
第1章 CHAPTER I(1)

It was late summer-time, and the perfume of flowers stole into the darkened room through the half-opened window. The sunlight forced its way through a chink in the blind, and stretched across the floor in strange zigzag fashion. From without came the pleasant murmur of bees and many lazier insects floating over the gorgeous flower beds, resting for a while on the clematis which had made the piazza a blaze of purple splendour. And inside, in a high-backed chair, there sat a man, his arms folded, his eyes fixed steadily upon vacancy. As he sat then, so had he sat for a whole day and a whole night. The faint sweet chorus of glad living things, which alone broke the deep silence of the house, seemed neither to disturb nor interest him. He sat there like a man turned to stone, his forehead riven by one deep line, his straight firm mouth set close and hard. His servant, the only living being who had approached him, had set food by his side, which now and then he had mechanically taken. Changeless as a sphinx, he had sat there in darkness and in light, whilst sunlight had changed to moonlight, and the songs of the birds had given place to the low murmuring of frogs from a lake below the lawns.

At last it seemed that his unnatural fit had passed away. He stretched out his hand and struck a silver gong which had been left within his reach. Almost immediately a man, pale-faced, with full dark eyes and olive complexion, dressed in the sombre garb of an indoor servant, stood at his elbow.


"Your Grace!"

"Bring wine-Burgundy."

It was before him, served with almost incredible despatch - a small cobwebbed bottle and a glass of quaint shape, on which were beautifully emblazoned a coronet and fleur-de-lis. He drank slowly and deliberately. When he set the glass down it was empty.


"Your Grace!"

"You will pack my things and your own. We shall leave for New York this evening. Telegraph to the Holland House for rooms."

"For how many days, your Grace?"

"We shall not return here. Pay off all the servants save two of the most trustworthy, who will remain as caretakers."

The man's face was as immovable as his master's.

"And Madame?"

"Madame will not be returning. She will have no further use for her maid. See, however, that her clothes and all her personal belongings remain absolutely undisturbed."

"Has your Grace any further orders?"

"Take pencil and paper. Send this cablegram. Are you ready?"

The man's head moved in respectful assent.

"To Felix, "No 27, Rue de St. Pierre, "Avenue de L'Opera, Paris.

"Meet me at Sherry's Restaurant, New York, one month to-day, eleven p.m. - V. S."

"It shall be sent immediately, your Grace. The train for New York leaves at seven-ten. A carriage will be here in one hour and five minutes."

The man moved towards the door. His master looked up.


"Your Grace!"

"The Duc de Souspennier remains here - or at the bottom of the lake - what matters! It is Mr. Sabin who travels to New York, and for whom you engage rooms at the Holland House. Mr. Sabin is a cosmopolitan of English proclivities."

"Very good, sir!"

"Lock this door. Bring my coat and hat five minutes before the carriage starts. Let the servants be well paid. Let none of them attempt to see me."

The man bowed and disappeared. Left to himself, Mr. Sabin rose from his chair, and pushing open the windows, stood upon the verandah.

He leaned heavily upon his stick with both hands, holding it before him. Slowly his eyes traveled over the landscape.

It was a very beautiful home which he was leaving. Before him stretched the gardens - Italian in design, brilliant with flowers, with here and there a dark cedar-tree drooping low upon the lawn.

A yew hedge bordered the rose-garden, a fountain was playing in the middle of a lake. A wooden fence encircled the grounds, and beyond was a smooth rolling park, with little belts of pine plantations and a few larger trees here and there. In the far distance the red flag was waving on one of the putting greens.

Archie Green was strolling up the hillside, - his pipe in his mouth, and his driver under his arm. Mr. Sabin watched, and the lines in his face grew deeper and deeper.

"I am an old man," he said softly, "but I will live to see them suffer who have done this evil thing."

He turned slowly back into the room, and limping rather more than was usual with him, he pushed aside a portiere and passed into a charmingly furnished country drawing-room. Only the flowers hung dead in their vases; everything else was fresh and sweet and dainty.

  • 洞玄灵宝度人经大梵隐语疏义


  • 七缪


  • 见闻录


  • 抱一函三秘诀


  • 金匮玉函经二注


  • 穿越之无泪潇湘


    同样的红楼,却穿越来了一个不流泪的林妹妹,看拥有现代记忆的她如何演绎不一样的潇湘路,精灵古怪的她如何赢得冷面王爷的那颗心,看热情善良的她如何解救红楼里的苦命女,且看一个不一样的林黛玉,如何玩转红楼,玩转大清朝 ̄ ̄片段一“外祖母,你们家是不是很穷啊?早知道这样我就把我生活费带过来了。免得让别人吃不上饭。”我通情打理地说道。众人不明白中。“玉儿为什么这么说?”贾母慈祥地问道。“难道不是吗?今天我坐的轿子还没有家里雪雁坐的好,弄得我一身都不舒服。”我顺势地揉揉肩。“外甥女弄错了,我们家可是很有钱的。”王夫人得意的说道,“只是比较节俭而已。”“那就好,玉儿身体不好,在家也是每天都必须上等的燕窝鱼翅补着,如此就不用担心,那就麻烦外祖母帮我备着了。”我不客气地说道。众人滴汗中。片段二这时雪雁的声音响起:“我说大清早哪里来的两条狗在这里乱吠啊?你们是谁?想干什么?还有为什么欺负紫鹃姐姐?你们知道我是谁吗?想进我们姑娘的房间,就你们也配,去茅厕还差不多,长得倒是人模狗样的,做的事那么龌龊。没听紫鹃说我们姑娘正睡觉啊。再说姑娘家的闺房是你这个臭男人可以进的啊?没得家教。出去,出去。”说完便将她们两推出门外,将门锁上,进了我的房间。宝玉与袭人待在院里忘了反映。片段三康熙看到胤禛吃瘪,心里很是高兴,我接着说道:“不说话就是默认了,皇帝伯伯,你觉不觉得四哥老是这种冰山脸让人看了很不舒服。”康熙简直就是想都没有想就说道:“是啊,朕也不知道朕这么慈祥怎么会生出这样的儿子来?这个问题困扰了我二十几年了。”康熙仿佛是看到知音一样地说道。“嗯,”我想了一会说道,“可能是由于基因突变吧。”我也看了看康熙再看看胤禛说道。“什么是基因突变啊?”康熙也算是博学的人了,没听过他当然好奇地问了。“这个我也说不清,皇上你回皇宫的时候去问你那个洋人官吧,如果他这个都不知道你就把他撵了吧。”我说道。推荐一下偶的完结文,《我们三个都是穿越来的》....^_^完结文《别哭黛玉》新文《极品花痴》
  • 大唐昏君


  • 魔族小少欠调教


  • 佛说随勇尊者经


  • 悄悄爱上你


    为了保住面子,她在前男友和前闺蜜的婚礼上一时头昏脑热,拉来这个路人甲充当自己的男朋友。没想到,这个路人甲,居然是RT集团的苏少。 更没想到,短短的一个星期之后,他会再次出现在她面前,表情厌恶声音冷淡,说出的话却是:“陪我去宋府参加晚宴。”威武能屈富贵能淫的她在资本主义的糖衣炮弹下屈服了,陪着他前去宋府演了第二场戏。说好从此以后各归各路一拍两散,可在晚宴上,宋府老太太却问:“对了,苏少,你打算什么时候把我们悄悄娶回去啊?” 她吓得差点把一口鸡汤喷出来,没想到他却笑眯眯地喝了一口鸡汤:“我当然是希望尽快了,悄悄这么讨人喜欢,不赶紧用结婚证把她拴牢我也不放心。”【情节虚构,请勿模仿】
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