The tender delicate Flowers,I saw them fanned by a warm western wind,Fed by soft summer showers,Shielded by care,and yet,(oh Fate unkind!)Fade in a few short hours.
The gentle and the gay,Rich in a glorious Future of bright deeds,Rejoicing in the day,Are met by Death,who sternly,sadly leads Them far away.
And Hopes,perfumed and bright,So lately shining,wet with dew and tears,Trembling in morning light;I saw them change to dark and anxious fears Before the night!
I wept that all must die -
"Yet Love,"I cried,"doth live,and conquer death--"And Time passed by,And breathed on Love,and killed it with his breath Ere Death was nigh.
More bitter far than all It was to know that Love could change and die -Hush!for the ages call "The Love of God lives through eternity,And conquers all!"