But it must not be supposed that every spot in the woods is suitable for a camp, or that a good tenting-ground can be chosen without knowledge and forethought. One of the requisites, indeed, is to be found everywhere in the St. John region; for all the lakes and rivers are full of clear, cool water, and the traveller does not need to search for a spring. But it is always necessary to look carefully for a bit of smooth ground on the shore, far enough above the water to be dry, and slightly sloping, so that the head of the bed may be higher than the foot. Above all, it must be free from big stones and serpentine roots of trees. A root that looks no bigger that an inch-worm in the daytime assumes the proportions of a boa-constrictor at midnight--when you find it under your hip-bone. There should also be plenty of evergreens near at hand for the beds. Spruce will answer at a pinch; it has an aromatic smell;but it is too stiff and humpy. Hemlock is smoother and more flexible; but the spring soon wears out of it. The balsam-fir, with its elastic branches and thick flat needles, is the best of all. A bed of these boughs a foot deep is softer than a mattress and as fragrant as a thousand Christmas-trees. Two things more are needed for the ideal camp-ground--an open situation, where the breeze will drive away the flies and mosquitoes, and an abundance of dry firewood within easy reach. Yes, and a third thing must not be forgotten; for, says my lady Greygown:
这次原本到拉萨离婚的李小西和文杰没有想到有这么大的收获。第二天就要离开拉萨了,按照西藏礼仪布琼叔叔一家给他们献上了洁白的哈达并一再叮嘱他们说,把这当成自己的家,有时间常回来看看。李小西和文杰也都激动地表示,一定要来,下次要坐火车来。回到宾馆文杰说,这次拉萨之行收获还真不小呵。李小西没有理会文杰的这番话。她在八廓街的画廊接到文杰电话时,她就知道文杰又回到了她的身边。文杰说,等铁路修好了我们再坐火车来吧。李小西还是没有回答文杰的话,她一直傻傻的不知在想什么。文杰以为不知哪一句话让李小西不开心了又轻声地问,你怎么了?李小西好半天才说,我想明天到机场改签去四川看看爸爸。文杰知道李小西刚才傻傻的原因后笑着说,我们一起去好吧。The Dore Lectures on Mental Science