

'I suppose he does mean that.'

'Yes, Lady Mary; that is what he means. And he means further to let me know that as I did so foully betray the trust which he had placed in me,--that as I had consented to play the part of assistant to you in that secret engagement,--therefore he casts me off as altogether unworthy of his esteem and acquaintance. It is as though he had told me in so many words that among women he had known none more vile or more false than I.'

'Not that, Mrs Finn.'

'Yes, that;--all of that. He tells me that, and then says that there shall be no more words spoken or written about it. I can hardly submit to so stern a judgement. You know the truth, Lady Mary.'

'Do not call me Lady Mary. Do not quarrel with me.'

'If your father has quarrelled with me, it would not be fit that you and I should be friends. Your duty to him would forbid it. I should not have come to you now did I not feel that I am bound to justify myself. The thing of which I am accused is so repugnant to me, that I am obliged to do something and to say something, even though the subject itself be one on which I would willing be silent.'

'What can I do, Mrs Finn?'

'It was Mr Tregear who first told me that your father was very angry with me. He knew what I had done and why, and he was bound to tell me in order that I might have an opportunity of setting myself right with the Duke. Then I wrote and explained everything,--how you had told me of the engagement, and how I then urged Mr Tregear that he should not keep such a matter secret from your father. In answer to my letter I have received--that.'

'Shall I write and tell papa?'

'He should be made to understand that from the moment in which I heard of the engagement I was urgent with you and with Mr Tregear that he should be informed of it. You will remember what passed.'

'I remember it all.'

'I did not conceive it to my duty to tell the Duke myself, but I did conceive it to be my duty to see that he should be told. Now he writes to as though I had known the secret from the first, and as though I had been concealing it from him at the very moment in which he was asking me to remain at Matching on your behalf. That I consider to be hard,--and unjust. I cannot deny what he says I did know of it while I was at Matching, for it was at Matching that you told me. But he implies that I knew it before. When you told me your story I did feel that it was my duty to see that the matter was not kept longer from him;--and I did my duty. Now your father takes it upon himself to rebuke me,--and takes upon himself at the same time to forbid me to write to him again!'

'I will tell him, Mrs Finn.'

'Let him understand this. I do not wish to write to him again.

After what has passed I cannot say I wish to see him again. But I think he should acknowledge to me that he has been mistaken. He need not then fear that I shall trouble him with any reply. But I shall know that he has acquitted me of a fault of which I cannot bear to think I should be accused.' Then she took a somewhat formal though still an affectionate farewell to the girl.

'I want to see papa as soon as possible,' said Lady Mary when she was again with Lady Cantrip. The reason for her wish was soon given, and then the whole story told. 'You do not think that she should have gone to papa at once?' Lady Mary asked. It was a point of moral law on which the elder woman, who had girls of her own, found it hard to give an immediate answer. It certainly is expedient that parents should know at once of any engagement by which their daughters may seek to contract themselves. It is expedient that they should be able to prevent any secret contracts. Lady Cantrip felt strongly that Mrs Finn having accepted the confidential charge of the daughter, could not, without gross betrayal of trust, allow herself to be the depositary of such a secret. 'But she did not allow herself,' said Lady Mary, pleading for her friend.

'But she left the house without telling him, my dear.'

'But it was because of what she did that he was told.'

'That is true; but I doubt whether she should have left him an hour in ignorance.'

'But it was I who told her. She would have betrayed me.'

'She was not a fit recipient for your confidence, Mary. But I do not wish to accuse her. She seems a high-minded woman, and I think that your papa has been hard upon her.'

'And mamma knew it always,' said Mary. To this Lady Cantrip could give no answer. Whatever the cause for anger the Duke might have against Mrs Finn, there had been cause for much more against his wife. But she had freed herself from all accusation by death.

Lady Mary wrote to her father, declaring that she was most particularly anxious to see him and talk to him about Mrs Finn.

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