life one prolonged existence of agony.""Silence, or I shall look upon you as a dastard," returned Norbert fiercely.

"Miserable fool!" said De Croisenois."On guard, then, and may heaven decide the issue!"There was a sharp clash as their swords crossed, and the combat began with intense vigor.

The space upon which the rays of the lantern cast a glimmering and uncertain light was but a small one; and while one of the combatants was in complete shade the other was in the light, and exposed to thrusts which he could not see.This was fatal to Croisenois, and, as he took a step forward, Norbert made a fierce lunge which pierced him to the heart.

The unfortunate man threw up his arms above his head; his sword escaping from his nerveless fingers and his knees bending under him, he fell heavily backwards without a word escaping from his lips.

Thrice he endeavored to regain his feet, and thrice he failed in his attempts.He strove to speak, but he could only utter a few unintelligible words, for his life blood was suffocating him.Aviolent convulsion shook every limb, then arose a long, deep-drawn sigh, and then silence--George de Croisenois was dead.

Yes, he was dead, and Norbert de Champdoce stood over him with a wild look of terror in his eyes, and his hair bristling upon his head, as a shudder of horror convulsed his body.Then, for the first time, he realized the horror of seeing a man slain by his own hand; and yet what affected Norbert most was not that he had killed George de Croisenois--for he believed that justice was on his side and that he could not have acted otherwise--but the perspiration stood in thick beads upon his forehead, as he thought that he must raise up that still warm and quivering body, and place it in its unhallowed grave.

He hesitated and reasoned with himself for some time, going over all the reasons that made dispatch so absolutely necessary--the risk of detection, and the honor of his name.

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