
第56章 Volume 2(20)

O'Mara smiled,and was seeking for a suitable reply,when his design was interrupted,and his attention suddenly and painfully arrested,by the appearance of two figures,who were slowly passing the broad walk on which he and his party moved;the one was that of Captain N--,the other was the form of--Martin Heathcote!

O'Mara felt confounded,almost stunned;

the anticipation of some impending mischief--of an immediate and violent collision with a young man whom he had ever regarded as his friend,were apprehensions which such a juxtaposition could not fail to produce.

'Is Heathcote mad?'thought he.

'What devil can have brought him here?'

Dwyer having exchanged a significant glance with O'Mara,said slightly to Lady Emily:

'Will your ladyship excuse me for a moment?I have a word to say to Captain N--,and will,with your permission,immediately rejoin you.'

He bowed,and walking rapidly on,was in a few moments beside the object of his and his patron's uneasiness.

Whatever Heathcote's object might be,he certainly had not yet declared the secret,whose safety O'Mara had so naturally desired,for Captain N--appeared in good spirits;and on coming up to his sister and her companion,he joined them for a moment,telling O'Mara,laughingly,that an old quiz had come from the country for the express purpose of telling tales,as it was to be supposed,of him (young O'Mara),in whose neighbourhood he lived.

During this speech it required all the effort which it was possible to exert to prevent O'Mara's betraying the extreme agitation to which his situation gave rise.

Captain N--,however,suspected no-

thing,and passed on without further delay.

Dinner was an early meal in those days,and Lady Emily was obliged to leave the Park in less than half an hour after the unpleasant meeting which we have just mentioned.

Young O'Mara and,at a sign from him,Dwyer having escorted the lady to the door of Colonel O'Mara's house,pretended an engagement,and departed together.

Richard O'Mara instantly questioned his comrade upon the subject of his anxiety;but Dwyer had nothing to communicate of a satisfactory nature.He had only time,while the captain had been engaged with Lady Emily and her companion,to say to Heathcote:

'Be secret,as you value your existence:

everything will be right,if you be but secret.'

To this Heathcote had replied:'Never fear me;I understand what I am about.'

This was said in such an ambiguous manner that it was impossible to conjecture whether he intended or not to act upon Dwyer's exhortation.The conclusion which appeared most natural,was by no means an agreeable one.

It was much to be feared that Heathcote having heard some vague report of O'Mara's engagement with Lady Emily,perhaps exaggerated,by the repetition,into a speedily approaching marriage,had become alarmed for his daughter's interest,and had taken this decisive step in order to prevent,by a disclosure of the circumstances of his clandestine union with Ellen,the possibility of his completing a guilty alliance with Captain N--'s sister.If he entertained the suspicions which they attributed to him,he had certainly taken the most effectual means to prevent their being realised.Whatever his object might be,his presence in Dublin,in company with Captain N--,boded nothing good to O'Mara.

They entered --'s tavern,in Dame Street,together;and there,over a hasty and by no means a comfortable meal,they talked over their plans and conjectures.

Evening closed in,and found them still closeted together,with nothing to interrupt,and a large tankard of claret to sustain their desultory conversation.

Nothing had been determined upon,except that Dwyer and O'Mara should proceed under cover of the darkness to search the town for Heathcote,and by minute inquiries at the most frequented houses of entertainment,to ascertain his place of residence,in order to procuring a full and explanatory interview with him.

They had each filled their last glass,and were sipping it slowly,seated with their feet stretched towards a bright cheerful fire;the small table which sustained the flagon of which we have spoken,together with two pair of wax candles,placed between them,so as to afford a convenient resting-place for the long glasses out of which they drank.

'One good result,at all events,will be effected by Heathcote's visit,'said O'Mara.

'Before twenty-four hours I shall do that which I should have done long ago.Ishall,without reserve,state everything.

I can no longer endure this suspense--this dishonourable secrecy--this apparent dissimulation.Every moment I have passed since my departure from the country has been one of embarrassment,of pain,of humiliation.To-morrow I will brave the storm,whether successfully or not is doubtful;but I had rather walk the high roads a beggar,than submit a day longer to be made the degraded sport of every accident--the miserable dependent upon a successful system of deception.Though PASSIVE deception,it is still unmanly,unworthy,unjustifiable deception.Icannot bear to think of it.I despise myself,but I will cease to be the despicable thing I have become.To-morrow sees me free,and this harassing subject for ever at rest.'

He was interrupted here by the sound of footsteps heavily but rapidly ascending the tavern staircase.The room door opened,and Captain N--,accompanied by a fashionably-attired young man,entered the room.

Young O'Mara had risen from his seat on the entrance of their unexpected visitants;and the moment Captain N--recognised his person,an evident and ominous change passed over his countenance.

He turned hastily to withdraw,but,as it seemed,almost instantly changed his mind,for he turned again abruptly.

'This chamber is engaged,sir,'said the waiter.

'Leave the room,sir,'was his only reply.

'The room is engaged,sir,'repeated the waiter,probably believing that his first suggestion had been unheard.

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