
第81章 LETTER XII(7)

A second galley breaks her back in the attempt.After some questionable acts of vengeance on the Greek court,Harald and his bold Vaeringers go fighting and plundering their way through the Bosphorus and Black Sea back to Novogorod,where the first part of the romance terminates,as it should,by his marriage with the object of his secret attachment,Elisof,the daughter of the Russian king.

Hardrada's story darkens towards the end,as most of the tales of that stirring time are apt to do.His death on English ground is so striking,that you must have patience with one other short Saga;it will give you the battle of Stanford Bridge from the Norse point of view.

The expedition against Harold of England commences ill;dreams and omens affright the fleet;one man dreams he sees a raven sitting on the stern of each vessel;another sees the fair English coast;"But glancing shields Hide the green fields;"and other fearful phenomena mar the beautiful vision.

Harald himself dreams that he is back again at Nidaros,and that his brother Olaf meets him with a prophecy of ruin and death.The bold Norsemen are not to be daunted by these auguries,and their first successes on the English coast seem to justify their persistence.But on a certain beautiful Monday in September (A.D.1066,according to the Saxon Chronicle),part of his army being encamped at Stanford Bridge,"Hardrada,HAVING TAKENBREAKFAST,ordered the trumpets to sound for going on shore;"but he left half his force behind,to guard the ships:and his men,anticipating no resistance from the castle,which had already surrendered,"went on shore (the weather being hot),with only their helmets,shields,and spears,and girt with swords;some had bows and arrows,--and all were very merry."On nearing the castle,they see "a cloud of dust as from horses'feet,and under it shining shields and bright armour."English Harold's army is before them.Hardrada sends back to his ship for succour,and sets up his banner,"Land Ravager,"undismayed by the inequality of his force,and their comparatively unarmed condition.The men on each side are drawn up in battle array,and the two kings in presence;each gazes eagerly to discover his noble foe among the multitude.

Harald Hardrada's black horse stumbles and falls;"the King got up in haste,and said,'A fall is lucky for a traveller.'"The English King said to the Northmen who were with him,"Do you know the stout man who fell from his horse,with the blue kirtle,and beautiful helmet?""That is the Norwegian King,"said they.

English Harold replied,"A great man,and of stately appearance is he;but I think his luck has left him."And now twenty gallant English knights ride out of their ranks to parley with the Northmen.One advances beyond the rest and asks if Earl Toste,the brother of English Harold (who has banded with his enemy against him),is with the army.

The Earl himself proudly answers,"It is not to be denied that you will find him here."The Saxon says,"Thy brother,Harold,sends his salutation,and offers thee the third part of his kingdom,if thou wilt be reconciled and submit to him."The Earl replies,at the suggestion of the Norse King,"What will my brother the King give to Harald Hardrada for his trouble?""He will give him,"says the Knight,"SEVEN FEET OFENGLISH GROUND,OR AS MUCH MORE AS HE MAY BE TALLER THANOTHER MEN."

"Then,"says the Earl,"let the English King,my brother,make ready for battle,for it never shall be said that Earl Toste broke faith with his friends when they came with him to fight west here in England."When the knights rode off,King Harald Hardrada asked the Earl,"Who was the man who spoke so well?"The Earl replied,"That knight was Harold of England."The stern Norwegian King regrets that his enemy had escaped from his hands,owing to his ignorance of this fact;but even in his first burst of disappointment,the noble Norse nature speaks in generous admiration of his foe,saying to the people about him,"That was but a little man,yet he sat firmly in his stirrups."The fierce,but unequal combat is soon at an end,and when tardy succour arrives from the ships,Harald Hardrada is lying on his face,with the deadly arrow in his throat,never to see Nidaros again.Seven feet of English earth,and no more,has the strong arm and fiery spirit conquered.

But enough of these gallant fellows;I must carry you off to a much pleasanter scene of action.After a very agreeable dinner with Mr.K--,who has been most kind to us,we adjourned to the ball.The room was large and well lighted--plenty of pretty faces adorned it;--the floor was smooth,and the scrape of the fiddles had a festive accent so extremely inspiriting,that I besought Mr.K--to present me to one of the fair personages whose tiny feet were already tapping the floor with impatience at their own inactivity.

I was led up in due form to a very pretty lady,and heard my own name,followed by a singular sound purporting to be that of my charming partner,Madame Hghelghghagllaghem.

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