
第14章 The Ten Commandments(9)

This,now,I say should be the first and most important consideration to urge us to the observance of this commandment;on which account,even if we had no father and mother we ought to wish that God would set up wood and stone before Us,whom we might call father and mother.How much more,since He has given us living parents,should we rejoice to show them honor and obedience,because we know it is so highly pleasing to the Divine Majesty and to all angels,and vexes all devils,and is,besides,the highest work which we can do,after the sublime divine worship comprehended in the previous commandments,so that giving of alms and every other good work toward our neighbor are not equal to this.For God has assigned this estate the highest place,yea,has set it up in His own stead,upon earth.This will and pleasure of God ought to be a sufficient reason and incentive to us to do what we can with good will and pleasure.

Besides this,it is our duty before the world to be grateful for benefits and every good which we have of our parents.But here again the devil rules in the world,so that the children forget their parents,as we all forget God,and no one considers how God nourishes,protects,and defends us,and bestows so much good on body and soul;especially when an evil hour comes we are angry and grumble with impatience and all the good which we have received throughout our life is wiped out [from our memory].Just so we do also with our parents,and there is no child that understands and considers this [what the parents have endured while nourishing and fostering him],except the Holy Ghost grant him this grace.

God knows very well this perverseness of the world;therefore He admonishes and urges by commandments that every one consider what his parents have done for him and he will find that he has from them body and life,moreover,that he has been fed and reared when otherwise he would have perished a hundred times in his own filth.Therefore it is a true and good saying of old and wise men:Deo,parentibus et magistris non potest satis gratiae rependi,that is,To God,to parents,and to teachers we can never render sufficient gratitude and compensation.He that regards and considers this will indeed without compulsion do all honor to his parents,and bear them up on his hands as those through whom God has done him all good.

Over and above all this,another great reason that should incite us the more [to obedience to this commandment]is that God attaches to this commandment a temporal promise and says:That thou mayest live long upon the land which the Lord,thy God,giveth thee.

Here you can see yourself how much God is in earnest in respect to this commandment,inasmuch as He not only declares that it is well pleasing to Him,and that He has joy and delight therein;but also that it shall be for our prosperity and promote our highest good;so that we may have a pleasant and agreeable life,furnished with every good thing.

Therefore also St.Paul greatly emphasizes the same and rejoices in it when he says,Eph.6,2.3:This is the first commandment with promise:

That it may be well with thee,and thou mayest live long on the earth.

For although the rest also have their promises contained in them,yet in none is it so plainly and explicitly stated.

Here,then,you have the fruit and the reward,that whoever observes this commandment shall have happy days,fortune,and prosperity;and on the other hand,the punishment,that whoever is disobedient shall the sooner perish,and never enjoy life.For to have long life in the sense of the Scriptures is not only to become old,but to have everything which belongs to long life,such as health,wife,and children,livelihood,peace,good government,etc.,without which this life can neither be enjoyed in cheerfulness nor long endure.If,therefore,you will not obey father and mother and submit to their discipline,then obey the hangman;if you will not obey him,then submit to the skeleton-man,i.e.,death [death the all-subduer,the teacher of wicked children].For on this God insists peremptorily:Either if you obey Him rendering love and service,He will reward you abundantly with all good,or if you offend Him,He will send upon you both death and the hangman.

Whence come so many knaves that must daily be hanged,beheaded,broken upon the wheel,but from disobedience [to parents],because they will not submit to discipline in kindness,so that,by the punishment of God,they bring it about that we behold their misfortune and grief?For it seldom happens that such perverse people die a natural or timely death.

But the godly and obedient have this blessing,that they live long in pleasant quietness and see their children's children (as said above)to the third and fourth generation.Thus experience also teaches,that where there are honorable,old families who fare well and have many children,they owe their origin to the fact,to be sure,that some of them were brought up well and were regardful of their parents.On the other hand,it is written of the wicked,Ps.109,13:Let his posterity be cut off;and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.Therefore heed well how great a thing in God's sight obedience is since He so highly esteems it,is so highly pleased with it,and rewards it so richly,and besides enforces punishment so rigorously on those who act contrariwise.

All this I say that it may be well impressed upon the young.For no one believes how necessary this commandment is,although it has not been esteemed and taught hitherto under the papacy.These are simple and easy words,and everybody thinks he knew them a fore;therefore men pass them lightly by,are gaping after other matters,and do not see and believe that God is so greatly offended if they be disregarded,nor that one does a work so well pleasing and precious if he follows them.

In this commandment belongs a further statement regarding all kinds of obedience to persons in authority who have to command and to govern.

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