

Casey awoke under the vivid impression that some one was driving a gadget into his skull with a "double-jack."-The smell of bacon scorching filled his very soul with the loathing of food.-The sight of Joe calmly filling his pipe roused Casey to the fighting mood-- with no power to fight.-He was a sick man; and to remain alive was agony.

The squalid disorder and the stale aroma of a drunken orgy still pervaded the dugout and made it a nightmare hole to Casey.-Hank came tittering to the bunk and offered him a cup of coffee, muddy from too long boiling, and Joe grinned over his pipe at the colorful language with which Casey refused the offering.

"Better take a brace uh hootch," Joe suggested with no more than his normal ill nature.-"I got some over at the still we made awhile back that, ain't quite so kicky.-Been agin' it in wood an' charcoal. That tones 'er down.-I'll go git yuh some after we eat.-Kinda want a brace, myself.-That new hootch shore is a kickin' fool."

Paw accepted this remark, as high praise, and let three hot cakes burn until their edges curled while he bragged of his skill as a maker of moonshine.-Paw himself was red-eyed and loose-lipped from yesterday's debauch.-Hank's whole face, especially in the region of his eyes, was puffed unbecomingly.-Casey, squinting an angry eye at Hank and the cup of coffee, spared a thought from his own misery to acknowledge surprise that anything on earth could make Hank more unpleasant to look upon.-Joe had a sickly pallor to prove the potency of the brew.

For such is the way of moonshine when fusel oil abounds, as it does invariably in new whisky distilled by furtive amateurs working in secret and with neither the facilities nor the knowledge for its scientific manufacture.-There is grim significance in the sardonic humor of the man who first named it White Mule.-The kick is certain and terrific; frequently it is fatal as well.-The worst of it is, you never know what the effect will be until you have drunk the stuff; and after you have drunk it, you are in no condition to resist the effect or to refrain from courting further disaster.

That is what happened to Casey.-The poison in the first half-pint, swallowed under the eye of Joe's six-shooter, upset his judgment. The poison in his further potations made a wholly different man of Casey Ryan; and the after effect was so terrific that he would have swallowed cyanide if it promised relief.

He gritted his teeth and suffered tortures until Joe returned and gave him a drink of whisky in a chipped granite cup.-Almost immediately he felt better.-The pounding agony in his head eased perceptibly and his nerves ceased to quiver.-After a while he sat up, gazed longingly at the water bucket and crawled down from the bunk. He drank largely in great gulps.-His bloodshot eyes strayed meditatively to the coffee pot.-After an undecided moment he walked uncertainly to the stove and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Casey lifted the cup to drink, but the smell of it under his nose sickened him.-He weaved uncertainly to the door, opened it and threw out the coffee--cup and all.-Which was nature flying a storm flag, had any one with a clear head been there to observe the action and the look on Casey's face.

"Gimme another shot uh that damn' hootch," he growled.-Joe pushed the bottle toward Casey, eyeing him curiously.

"That stuff they run yesterday shore is kicky," Joe ruminated sympathetically.-"Pap's proud as pups over it.-He thinks it's the real article--but I dunno.-Shore laid yuh out, Casey, an' yuh never got much, neither.-Not enough t' lay yuh out the way it did. Y' look sick."

"I AM sick!"-Casey snarled, and poured himself a drink more generous than was wise.-"When Casey Ryan says he's sick, you can put it down he's SICK!-He don't want nobody tellin' 'im whether 'e's sick 'r not. --he KNOWS 'e's sick!"-He drank, and swore that it was rotten stuff not fit for a hawg (which was absolute truth).-Then he staggered to the stove, picked up the coffee pot, carried it to the door and flung it savagely outside because the odor offended him.

"Mart got back last night," Joe announced casually. "You was dead t' the world.-But we told 'im you was all right, an' I guess he aims t' give yuh steady work an' a cut-in on the deal.-We been cleanin' up purty good money--but Mart says the market ain't what it was; too many gone into the business.-You're a good cook an' a good miner an' a purty good feller all around--only the boss says you'll have t' cut out the booze."

"'J you tell 'im you MADE me drink it?"-Casey halted in the middle of the floor, facing Joe indignantly.

"I told 'im I put it up t' yuh straight--what your business is, an' all.-You got no call t' kick--didn't I go swipe this bottle uh booze for yuh t' sober up on, soon as the boss's back was turned? I knowed yuh needed it; that's why.-We all needed it.

I'm just tellin' yuh the boss don't approve of no celebrations like we had yest'day.-I got up early an' hauled that burro outa sight 'fore he seen it.-That's how much a friend I be, an' it wouldn't hurt yuh none to show a little gratitude!"

"Gratitude, hell!-A lot I got in life t' be grateful for!"

Casey slumped down on the nearest bench, laid his injured hand carefully on the table and leaned his aching head on the other while he discoursed bitterly on the subject of his wrongs.

His muddled memory fumbled back to his grievance against traffic cops, distorting and magnifying the injustice he had received at their hands.-He had once had a home, a wife and a fortune, he declared, and what had happened?-Laws and cops had driven him out, had robbed him of his home and his family and sent him out in the hills like a damned kiotey, hopin' he'd starve to death.

And where, he asked defiantly, was the gratitude in that?

He told Joe ramblingly but more or less truthfully how he had been betrayed and deserted by a man he had befriended; one Barney Oakes, upon whom Casey would like to lay his hands for a minute.

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