The History of the Common Law of England
良好的品德决定一生。正因为我们有了对美德的盼望,探索的脚步才时刻充满力量;正因为有了美德的滋润,我们才永葆希望之源的常青;正因为有了美德的牵引,我们才会在沧桑与风雨的日子里不偏离前进的航向;正因为有了美德的积淀,生命才变得如山一样不屈,如海一样博大。Haw Lantern
Widely and justly celebrated for his flawless handling of the lyric, Seamus Heaney is here shown venturing into new imaginative territory. Poems exploring the theme of loss, and in particular a sonnet sequence concerning the death of the poet's mother, are joined in The Haw Lantern by meditations on the conscience of the writer and exercises in an allegorical vein that will both surprise and delight the many admirers of his previous work. 'More than other poet since Wordsworth he can make us understand that the outside world is not outside, but what we are made of.' John Carey, Sunday Times