

'Is that young gentleman,sir,'said I,'well versed in the principles of criticism?'

'He is not,sir,'said the publisher;'and,if I place him at the head of the Review ostensibly,I do it merely in the hope of procuring him a maintenance;of the principle of a thing he knows nothing,except that the principle of bread is wheat,and that the principle of that wine is grape.Will you take another glass?'

I looked at the decanter;but,not feeling altogether so sure as the publisher's son with respect to the principle of what it contained,I declined taking any more.

'No,sir,'said the publisher,adjusting himself in his chair,'he knows nothing about criticism,and will have nothing more to do with the reviewals than carrying about the books to those who have to review them;the real conductor of the Review will be a widely different person,to whom I will,when convenient,introduce you.

And now we will talk of the matter which we touched upon before dinner:I told you then that I had changed my mind with respect to you;I have been considering the state of the market,sir,the book market,and I have come to the conclusion that,though you might be profitably employed upon evangelical novels,you could earn more money for me,sir,and consequently for yourself,by a compilation of Newgate lives and trials.'

'Newgate lives and trials!'

'Yes,sir,'said the publisher,'Newgate lives and trials;and now,sir,I will briefly state to you the services which I expect you to perform,and the terms which I am willing to grant.I expect you,sir,to compile six volumes of Newgate lives and trials,each volume to contain by no manner of means less than one thousand pages;the remuneration which you will receive when the work is completed will be fifty pounds,which is likewise intended to cover any expenses you may incur in procuring books,papers,and manus necessary for the compilation.Such will be one of your employments,sir,-such the terms.In the second place,you will be expected to make yourself useful in the Review-generally useful,sir-doing whatever is required of you;for it is not customary,at least with me,to permit writers,especially young writers,to choose their subjects.In these two departments,sir,namely compilation and reviewing,I had yesterday,after due consideration,determined upon employing you.I had intended to employ you no farther,sir-at least for the present;but,sir,this morning I received a letter from my valued friend in the country,in which he speaks in terms of strong admiration (I don't overstate)of your German acquirements.Sir,he says that it would be a thousand pities if your knowledge of the German language should be lost to the world,or even permitted to sleep,and he entreats me to think of some plan by which it may be turned to account.Sir,I am at all times willing,if possible,to oblige my worthy friend,and likewise to encourage merit and talent;I have,therefore,determined to employ you in German.'

'Sir,'said I,rubbing my hands,'you are very kind,and so is our mutual friend;I shall be happy to make myself useful in German;and if you think a good translation from Goethe-his SORROWS for example,or more particularly his FAUST-'

'Sir,'said the publisher,'Goethe is a drug;his SORROWS are a drug,so is his FAUSTUS,more especially the last,since that fool-rendered him into English.No,sir,I do not want you to translate Goethe or anything belonging to him;nor do I want you to translate anything from the German;what I want you to do,is to translate into German.I am willing to encourage merit,sir;and,as my good friend in his last letter has spoken very highly of your German acquirements,I have determined that you shall translate my book of philosophy into German.'

'Your book of philosophy into German,sir?'

'Yes,sir;my book of philosophy into German.I am not a drug,sir,in Germany as Goethe is here,no more is my book.I intend to print the translation at Leipzig,sir;and if it turns out a profitable speculation,as I make no doubt it will,provided the translation be well executed,I will make you some remuneration.

Sir,your remuneration will be determined by the success of your translation.'


'Sir,'said the publisher,interrupting me,'you have heard my intentions;I consider that you ought to feel yourself highly gratified by my intentions towards you;it is not frequently that Ideal with a writer,especially a young writer,as I have done with you.And now,sir,permit me to inform you that I wish to be alone.This is Sunday afternoon,sir;I never go to church,but Iam in the habit of spending part of every Sunday afternoon alone-profitably I hope,sir-in musing on the magnificence of nature and the moral dignity of man.'

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