Our Lord Jesus Christ,the same night in which He was betrayed,took bread;and when He had given thanks,He brake it,and gave it to His disciples and said,Take,eat;this is My body,which is given for you:this do in remembrance of Me.
After the same manner also He took the cup,when He had supped,gave thanks,and gave it to them,saying,Drink ye all of it;this cup is the new testament in My blood,which is shed for you for the remission of sins:this do ye,as oft as ye drink it,in remembrance of Me.
Thus,ye would have,in all,five parts of the entire Christian doctrine which should be constantly treated and required [of children]nd heard recited word for word.For you must not rely upon it that the young people will learn and retain these things from the sermon alone.
When these parts have been well learned,you may,as a supplement and to fortify them.lay before them also some psalms or hymns,which have been composed on these parts,and thus lead the young into the Scriptures,and make daily progress therein.
However,it is not enough for them to comprehend and recite these parts according to the words only,but the young people should also be made to attend the preaching,especially during the time which is devoted to the Catechism,that they may hear it explained and may learn to understand what every part contains,so as to be able to recite it as they have heard it,and,when asked,may give a correct answer,so that the preaching may not be without profit and fruit.For the reason why we exercise such diligence in preaching the Catechism so often is that it may be inculcated on our youth,not in a high and subtle manner,but briefly and with the greatest simplicity,so as to enter the mind readily and be fixed in the memory.Therefore we shall now take up the above mentioned articles one by one and in the plainest manner possible say about them as much as is necessary.