
第21章 HATIHEU(3)

I had always afterwards a strong wish to meet the architect,Brother Michel;and one day,when I was talking with the Resident in Tai-o-hae (the chief port of the island),there were shown in to us an old,worn,purblind,ascetic-looking priest,and a lay brother,a type of all that is most sound in France,with a broad,clever,honest,humorous countenance,an eye very large and bright,and a strong and healthy body inclining to obesity.But that his blouse was black and his face shaven clean,you might pick such a man to-day,toiling cheerfully in his own patch of vines,from half a dozen provinces of France;and yet he had always for me a haunting resemblance to an old kind friend of my boyhood,whom Iname in case any of my readers should share with me that memory -Dr.Paul,of the West Kirk.Almost at the first word I was sure it was my architect,and in a moment we were deep in a discussion of Hatiheu church.Brother Michel spoke always of his labours with a twinkle of humour,underlying which it was possible to spy a serious pride,and the change from one to another was often very human and diverting.'ET VOS GARGOUILLES MOYEN-AGE,'cried I;'COMME ELLES SONT ORIGINATES!''N'EST-CE PAS?ELLES SONT BIENDROLES!'he said,smiling broadly;and the next moment,with a sudden gravity:'CEPENDANT IL Y EN A UNE QUI A UNE PATTE DE CASSE;IL FAUT QUE JE VOIE CELA.'I asked if he had any model -a point we much discussed.'NON,'said he simply;'C'EST UNE EGLISEIDEALE.'The relievo was his favourite performance,and very justly so.The angels at the door,he owned,he would like to destroy and replace.'ILS N'ONT PAS DE VIE,ILS MANQUENT DE VIE.

VOUS DEVRIEZ VOIR MON EGLISE A LA DOMINIQUE;J'AI LA UNE VIERGE QUIEST VRAIMENT GENTILLE.''Ah,'I cried,'they told me you had said you would never build another church,and I wrote in my journal Icould not believe it.''OUI,J'AIMERAIS BIEN EN FAIRS UNE AUTRE,'

he confessed,and smiled at the confession.An artist will understand how much I was attracted by this conversation.There is no bond so near as a community in that unaffected interest and slightly shame-faced pride which mark the intelligent man enamoured of an art.He sees the limitations of his aim,the defects of his practice;he smiles to be so employed upon the shores of death,yet sees in his own devotion something worthy.Artists,if they had the same sense of humour with the Augurs,would smile like them on meeting,but the smile would not be scornful.

I had occasion to see much of this excellent man.He sailed with us from Tai-o-hae to Hiva-oa,a dead beat of ninety miles against a heavy sea.It was what is called a good passage,and a feather in the CASCO'S cap;but among the most miserable forty hours that any one of us had ever passed.We were swung and tossed together all that time like shot in a stage thunder-box.The mate was thrown down and had his head cut open;the captain was sick on deck;the cook sick in the galley.Of all our party only two sat down to dinner.I was one.I own that I felt wretchedly;and I can only say of the other,who professed to feel quite well,that she fled at an early moment from the table.It was in these circumstances that we skirted the windward shore of that indescribable island of Ua-pu;viewing with dizzy eyes the coves,the capes,the breakers,the climbing forests,and the inaccessible stone needles that surmount the mountains.The place persists,in a dark corner of our memories,like a piece of the scenery of nightmares.The end of this distressful passage,where we were to land our passengers,was in a similar vein of roughness.The surf ran high on the beach at Taahauku;the boat broached-to and capsized;and all hands were submerged.Only the brother himself,who was well used to the experience,skipped ashore,by some miracle of agility,with scarce a sprinkling.Thenceforward,during our stay at Hiva-oa,he was our cicerone and patron;introducing us,taking us excursions,serving us in every way,and making himself daily more beloved.

Michel Blanc had been a carpenter by trade;had made money and retired,supposing his active days quite over;and it was only when he found idleness dangerous that he placed his capital and acquirements at the service of the mission.He became their carpenter,mason,architect,and engineer;added sculpture to his accomplishments,and was famous for his skill in gardening.He wore an enviable air of having found a port from life's contentions and lying there strongly anchored;went about his business with a jolly simplicity;complained of no lack of results -perhaps shyly thinking his own statuary result enough;and was altogether a pattern of the missionary layman.

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