

Follow his advice--no matter how it may affect _me._ I should ill requite your kindness, I should be false indeed to the love I bear to Blanche, if I hesitated to brave any exposure that may now be necessary in your interests and in hers. You have been all that is generous, all that is delicate, all that is kind in this matter. You have kept my disgraceful secret--I am quite sure of it--with the fidelity of an honorable man who has had a woman's reputation placed in his charge. I release you, with my whole heart, dear Mr. Brinkworth, from your pledge. I entreat you, on my knees, to consider yourself free to reveal the truth. I will make any acknowledgment, on my side, that is needful under the circumstances--no matter how public it may be. Release yourself at any price; and then, and not till then, give back your regard to the miserable woman who has laden you with the burden of her sorrow, and darkened your life for a moment with the shadow of her shame.

"Pray don't think there is any painful sacrifice involved in this. The quieting of my own mind is involved in it--and that is all.

"What has life left for _me?_ Nothing but the barren necessity of living. When I think of the future now, my mind passes over the years that may be left to me in this world. Sometimes I dare to hope that the Divine Mercy of Christ--which once pleaded on earth for a woman like me--may plead, when death has taken me, for my spirit in Heaven. Sometimes I dare to hope that I may see my mother, and Blanche's mother, in the better world. Their hearts were bound together as the hearts of sisters while they were here; and they left to their children the legacy of their love.

Oh, help me to say, if we meet again, that not in vain I promised to be a sister to Blanche! The debt I owe to her is the hereditary debt of my mother's gratitude. And what am I now? An obstacle in the way of the happiness of her life. Sacrifice me to that happiness, for God's sake! It is the one thing I have left to live for. Again and again I say it--I care nothing for myself.

I have no right to be considered; I have no wish to be considered. Tell the whole truth about me, and call me to bear witness to it as publicly as you please!

"I have waited a little, once more, trying to think, before I close my letter, what there may be still left to write.

"I can not think of any thing left but the duty of informing you how you may find me. if you wish to write--or if it is thought necessary that we should meet again.

"One word before I tell you this.

"It is impossible for me to guess what you will do, or what you will be advised to do by others, when you get my letter. I don't even know that you may not already have heard of what your position is from Geoffrey Delamayn himself. In this event, or in the event of your thinking it desirable to take Blanche into your confidence, I venture to suggest that you should appoint some person whom you can trust to see me on your behalf--or, if you can not do this that you should see me in the presence of a third person. The man who has not hesitated to betray us both, will not hesitate to misrepresent us in the vilest way, if he can do it in the future. For your own sake, let us be careful to give lying tongues no opportunity of assailing your place in Blanche's estimation. Don't act so as to risk putting yourself in a false position _again!_ Don't let it be possible that a feeling unworthy of her should be roused in the loving and generous nature of your future wife!

"This written, I may now tell you how to communicate with me after I have left this place.

"You will find on the slip of paper inclosed the name and address of the second of the two lawyers whom I consulted in Glasgow. It is arranged between us that I am to inform him, by letter, of the next place to which I remove, and that he is to communicate the information either to you or to Sir Patrick Lundie, on your applying for it personally or by writing. I don't yet know myself where I may find refuge. Nothing is certain but that I can not, in my present state of weakness, travel far.

"If you wonder why I move at all until I am stronger, I can only give a reason which may appear fanciful and overstrained.

"I have been informed that I was advertised in the Glasgow newspapers during the time when I lay at this hotel, a stranger at the point of death. Trouble has perhaps made me morbidly suspicious. I am afraid of what may happen if I stay here, after my place of residence has been made publicly known. So, as soon as I can move, I go away in secret. It will be enough for me, if I can find rest and peace in some quiet place, in the country round Glasgow. You need feel no anxiety about my means of living.

I have money enough for all that I need--and, if I get well again, I know how to earn my bread.

"I send no message to Blanche--I dare not till this is over. Wait till she is your happy wife; and then give her a kiss, and say it comes from Anne.

"Try and forgive me, dear Mr. Brinkworth. I have said all. Yours gratefully, "ANNE SILVESTER."

Sir Patrick put the letter down with unfeigned respect for the woman who had written it.

Something of the personal influence which Anne exercised more or less over all the men with whom she came in contact seemed to communicate itself to the old lawyer through the medium of her letter. His thoughts perversely wandered away from the serious and pressing question of his niece's position into a region of purely speculative inquiry relating to Anne. What infatuation (he asked himself) had placed that noble creature at the mercy of such a man as Geoffrey Delamayn?

We have all, at one time or another in our lives, been perplexed as Sir Patrick was perplexed now.

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    这就是一个萌物小青梅混迹网游,后来被腹黑竹马扛回家的故事。(作者手残,简介无能)此为小白文,天雷滚滚,入者请自备避雷针╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮肖羊独白:懵懂无知的时光里,遇到你,温暖的阳光中,你始终站在,我抬头就可看见的地方,你淡然的笑,让我心头猛的一跳,那一日,我终于明了,何其幸运,我何其幸运,得你默默守护【片段一】游戏里的晴空骄阳怀孕了——“叮!”系统提示:孕妇晴空骄阳左腿抽筋了。“啊,快来,腿抽筋了。”晴空骄阳对着前面砍怪的长空皓月喊,后者急忙奔回来,抬起她的一条腿轻揉慢捏。“错了,系统说是左腿。”于是,长空皓月满头黑线的抬起她的另一条腿。“叮!”系统提示:野猪怪的气味令晴空骄阳想吐,快去处理。“快去,打死前面的那只野猪。”于是,长空皓月提重剑在手,过去将某倒霉的野猪砍死。“叮!”系统提示:树上的梨子熟了,晴空骄阳馋涎欲滴。“摘前面那棵树上的梨子。”于是,长空大神跑去爬树。“叮!”系统提示:晴空骄阳情绪低落。“快来抱抱我!”于是,长空大神将“小孕妇”温柔的揽在怀中。……【片段二】B大的白杨路旁——某羊急跑、将某大神向后拉,抬腿,踹!一脚踢飞想要强吻的某小姐。某小姐:“你!你为什么踹我!”某羊:“他是我的!”某小姐:“你说了算吗?”某羊:“说了不算,那就做给你看。”说罢,猛的伸手拉低李逸凡的头,撅起粉嘟嘟的小嘴儿,狠狠的撞在他的薄唇上。某小姐:“你,你们!”某大神:“快走,再看收费。”然后某大神抱住某羊,深吻。……【片段三】某一日三个丫头聊天——晴空骄阳“你那个御用跟屁虫儿,陪你等死呢,被你的女王范吓跑了,另结新欢去了?”“怎么可能,姐是谁啊,姐的魅力大无边,他……”烙饼卷大葱说了半截顿住“呀,呸呸呸,姐和那小子是纯洁的同学关系,你知道不,知道不!”“哈哈,羊羊,你学坏了。”悄悄在你身边偷笑。“可不呗,近墨者黑,她天天跟一大腹黑在一起,不学坏才怪呢。”烙饼卷大葱撇嘴,“哎,羊羊,你跟长空大神不止是近距离,都到负距离了吧,快说说负距离多少,有没有二十厘米?”
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