

I am certain these figures would have been most interesting, but I never heard them. My feet were getting cramped with standing on the bricks, and I inadvertently moved them. The bricks came down with a rattle, and unfortunately in slipping I clutched at the trap. This was too much for my frail prop, and the door slammed down with a great noise.

Here was a nice business for the eavesdropper! I scurried along the passage as stealthily as I could and clambered back into the store, while I heard the sound of Laputa and Henriques ferreting among the barrels. I managed to throttle Colin and prevent him barking, but I could not get the confounded trap to close behind me. Something had jammed in it, and it remained half a foot open.

I heard the two approaching the door, and I did the best thing that occurred to me. I pulled Colin over the trap, rolled on the top of him, and began to snore heavily as if in a drunken slumber.

The key was turned, and the gleam of a lantern was thrown on the wall. It flew up and down as its bearer cast the light into the corners.

'By God, he's gone,' I heard Henriques say. 'The swine was listening, and he has bolted now.'

'He won't bolt far,' Laputa said. 'He is here. He is snoring behind the counter.'

These were anxious moments for me. I had a firm grip on Colin's throat, but now and then a growl escaped, which was fortunately blended with my snores. I felt that a lantern was flashed on me, and that the two men were peering down at the heap on the half-opened trap. I think that was the worst minute I ever spent, for, as I have said, my courage was not so bad in action, but in a passive game it oozed out of my fingers.

'He is safe enough,' Laputa said, after what seemed to me an eternity. 'The noise was only the rats among the barrels.'

I thanked my Maker that they had not noticed the other trap-door.

'All the same I think I'll make him safer,' said Henriques.

Laputa seemed to have caught him by the arm.

'Come back and get to business,' he said. 'I've told you I'll have no more murder. You will do as I tell you, Mr Henriques.'

I did not catch the answer, but the two went out and locked the door. I patted the outraged Colin, and got to my feet with an aching side where the confounded lid of the trap had been pressing. There was no time to lose for the two in the outhouse would soon be setting out, and I must be before them.

With no better light than a ray of the moon through the window, I wrote a message on a leaf from my pocket-book. I told of the plans I had overheard, and especially I mentioned Dupree's Drift on the Letaba. I added that I was going to the Rooirand to find the secret of the cave, and in one final sentence implored Arcoll to do justice on the Portugoose. That was all, for I had no time for more. I carefully tied the paper with a string below the collar of the dog.

Then very quietly I went into the bedroom next door - the side of the store farthest from the outhouse. The place was flooded with moonlight, and the window stood open, as I had left it in the afternoon. As softly as I could I swung Colin over the sill and clambered after him. In my haste I left my coat behind me with my pistol in the pocket.

Now came a check. My horse was stabled in the shed, and that was close to the outhouse. The sound of leading him out would most certainly bring Laputa and Henriques to the door.

In that moment I all but changed my plans. I thought of slipping back to the outhouse and trying to shoot the two men as they came forth. But I reflected that, before I could get them both, one or other would probably shoot me. Besides, I had a queer sort of compunction about killing Laputa. I understood now why Arcoll had stayed his hand from murder, and I was beginning to be of his opinion on our arch-enemy.

Then I remembered the horses tied up in the bush. One of them I could get with perfect safety. I ran round the end of the store and into the thicket, keeping on soft grass to dull my tread. There, tied up to a merula tree, were two of the finest beasts I had seen in Africa. I selected the better, an Africander stallion of the blaauw-schimmel, or blue-roan type, which is famous for speed and endurance. Slipping his bridle from the branch, I led him a little way into the bush in the direction of the Rooirand.

Then I spoke to Colin. 'Home with you,' I said. 'Home, old man, as if you were running down a tsessebe.'*

*A species of buck, famous for its speed.

The dog seemed puzzled. 'Home,' I said again, pointing west in the direction of the Berg. 'Home, you brute.'

And then he understood. He gave one low whine, and cast a reproachful eye on me and the blue roan. Then he turned, and with his head down set off with great lopes on the track of the road I had ridden in the morning.

A second later and I was in the saddle, riding hell-for-leather for the north.

  • 耳门


  • 王学质疑


  • 蜜蜂计


  • 外经微言


  • 南岳九真人传


  • 断梦惊魂


    水波流连意朦胧,韶华擎就阑珊春,俏头微耸菡娉婷,云霞羞遮汉宫秋。芳草碧天花纷纷,香魂飘断暗袭心,流苏装扮成空梦,蝶影蕉仙醉芙蓉。小说以倪茗菡和丁永春的爱情为主线, 以与朱惠妹、刘雯等人的友情为辅线,共同勾勒出了一幅大学生活的多彩画卷。这幅画卷时而如同淡淡的柠檬草,甜蜜里透着辛酸的味道,使人回味,使人享受;时而如同天边的虹,转瞬即逝,却又柔美异常;时而如同清晨的雾,朦胧含蓄,却又适合徜徉。
  • 嫁个凤凰男


  • 90后的奋斗


  • 凤舞天下(一)


  • 海贼世界里的英灵


  • 月河桥


  • 外嫁女人的故事


  • 受益一生的10堂处世课


  • 最后的青麟


  • 秦汉交通史稿(增订版)(当代中国人文大系)

