

Three hours afterwards, I was seated on the end platform of the train as it swept eastward through the gorges and thundered in tunnels of the mountain. The change of scene, the sense of escape, the still throbbing terror of pursuit - above all, the astounding magic of my new conveyance, kept me from any logical or melancholy thought. I had gone to the doctor's house two nights before prepared to die, prepared for worse than death; what had passed, terrible although it was, looked almost bright compared to my anticipations; and it was not till I had slept a full night in the flying palace car, that I awoke to the sense of my irreparable loss and to some reasonable alarm about the future. In this mood, I examined the contents of the bag. It was well supplied with gold; it contained tickets and complete directions for my journey as far as Liverpool, and a long letter from the doctor, supplying me with a fictitious name and story, recommending the most guarded silence, and bidding me to await faithfully the coming of his son. All then had been arranged beforehand: he had counted upon my consent, and what was tenfold worse, upon my mother's voluntary death. My horror of my only friend, my aversion for this son who was to marry me, my revolt against the whole current and conditions of my life, were now complete. I was sitting stupefied by my distress and helplessness, when, to my joy, a very pleasant lady offered me her conversation. I clutched at the relief; and I was soon glibly telling her the story in the doctor's letter: how I was a Miss Gould, of Nevada City, going to England to an uncle, what money I had, what family, my age, and so forth, until I had exhausted my instructions, and, as the lady still continued to ply me with questions, began to embroider on my own account. This soon carried one of my inexperience beyond her depth; and I had already remarked a shadow on the lady's face, when a gentleman drew near and very civilly addressed me.

'Miss Gould, I believe?' said he; and then, excusing himself to the lady by the authority of my guardian, drew me to the fore platform of the Pullman car. 'Miss Gould,' he said in my ear, 'is it possible that you suppose yourself in safety?

Let me completely undeceive you. One more such indiscretion and you return to Utah. And, in the meanwhile, if this woman should again address you, you are to reply with these words:

"Madam, I do not like you, and I will be obliged if you will suffer me to choose my own associates."'

Alas, I had to do as I was bid; this lady, to whom I already felt myself drawn with the strongest cords of sympathy, I dismissed with insult; and thenceforward, through all that day, I sat in silence, gazing on the bare plains and swallowing my tears. Let that suffice: it was the pattern of my journey. Whether on the train, at the hotels, or on board the ocean steamer, I never exchanged a friendly word with any fellow-traveller but I was certain to be interrupted. In every place, on every side, the most unlikely persons, man or woman, rich or poor, became protectors to forward me upon my journey, or spies to observe and regulate my conduct. Thus I crossed the States, thus passed the ocean, the Mormon Eye still following my movements; and when at length a cab had set me down before that London lodging-house from which you saw me flee this morning, I had already ceased to struggle and ceased to hope.

The landlady, like every one else through all that journey, was expecting my arrival. A fire was lighted in my room, which looked upon the garden; there were books on the table, clothes in the drawers; and there (I had almost said with contentment, and certainly with resignation) I saw month follow month over my head. At times my landlady took me for a walk or an excursion, but she would never suffer me to leave the house alone; and I, seeing that she also lived under the shadow of that widespread Mormon terror, felt too much pity to resist. To the child born on Mormon soil, as to the man who accepts the engagements of a secret order, no escape is possible; so I had clearly read, and I was thankful even for this respite. Meanwhile, I tried honestly to prepare my mind for my approaching nuptials. The day drew near when my bridegroom was to visit me, and gratitude and fear alike obliged me to consent. A son of Doctor Grierson's, be he what he pleased, must still be young, and it was even probable he should be handsome; on more than that, I felt I dared not reckon; and in moulding my mind towards consent I dwelt the more carefully on these physical attractions which I felt I might expect, and averted my eyes from moral or intellectual considerations. We have a great power upon our spirits; and as time passed I worked myself into a frame of acquiescence, nay, and I began to grow impatient for the hour. At night sleep forsook me; I sat all day by the fire, absorbed in dreams, conjuring up the features of my husband, and anticipating in fancy the touch of his hand and the sound of his voice. In the dead level and solitude of my existence, this was the one eastern window and the one door of hope. At last, I had so cultivated and prepared my will, that I began to be besieged with fears upon the other side. How if it was I that did not please? How if this unseen lover should turn from me with disaffection? And now I spent hours before the glass, studying and judging my attractions, and was never weary of changing my dress or ordering my hair.

When the day came I was long about my toilet; but at last, with a sort of hopeful desperation, I had to own that I could do no more, and must now stand or fall by nature. My occupation ended, I fell a prey to the most sickening impatience, mingled with alarms; giving ear to the swelling rumour of the streets, and at each change of sound or silence, starting, shrinking, and colouring to the brow.

  • Two Short Pieces

    Two Short Pieces

  • 梼杌近志


  • 大智律师礼赞文


  • The Devil's Paw

    The Devil's Paw

  • Study of the King James Bible

    Study of the King James Bible

  • 武出法随


  • 尺雪锁魂刺


  • 农女的位面交易


  • 薄暮晨光


  • 庶女凶猛:重生为狠毒皇后


  • 拙政园诗余


  • 理财实验室


  • 一碗清汤面


  • 血释奇缘:我是吸血鬼


    她在磨难中成长,学会爱。 他只想守着她,防止她逃跑。 “大哥哥你的血好好香”“我的血很好喝?”“嗯,还可以。”“……”拐回家好了当老婆好。女了主前期是个呆萌懵懂天真,善于扮猪吃老虎。后期霸气酷酷如"女皇"。他君源夜,人人都害怕的心狠手辣的魔鬼。奈何遇上了她,一颗冰冷的心却忍不住为她融化。 她在,他守,她跑,他追。他言:“小血儿,遇见你是我活着的意义。你是我的劫。我愿为你一生受戒”逃跑失败……某只被缠得炸毛的小女人“什么活着的意义,没遇见我,你就死了哈。什么我是你的劫,劫色就有。受戒,呵呵,戒个屁,老子就不信你戒得了” 小血殊:作为一只吸血鬼,她怎么总是被追,某男怎么不怕被吸干。 走遍天下,长生不老心古墓,凶险恶煞古都,神秘海底宫殿,万物生长尼埃森林。
  • 异魂:凉生如卿

