

the duke had crotchets in him. He would be drunk too;that let me inform you. DUKE VINCENTIO You do him wrong, surely. LUCIO Sir, I was an inward of his. A shy fellow was the duke: and I believe I know the cause of his withdrawing. DUKE VINCENTIO What, I prithee, might be the cause? LUCIO No, pardon; 'tis a secret must be locked within the teeth and the lips: but this I can let you understand, the greater file of the subject held the duke to be wise. DUKE VINCENTIO Wise! why, no question but he was. LUCIO A very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow. DUKE VINCENTIO Either this is the envy in you, folly, or mistaking:

the very stream of his life and the business he hath helmed must upon a warranted need give him a better proclamation. Let him be but testimonied in his own bringings-forth, and he shall appear to the envious a scholar, a statesman and a soldier.

Therefore you speak unskilfully: or if your knowledge be more it is much darkened in your malice. LUCIO Sir, I know him, and I love him. DUKE VINCENTIO Love talks with better knowledge, and knowledge with dearer love. LUCIO Come, sir, I know what I know. DUKE VINCENTIO I can hardly believe that, since you know not what you speak. But, if ever the duke return, as our prayers are he may, let me desire you to make your answer before him. If it be honest you have spoke, you have courage to maintain it: I am bound to call upon you; and, I pray you, your name? LUCIO Sir, my name is Lucio; well known to the duke. DUKE VINCENTIO He shall know you better, sir, if I may live to report you. LUCIO I fear you not. DUKE VINCENTIO O, you hope the duke will return no more;or you imagine me too unhurtful an opposite. But indeed I can do you little harm; you'll forswear this again. LUCIO I'll be hanged first: thou art deceived in me, friar. But no more of this. Canst thou tell if Claudio die to-morrow or no? DUKE VINCENTIO Why should he die, sir? LUCIO Why? For filling a bottle with a tundish.

I would the duke we talk of were returned again: the ungenitured agent will unpeople the province with continency; sparrows must not build in his house-eaves, because they are lecherous. The duke yet would have dark deeds darkly answered; he would never bring them to light: would he were returned!

Marry, this Claudio is condemned for untrussing.

Farewell, good friar: I prithee, pray for me.

The duke, I say to thee again, would eat mutton on Fridays. He's not past it yet, and I say to thee, he would mouth with a beggar, though she smelt brown bread and garlic: say that I said so. Farewell.

Exit DUKE VINCENTIO No might nor greatness in mortality Can censure 'scape; back-wounding calumny The whitest virtue strikes. What king so strong Can tie the gall up in the slanderous tongue?

But who comes here?

Enter ESCALUS, Provost, and Officers with MISTRESS OVERDONE ESCALUS Go; away with her to prison! MISTRESS OVERDONE Good my lord, be good to me; your honour is accounted a merciful man; good my lord. ESCALUS Double and treble admonition, and still forfeit in the same kind! This would make mercy swear and play the tyrant. Provost A bawd of eleven years' continuance, may it please your honour. MISTRESS OVERDONE My lord, this is one Lucio's information against me.

Mistress Kate Keepdown was with child by him in the duke's time; he promised her marriage: his child is a year and a quarter old, come Philip and Jacob:

  • 诸经要集


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  • The Chouans

    The Chouans

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  • The Hated Son

    The Hated Son

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  • 史记(最爱读国学书系)


  • 乖,摸摸头


    真实的故事自有万钧之力.《乖,摸摸头》讲述了12个真实的传奇故事,或许会让你看到那些你永远无法去体会的生活 ,见识那些可能你永远都无法结交的人.《乖,摸摸头》一书记录了大冰十余年的江湖游历,以及他和他朋友们的爱与温暖的传奇故事。这些故事与风花雪月无关,与鸡汤小清新无关,有的是无畏的奋斗和孤身的寻找,有的是疯狂的爱情和极致的浪漫……12个故事,12种善意,如点点星光与烛火,给所有心怀希望的人们以温暖和光芒。 请相信,这个世界上真的有人在过着你想要的生活。忽晴忽雨的江湖,祝你有梦为马,随处可栖。
  • 混世帝王


  • 绝地传输


  • 九十九只彩线娃娃


    《九十九只彩线娃娃》为“微阅读1 1工程”系列丛书之一,精选了微型小说作者(吕保军)长期创作的精品作品,集结成书。本书作者用朴实无华的笔触,从一个个温暖感人的小故事中,讲述了人间的真、善、美。情节生动,笔调幽默,立意新颖、情节严谨、结局新奇。读者可以从一个点、一个画面、一个对比、一声赞叹、一瞬间之中,捕捉住了小说的一种智慧、一种美、一个耐人寻味的场景,一种新鲜的思想。
  • 此生不负相思意


  • 神级快穿:Boss,撩宠入骨!

