

I'll disown him. He shall not set foot in house of mine again. Let him keep the company of his Grace of Wharton and his other abandoned friends of the Hell Fire Club; he keeps not mine. He keeps not mine, I say!"Her ladyship swallowed hard. From red that she had been, she was now ashen under her rouge. "And, is this wanton baggage to keep mine? Is she to disgrace a household that has grown too nice to contain your son?""My lord! Oh, my lord, give me leave to go," Hortensia entreated.

"Ay, go," sneered her ladyship. "Go! You had best go - back to him. What for did ye leave him? Did ye dream there could be aught to return to?"Hortensia turned to her guardian again appealingly. But her ladyship bore down upon her, incensed by this ignoring; she caught the girl's wrist in her claw-like hand. "Answer me, you drab! What for did you return? What is to be done with you now that y' are soiled goods? Where shall we find a husband for you?""I do not want a husband, madam," answered Hortensia.

"Will ye lead apes in hell, then? Bah! 'Tis not what ye want, my fine madam; 'tis what we can get you; and where shall we find you a husband now?"Her eye fell upon Mr. Caryll, standing by one of the windows, a look of profound disgust overplaying the usually immobile face. "Perhaps the gentleman from France - the gentleman who saved you," she sneered, "will propose to take the office.""With all my heart, ma'am," Mr. Caryll startled them and himself by answering. Then, perceiving that he had spoken too much upon impulse - given utterance to what was passing in his mind - "I but mention it to show your ladyship how mistaken are your conclusions," he added.

The countess loosed her hold of Hortensia's wrist in her amazement, and looked the gentleman from France up and down in a mighty scornful manner. "Codso!" she swore, "I may take it, then, that your saving her - as ye call it - was no accident.""Indeed it was, ma'am - and a most fortunate accident for your son.""For my son? As how?"

"It saved him from hanging, ma'am," Mr. Caryll informed her, and gave her something other than the baiting of Hortensia to occupy her mind.

"Hang?" she gasped. "Are you speaking of Lord Rotherby?""Ay, of Lord Rotherby - and not a word more than is true," put in the earl. "Do you know - but you do not - the extent of your precious son's villainy? At Maidstone, where I overtook them - at the Adam and Eve - he had a make-believe parson, and he was luring this poor child into a mock-marriage."Her ladyship stared. "Mock-marriage?" she echoed. "Marriage?

La!" And again she vented her unpleasant laugh. "Did she insist on that, the prude? Y' amaze me!""Surely, my love, you do not apprehend. Had Lord Rotherby's parson not been detected and unmasked by Mr. Caryll, here - ""Would you ha' me believe she did not know the fellow was no parson?""Oh!" cried Hortensia. "Your ladyship has a very wicked soul.

May God forgive you!"

"And who is to forgive you?" snapped the countess.

"I need no forgiveness, for I have done no wrong. A folly, Iconfess to. I was mad to have heeded such a villain."Her ladyship gathered forces for a fresh assault. But Mr. Caryll anticipated it. It was no doubt a great impertinence in him; but he saw Hortensia's urgent need, and he felt, moreover, that not even Lord Ostermore would resent his crossing swords a moment with her ladyship.

"You would do well, ma'am, to remember," said he, in his singularly precise voice, "that Lord Rotherby even now - and as things have fallen out - is by no means quit of all danger."She looked at this smooth gentleman, and his words burned themselves into her brain. She quivered with mingling fear and anger.

"Wha' - what is't ye mean?" quoth she.

"That even at this hour, if the matter were put about, his lordship might be brought to account for it, and it might fare very ill with him. The law of England deals heavily with an offense such as Lord Rotherby's, and the attempt at a mock-marriage, of which there is no lack of evidence, would so aggravate the crime of abduction, if he were informed against, that it might go very hard with him."Her jaw fell. She caught more than an admonition in his words. It almost seemed to her that he was threatening.

"Who - who is to inform?" she asked point-blank, her tone a challenge; and yet the odd change in it from its recent aggressiveness was almost ludicrous.

"Ah - who?" said Mr. Caryll, raising his eyes and fetching a sigh. "It would appear that a messenger from the Secretary of State - on another matter - was at the Adam and Eve at the time with two of his catchpolls, and he was a witness of the whole affair. Then again," and he waved a hand doorwards, "servants are servants. I make no doubt they are listening, and your ladyship's voice has scarce been controlled. You can never say when a servant may cease to be a servant, and become an active enemy.""Damn the servants!" she swore, dismissing them from consideration. "Who is this messenger of the secretary's? Who is he?""He was named Green. 'Tis all I know."

"And where may he be found?"

"I cannot say."

She turned to Lord Ostermore. "Where is Rotherby?" she inquired. She was a thought breathless.

"I do not know," said he, in a voice that signified how little he cared.

"He must be found. This fellow's silence must be bought.

I'll not have my son disgraced, and gaoled, perhaps. He must be found."Her alarm was very real now. She moved towards the door, then paused, and turned again. "Meantime, let your lordship consider what dispositions you are to make for this wretched girt who is the cause of all this garboil."And she swept out, slamming the door violently after her.

  • 青春的资本:阳光青少年的十大性格定位


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  • 菩萨璎珞本业经


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  • 庶女皇妃:医女有点毒


  • 青少年礼仪指导:馈赠礼仪一点通


  • 一百个理由


  • 触手可及的那一份温暖(结局)


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