

PAEPAE signifies a floor or platform such as a native house is built on;and even such a paepae -a paepae hae -may be called a paepae tapu in a lesser sense when it is deserted and becomes the haunt of spirits;but the public high place,such as I was now treading,was a thing on a great scale.As far as my eyes could pierce through the dark undergrowth,the floor of the forest was all paved.Three tiers of terrace ran on the slope of the hill;in front,a crumbling parapet contained the main arena;and the pavement of that was pierced and parcelled out with several wells and small enclosures.No trace remained of any superstructure,and the scheme of the amphitheatre was difficult to seize.I visited another in Hiva-oa,smaller but more perfect,where it was easy to follow rows of benches,and to distinguish isolated seats of honour for eminent persons;and where,on the upper platform,a single joist of the temple or dead-house still remained,its uprights richly carved.In the old days the high place was sedulously tended.No tree except the sacred banyan was suffered to encroach upon its grades,no dead leaf to rot upon the pavement.The stones were smoothly set,and I am told they were kept bright with oil.

On all sides the guardians lay encamped in their subsidiary huts to watch and cleanse it.No other foot of man was suffered to draw near;only the priest,in the days of his running,came there to sleep -perhaps to dream of his ungodly errand;but,in the time of the feast,the clan trooped to the high place in a body,and each had his appointed seat.There were places for the chiefs,the drummers,the dancers,the women,and the priests.The drums -perhaps twenty strong,and some of them twelve feet high -continuously throbbed in time.In time the singers kept up their long-drawn,lugubrious,ululating song;in time,too,the dancers,tricked out in singular finery,stepped,leaped,swayed,and gesticulated -their plumed fingers fluttering in the air like butterflies.The sense of time,in all these ocean races,is extremely perfect;and I conceive in such a festival that almost every sound and movement fell in one.So much the more unanimously must have grown the agitation of the feasters;so much the more wild must have been the scene to any European who could have beheld them there,in the strong sun and the strong shadow of the banyan,rubbed with saffron to throw in a more high relief the arabesque of the tattoo;the women bleached by days of confinement to a complexion almost European;the chiefs crowned with silver plumes of old men's beards and girt with kirtles of the hair of dead women.All manner of island food was meanwhile spread for the women and the commons;and,for those who were privileged to eat of it,there were carried up to the dead-house the baskets of long-pig.It is told that the feasts were long kept up;the people came from them brutishly exhausted with debauchery,and the chiefs heavy with their beastly food.There are certain sentiments which we call emphatically human -denying the honour of that name to those who lack them.In such feasts -particularly where the victim has been slain at home,and men banqueted on the poor clay of a comrade with whom they had played in infancy,or a woman whose favours they had shared -the whole body of these sentiments is outraged.To consider it too closely is to understand,if not to excuse,the fervours of self-righteous old ship-captains,who would man their guns,and open fire in passing,on a cannibal island.

And yet it was strange.There,upon the spot,as I stood under the high,dripping vault of the forest,with the young priest on the one hand,in his kilted gown,and the bright-eyed Marquesan schoolboy on the other,the whole business appeared infinitely distant,and fallen in the cold perspective and dry light of history.The bearing of the priest,perhaps,affected me.He smiled;he jested with the boy,the heir both of these feasters and their meat;he clapped his hands,and gave me a stave of one of the old,ill-omened choruses.Centuries might have come and gone since this slimy theatre was last in operation;and I beheld the place with no more emotion than I might have felt in visiting Stonehenge.

In Hiva-oa,as I began to appreciate that the thing was still living and latent about my footsteps,and that it was still within the bounds of possibility that I might hear the cry of the trapped victim,my historic attitude entirely failed,and I was sensible of some repugnance for the natives.But here,too,the priests maintained their jocular attitude:rallying the cannibals as upon an eccentricity rather absurd than horrible;seeking,I should say,to shame them from the practice by good-natured ridicule,as we shame a child from stealing sugar.We may here recognise the temperate and sagacious mind of Bishop Dordillon.

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