

"You see," Lady Ruth continued, resting her hand upon her husband's coat sleeve, "the thing happened all in a second. I had the check in my hand when you and Sir William came crashing through that window, and Sir William's eyes were upon me. The only way to save myself was to repudiate it, and let Wingrave get out of the affair as well as he could. Of course, I never guessed what was going to happen.""Then it was Wingrave," Barrington muttered, "who played the game?""Yes!" Lady Ruth answered quietly. "But I am not so sure about him now. You and I, Lumley, know one another a little better today than we did twelve years ago. We have had a few of the corners knocked off, I suppose. I can tell you things now I didn't care to then. Wingrave had lent me money before! He has letters from me today, thanking him for it."Barrington was a large, florid man, well built and well set up. In court he presented rather a formidable appearance with his truculent chin, his straight, firm mouth, and his commanding presence. Yet there was nothing about him now which would have inspired fear in the most nervous of witnesses. He looked like a man all broken up by some unexpected shock.

"If he had produced those letters--at the trial--"Lady Ruth shrugged her shoulders.

"I risked it, anyhow," she said. "I had to. My story was the only one which gave me a dog's chance, and I didn't mean to go under--then. Wingrave never gave me away, but I fancy he's feeling differently about it now!""How do you know, Ruth?"

"I have seen him! He sent for me!" she answered. "Lumley, don't look at me like that! We're not in the nursery, you and I. I went because I had to. He's going to America for a time, and then he's coming back here. I think that when he comes back--he means mischief!""He is not the sort of man to forget," Barrington said, half to himself.

She shuddered every so slightly. Then she stretched out a long white arm, and drawing his head suddenly down to her, kissed him on the lips.

"If only," she murmured, "he would give up the letters! Without them, he might say--anything. No one would believe!"Barrington raised his eyes to hers. There was something almost pathetic in the worshiping light which shone there. He was, as he had always been, her abject slave.

"Can you think of any way?" he asked. "Shall I go to him again?""Useless!" she answered. "You have nothing to offer in exchange. He would not give them to me. He surely would not give them to you. Shall I tell you what is in his mind? Listen, then! He is rich now; he means to make more money there. Then he will return, calling himself Mr. Wingrave--an American--with imaginary letters of introduction to us. He has ambitions--I don't know what they are, but they seem to entail his holding some sort of a place in society.

We are to be his sponsors."

"Is it practicable?" he asked.

"Quite," she answered. "He is absolutely unrecognizable now. He has changed cruelly. Can't you imagine the horror of it? He will be always in evidence;always with those letters in the background. He means to make life a sort of torture chamber for us!""Better defy him at once, and get over," Barrington said. "After all, don't you think that the harm he could do is a little imaginary?"She brushed the suggestion aside with a little shiver.

"Shall I tell you what he would do, Lumley?" she said, leaning towards him.

"He would have my letters, and a copy of my evidence, printed in an elegant little volume and distributed amongst my friends. It would come one day like a bomb, and nothing that you or I could do would alter it in the least. Your career and my social position would be ruined. Success brings enemies, you know, Lumley, and I have rather more than my share.""Then we are helpless," he said.

"Unless we can get the letters--or unless he should never return from America," she answered.

Barrington moved uneasily in his seat. He knew very well that some scheme was already forming in his wife's brain.

"If there is anything that I can do," he said in a low tone, "don't be afraid to tell me.""There is one chance," she answered, "a sort of forlorn hope, but you might try it. He has a secretary, a young man named Aynesworth. If he were on our side--""Don"t you think," Barrington interrupted, "that you would have more chance with him than I?"She laughed softly.

"You foolish man," she said, touching his fingers lightly. "I believe you think that I am irresistible!""I have seen a good many lions tamed," he reminded her.

"Nonsense! Anyhow, there is one here who seems quite insensible. I have talked already with Mr. Aynesworth. He would not listen to me!""Ah!"

"Nevertheless," she continued softy, "of one thing I am very sure. Every man is like every woman; he is vulnerable if you can discover the right spot and the right weapons. Mr. Aynesworth is not a woman's man, but I fancy that he is ambitious. I thought that you might go and see him. He has rooms somewhere in Dorset Street."He rose to his feet. A glance at the clock reminded him of the hour.

"I will go," he said. "I will do what I can. I think, dear," he added, bending over her to say farewell, "that you should have been the man!"She laughed softly.

"Am I such a failure as a woman, then?" she asked with a swift upward glance.

"Don't be foolish, Lumley. My woman will be here to dress me directly. You must really go away."He strode down the stairs with tingling pulses, and drove to the House, where his speech, a little florid in its rhetoric, and verbose as became the man, was nevertheless a great success.

"Quite a clever fellow, Barrington," one of his acquaintances remarked, "when you get him away from his wife."

  • 忠靖集


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  • 贵直论


  • 小儿惊癎门


  • 中华女杰(古代卷)


  • 英雄联盟之全民解说


    (本书已完结,希望大家支持作者的新书《网游之这货不是骑士》) 职业选手王磊重生了,他反思过去,决定分享自己在联盟中得到的快乐,于是他成为了一名解说。平时打打直播,没事调戏调戏美女主播,和女房客搞搞暧昧,教育教育文化女青年,还有一群漂亮的女粉丝......人生得意须尽欢,独乐了不如众乐乐......(娱乐小说,搞笑娱乐,逗比书,不是技术流的。)
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  • 天医皇妃


  • 律师老公,离婚吧


  • 星空之下的尘埃


  • 佛说随求即得大自在陀罗尼神咒经


  • 庐隐作品集(1)(中国现代文学名家作品集)


  • 安利直销方法


    很难设想,1992年,安利(中国)日用品有限公司成立之初,其办事处面积仅40平方米,只有4名员工。到1995年4月10日。安利(中国)日用品有限公司正式开业。上市的产品只有5种,包括乐新多用途浓缩清洁剂、碟新浓缩洗洁精、透丽浓缩玻璃清洁剂、丝白洗衣液和速洁浓缩去渍剂。十年后,即2004年,安利(中国)销售额达170亿元人民币,缴纳税款37 亿元人民币。总部位于广州的安利(中国)投资总额达2.2亿美元,并在北京及上海设有区域办公室。办公总面积超过1.6万平方米,拥有4700多名员工。安利在广州建有美国海外最大的生产基地,面积达14.1万平方米,生产、销售四大类共160款产品。作为全球规模最大、经营最成功的直销公司,安利在公众心目中几乎已经和直销画上了等号。
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