

Primitive habits-Rosy-faced damsel-A pleasant moment-Suit of black-The furtive glance-The mighty round-Degenerate times-The newspaper-The evil chance-I congratulate you.

'YOUNG gentleman,'said the huge fat landlord,'you are come at the right time;dinner will be taken up in a few minutes,and such a dinner,'he continued,rubbing his hands,'as you will not see every day in these times.'

'I am hot and dusty,'said I,'and should wish to cool my hands and face.'

'Jenny!'said the huge landlord,with the utmost gravity,'show the gentleman into number seven,that he may wash his hands and face.'

'By no means,'said I,'I am a person of primitive habits,and there is nothing like the pump in weather like this.'

'Jenny,'said the landlord,with the same gravity as before,'go with the young gentleman to the pump in the back kitchen,and take a clean towel along with you.'

Thereupon the rosy-faced clean-looking damsel went to a drawer,and producing a large,thick,but snowy white towel,she nodded to me to follow her;whereupon I followed Jenny through a long passage into the back kitchen.

And at the end of the back kitchen there stood a pump;and going to it I placed my hands beneath the spout,and said,'Pump,Jenny';and Jenny incontinently,without laying down the towel,pumped with one hand,and I washed and cooled my heated hands.

And,when my hands were washed and cooled,I took off my neckcloth,and,unbuttoning my shirt collar,I placed my head beneath the spout of the pump,and I said unto Jenny,'Now,Jenny,lay down the towel,and pump for your life.'

Thereupon Jenny,placing the towel on a linen-horse,took the handle of the pump with both hands and pumped over my head as handmaid had never pumped before;so that the water poured in torrents from my head,my face,and my hair down upon the brick floor.

And,after the lapse of somewhat more than a minute,I called out with a half-strangled voice,'Hold,Jenny!'and Jenny desisted.I stood for a few moments to recover my breath,then taking the towel which Jenny proffered,I dried composedly my hands and head,my face and hair;then,returning the towel to Jenny,I gave a deep sigh and said,'Surely this is one of the pleasant moments of life.'

Then,having set my dress to rights,and combed my hair with a pocket comb,I followed Jenny,who conducted me back through the long passage,and showed me into a neat sanded parlour on the ground-floor.

I sat down by a window which looked out upon the dusty street;presently in came the handmaid,and commenced laying the table-cloth.'Shall I spread the table for one,sir,'said she,'or do you expect anybody to dine with you?''I can't say that I expect anybody,'said I,laughing inwardly to myself;'however,if you please you can lay for two,so that if any acquaintance of mine should chance to step in,he may find a knife and fork ready for him.'

So I sat by the window,sometimes looking out upon the dusty street,and now glancing at certain old-fashioned prints which adorned the wall over against me.I fell into a kind of doze,from which I was almost instantly awakened by the opening of the door.

Dinner,thought I;and I sat upright in my chair.No;a man of the middle age,and rather above the middle height,dressed in a plain suit of black,made his appearance,and sat down in a chair at some distance from me,but near to the table,and appeared to be lost in thought.

'The weather is very warm,sir,'said I.

'Very,'said the stranger,laconically,looking at me for the first time.

'Would you like to see the newspaper?'said I,taking up one which lay upon the window seat.

'I never read newspapers,'said the stranger,'nor,indeed,-'

Whatever it might be that he had intended to say he left unfinished.Suddenly he walked to the mantelpiece at the farther end of the room,before which he placed himself with his back towards me.There he remained motionless for some time;at length,raising his hand,he touched the corner of the mantelpiece with his finger,advanced towards the chair which he had left,and again seated himself.

'Have you come far?'said he,suddenly looking towards me,and speaking in a frank and open manner,which denoted a wish to enter into conversation.'You do not seem to be of this place.'

'I come from some distance,'said I;'indeed,I am walking for exercise,which I find as necessary to the mind as the body.I believe that by exercise people would escape much mental misery.'

Scarcely had I uttered these words when the stranger laid his hand,with seeming carelessness,upon the table,near one of the glasses;after a moment or two he touched the glass with his finger as if inadvertently,then,glancing furtively at me,he withdrew his hand and looked towards the window.

'Are you from these parts?'said I at last,with apparent carelessness.

'From this vicinity,'replied the stranger.'You think,then,that it is as easy to walk off the bad humours of the mind as of the body?'

'I,at least,am walking in that hope,'said I.

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