

But the terrible revelation bore its fruits, for her fever came back, and a relapse was the result.But youth and a sound constitution gained the day, and when she was convalescent her will was as strong as ever.

Her first act was to write the letter to her lover which had driven him to the verge of distraction; and then, fearing lest her father might, in his agony and remorse, be driven to some rash act, she went to him and told him that she knew all.

"I never loved M.de Breulh," said she with a pitiful smile, "and therefore the sacrifice is not so great after all."The Count was not for a moment the dupe of the generous-souled girl, but he did not dare to brave the scandal of the death of Montlouis, and still less the exposure of his wife's conduct.Time was passing, however, and the miscreants in whose power they were made no signs of life.Hortebise did not appear any more, and there were moments when the miserable Diana actually ventured to hope."Have they forgotten us?" thought she.

Alas! no; they were people who never forgot.

The Champdoce affair had been satisfactorily arranged, and every precaution had been taken to prevent the detection of Paul as an impostor, and engaged as he had been, Mascarin had no time to turn his attention to the marriage of Sabine and De Croisenois.The famous Limited Company, with the Marquis as chairman, had, too, to be started, the shares of which were to be taken up by the unhappy victims of the blackmailers; but first some decided steps must be taken with the Mussidans, and Tantaine was dispatched on this errand.

This amiable individual, though he was going into such very excellent society, did not consider it necessary to make any improvement in his attire.This was the reason why the footman, upon seeing such a shabby visitor and hearing him ask for the Count or Countess, did not hesitate to reply, with a sneer, that his master and mistress had been out for some months, and were not likely to return for a week or two.

This fact did not disconcert the wily man, for drawing one of Mascarin's cards from his pocket, he begged the kind gentleman to take it upstairs, when he was sure that he would at once be sent for.

De Mussidan, when he read the name on the card, turned ghastly pale.

"Show him into the library," said he curtly.

Florestan left the room, and the Count mutely handed the card to his wife, but she had no need to read it.

"I can tell what it is," gasped she.

"The day for settling accounts has come," said the Count, "and this name is the fatal sign."The Countess flung herself upon her knees, and taking the hand that hung placidly by his side, pressed her lips tenderly to it.

"Forgive me, Octave!" she muttered."Will you not forgive me? I am a miserable wretch, and why did not Heaven punish me for the sins that Ihave committed, and not make others expiate my offences?"The Count put her gently aside.He suffered intensely, and yet no word of reproach escaped his lips against the woman who had ruined his whole life.

"And Sabine," she went on, "must she, a De Mussidan, marry one of these wretched scoundrels?"Sabine was the only one in the room who preserved her calmness; she had so schooled herself that her distress of mind was not apparent to the outward eye.

"Do not make yourselves miserable," said she, with a faint smile; "how do we know that M.de Croisenois may not make me an excellent husband after all?"The Count gazed upon his daughter with a look of the fondest affection and gratitude.

"Dearest Sabine!" murmured he.Her fortitude had restored his self-command."Let us be outwardly resigned," said he, "whatever our feelings may be.Time may do much for us, and at the very church door we may find means of escape."

  • 甲乙日历


  • The Well at the World's End

    The Well at the World's End

  • The Choir Invisible

    The Choir Invisible

  • 五部六册


  • When the Sleeper Wakes

    When the Sleeper Wakes

  • One Basket

    One Basket

  • 水浒后传


  • 谁是你心中的唯一


  • 异世女爵三世忆


  • 金玉良缘之我的锦衣卫大人


  • 丑女重生之贵女邪妃


  • 屠魔之戮


  • 所以,学神大人初恋了


  • 给人类的恩赐


  • 未央长歌传

