
第17章 The Isle of the Magic Flower(1)

The Glass Cat was a good guide and led Trot and Cap'n Bill by straight and easy paths through all the settled part of the Munchkin Country, and then into the north section where there were few houses, and finally through a wild country where there were no houses or paths at all. But the walking was not difficult and at last they came to the edge of a forest and stopped there to make camp and sleep until morning.

From branches of trees Cap'n Bill made a tiny house that was just big enough for the little girl to crawl into and lie down.

But first they ate some of the food Trot had carried in the basket.

"Don't you want some, too?" she asked the Glass Cat.

"No," answered the creature.

"I suppose you'll hunt around an' catch a mouse," remarked Cap'n Bill.

"Me? Catch a mouse! Why should I do that?" inquired the Glass Cat.

"Why, then you could eat it," said the sailor-man.

"I beg to inform you," returned the crystal tabby, "that I do not eat mice. Being transparent, so anyone can see through me, I'd look nice, wouldn't I, with a common mouse inside me? But the fact is that I haven't any stomach or other machinery that would permit me to eat things. The careless magician who made me didn't think I'd need to eat, I suppose.""Don't you ever get hungry or thirsty?" asked Trot.

"Never. I don't complain, you know, at the way I'm made, for I've never yet seen any living thing as beautiful as I am. Ihave the handsomest brains in the world. They're pink, and you can see 'em work.""I wonder," said Trot thoughtfully, as she ate her bread and jam, "if MY brains whirl around in the same way yours do.""No; not the same way, surely," returned the Glass Cat; "for, in that case, they'd be as good as MY brains, except that they're hidden under a thick, boney skull.""Brains," remarked Cap'n Bill, "is of all kinds and work different ways. But I've noticed that them as thinks that their brains is best is often mistook."Trot was a little disturbed by sounds from the forest, that night, for many beasts seemed prowling among the trees, but she was confident Cap'n Bill would protect her from harm. And in fact, no beast ventured from the forest to attack them.

At daybreak they were up again, and after a simple breakfast Cap'n Bill said to the Glass Cat:

"Up anchor, Mate, and let's forge ahead. I don't suppose we're far from that Magic Flower, are we?""Not far," answered the transparent one, as it led the way into the forest, "but it may take you some time to get to it."Before long they reached the bank of a river. It was not very wide, at this place, but as they followed the banks in a northerly direction it gradually broadened.

Suddenly the blue-green leaves of the trees changed to a purple hue, and Trot noticed this and said:

"I wonder what made the colors change like that?""It's because we have left the Munchkin Country and entered the Gillikin Country," explained the Glass Cat. "Also it's a sign our journey is nearly ended."The river made a sudden turn, and after the travelers had passed around the bend, they saw that the stream had now become as broad as a small lake, and in the center of the Lake they beheld a little island, not more than fifty feet in extent, either way. Something glittered in the middle of this tiny island, and the Glass Cat paused on the bank and said:

"There is the gold flower-pot containing the Magic Flower, which is very curious and beautiful. If you can get to the island, your task is ended--except to carry the thing home with you."Cap'n Bill looked at the broad expanse of water and began to whistle a low, quavering tune. Trot knew that the whistle meant that Cap'n Bill was thinking, and the old sailor didn't look at the island as much as he looked at the trees upon the bank where they stood. Presently he took from the big pocket of his coat an axe-blade, wound in an old cloth to keep the sharp edge from cutting his clothing. Then, with a large pocket knife, he cut a small limb from a tree and whittled it into a handle for his axe.

"Sit down, Trot," he advised the girl, as he worked. "I've got quite a job ahead of me now, for I've got to build us a raft.""What do we need a raft for, Cap'n?"

"Why, to take us to the island. We can't walk under water, in the river bed, as the Glass Cat did, so we must float atop the water.""Can you make a raft, Cap'n Bill?"

"O' course, Trot, if you give me time."

The little girl sat down on a log and gazed at the Island of the Magic Flower. Nothing else seemed to grow on the tiny isle.

There was no tree, no shrub, no grass, even, as far as she could make out from that distance. But the gold pot glittered in the rays of the sun, and Trot could catch glimpses of glowing colors above it, as the Magic Flower changed from one sort to another.

"When I was here before," remarked the Glass Cat, lazily reclining at the girl's feet, "I saw two Kalidahs on this very bank, where they had come to drink.""What are Kalidahs?" asked the girl.

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    本书视频地址:在教堂里举行婚礼的她,等着男友回答“我愿意”之时,穿越到了另一个时空,在这里,她依然是新娘,只是,她的丈夫只有七岁。穿越女的命运,基本上分为两种,叱咤江湖或者宠冠六宫,她会摆脱这个符咒吗?只要穿越,就注定她无法平淡一生,就算她做了捕快,也是一样。她的相公十二岁的时候,命运的齿轮终于更改了轨迹,她陷入了一个巨大的旋涡。她是一个幸运的人,武功九流,智商一流,遇到困难的时候,总会有人出来相助。她是一个倒霉的人,富可敌国,纵横商场,到最后才发现,这一切不过是一场空。办案时,她智慧干练,无案不破,面对爱情时,她却如雾里看花,看不清自己的心意。这个世界,美男实在多,且个个够痴情。小夫君飒风:文武全才,古灵精怪,才华横溢,痴心不改。(他说:娘子,你为何非要把一颗心放在别人身上,别忘了,我们已经拜过天地,我们是夫妻,我不管你从前心里有谁,从这一刻开始,你要牢牢记住,你的心里,只能有我一个人。”)王爷齐嵘轩:表里不一,权欲极深的腹黑男,初时,只是想利用她,谁知,一颗心却逐渐陷落下去,无法自拔。(他说:蜜儿,相信我,我是真的爱你,从前,我也不敢相信,有一天会爱上你。)丐帮帮主裴宁:正直潇洒,武功高强的侠士。她穿越是为他而来,再次相见,他却忘了她是谁,命运的线却牵着他慢慢走向她,只是,不知道他还有没有机会。(他说:蜜儿,我全都想起来了,我想起来了,蜜儿,跟我走吧,你来到这里,不就是因为我吗?)盗圣永夜:通天大盗,亦正亦邪,一个比女人还要貌美的男人,也是一个谜团最多的人,是一个愿意为了爱情放弃一切的人。(他说:蜜儿,你为什么不相信我呢?为了你,我甘愿放弃所有,只要你跟我走,我一定会放弃!)本文慢热,可以先收藏,七八万的时候,会渐入高潮。每一篇文,从开篇、布局、铺垫、情节推进、高潮到结局,是一个循序渐进的过程,这些过程缺一不可,我用心写,也希望您耐心看,我的文基本上不会很快进入高潮,就如一杯唯美的白兰地,先看颜色,再嗅其香,才会知晓它的一经沾唇,醇美无瑕,细细品味,才可知它的醇和、甘洌、沁润、细腻、丰满、绵延、纯正。呵呵,有些自夸了,但我自认每一篇文都是反复推敲之后才写出来的,所以,请您带着品味美酒的心情,欣赏我的文,谢谢。 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄☆★我的其他作品:极品下堂妻:
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