
第6章 The Ten Commandments(1)

The First Commandment.

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

That is:Thou shalt have [and worship]Me alone as thy God.What is the force of this,and how is it to be understood?What does it mean to have a god?or,what is God?Answer:A god means that from which we are to expect all good and to which we are to take refuge in all distress,so that to have a God is nothing else than to trust and believe Him from the [whole]heart;as I have often said that the confidence and faith of the heart alone make both God and an idol.If your faith and trust be right,then is your god also true;and,on the other hand,if your trust be false and wrong,then you have not the true God;for these two belong together faith and God.That now,I say,upon which you set your heart and put your trust is properly your god.

Therefore it is the intent of this commandment to require true faith and trust of the heart which settles upon the only true God and clings to Him alone.That is as much as to say:"See to it that you let Me alone be your God,and never seek another,"i.e.:Whatever you lack of good things,expect it of Me,and look to Me for it,and whenever you suffer misfortune and distress,creep and cling to Me.I,yes,I,will give you enough and help you out of every need;only let not your heart cleave to or rest in any other.

This I must unfold somewhat more plainly,that it may be understood and perceived by ordinary examples of the contrary.Many a one thinks that he has God and everything in abundance when he has money and possessions;he trusts in them and boasts of them with such firmness and assurance as to care for no one.Lo,such a man also has a god,Mammon by name,i.e.,money and possessions,on which he sets all his heart,and which is also the most common idol on earth.He who has money and possessions feels secure,and is joyful and undismayed as though he were sitting in the midst of Paradise.On the other hand,he who has none doubts and is despondent,as though he knew of no God.For very few are to be found who are of good cheer,and who neither mourn nor complain if they have not Mammon.This [care and desire for money] sticks and clings to our nature,even to the grave.

So,too,whoever trusts and boasts that he possesses great skill,prudence,power,favor friendship,and honor has also a god,but not this true and only God.This appears again when you notice how presumptuous,secure,and proud people are because of such possessions,and how despondent when they no longer exist or are withdrawn.Therefore I repeat that the chief explanation of this point is that to have a god is to have something in which the heart entirely trusts.

Besides,consider what in our blindness,we have hitherto been practicing and doing under the Papacy.If any one had toothache,he fasted and honored St.Apollonia [lacerated his flesh by voluntary fasting to the honor of St.Apollonia];if he was afraid of fire,he chose St.Lawrence as his helper in need;if he dreaded pestilence,he made a vow to St.Sebastian or Rochio,and a countless number of such abominations,where every one selected his own saint,worshiped him,and called for help to him in distress.Here belong those also,as,e.g.,sorcerers and magicians,whose idolatry is most gross,and who make a covenant with the devil,in order that he may give them plenty of money or help them in love-affairs,preserve their cattle,restore to them lost possessions,etc.For all these place their heart and trust elsewhere than in the true God,look for nothing good to Him nor seek it from Him.

Thus you can easily understand what and how much this commandment requires,namely,that man's entire heart and all his confidence be placed in God alone,and in no one else.For to have God,you can easily perceive,is not to lay hold of Him with our hands or to put Him in a bag [as money],or to lock Him in a chest [as silver vessels].But to apprehend Him means when the heart lays hold of Him and clings to Him.But to cling to Him with the heart is nothing else than to trust in Him entirely.For this reason He wishes to turn us away from everything else that exists outside of Him,and to draw us to Himself,namely,because He is the only eternal good.As though He would say:

Whatever you have heretofore sought of the saints,or for whatever [things]you have trusted in Mammon or anything else,expect it all of Me,and regard Me as the one who will help you and pour out upon you richly all good things.

Lo,here you have the meaning of the true honor and worship of God,which pleases God,and which He commands under penalty of eternal wrath,namely,that the heart know no other comfort or confidence than in Him,and do not suffer itself to be torn from Him,but,for Him,risk and disregard everything upon earth.On the other hand,you can easily see and judge how the world practices only false worship and idolatry.For no people has ever been so reprobate as not to institute and observe some divine worship;every one has set up as his special god whatever he looked to for blessings,help,and comfort.

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