Other streams played a part in the education of that happy boy: the Kaaterskill, where there had been nothing but the ghosts of trout for the last thirty years, but where the absence of fish was almost forgotten in the joy of a first introduction to Dickens, one very showery day, when dear old Ned Mason built a smoky fire in a cave below Haines's Falls, and, pulling The Old Curiosity Shop out of his pocket, read aloud about Little Nell until the tears ran down the cheeks of reader and listener--the smoke was so thick, you know: and the Neversink, which flows through John Burroughs's country, and past one house in particular, perched on a high bluff, where a very dreadful old woman come out and throws stones at "city fellers fishin' through her land" (as if any one wanted to touch her land! It was the water that ran over it, you see, that carried the fish with it, and they were not hers at all): and the stream at Healing Springs, in the Virginia mountains, where the medicinal waters flow down into a lovely wild brook without injuring the health of the trout in the least, and where the only drawback to the angler's happiness is the abundance of rattlesnakes--but a boy does not mind such things as that; he feels as if he were immortal.
一闪而过的流星、哗哗作响 的潮水、看不到尽头的星空……我们身边这些美妙的 自然现象其实蕴含着奥妙无穷的天文知识。《课本上读不到的天文故事(适读于10-15岁)》 将把你带进神奇的天文世界,让你知道恐龙为什么会 灭绝,星星为什么会眨眼睛,地球有多少岁了,为什 么月球是个麻土豆,外星人是否真的存在……这些妙 趣横生的天文故事一定让你大开眼界、叹为观止,让 你轻轻松松爱上天文、学会天文。