

"Aynesworth," he remarked, "is going to tell you some interesting facts about myself. Please listen attentively as afterwards you will be called upon to make a somewhat important decision."She looked at him a little wistfully and sighed. There was no trace any longer of her companion of the last few weeks. It was the stern and gloomy stranger of her earlier recollections who sat there with folded arms.

"Is it really necessary?" she asked.

"Absolutely," Aynesworth answered hurriedly. "It won't take long, but there are things which you must know.""Very well," she answered, "I am listening."

Aynesworth inclined his head towards the place where Wingrave sat.

"I will admit," he said, "that the man there, whom I have served for the last four years and more, never deceived me as to his real character and intentions. He had been badly treated by a woman, and he told me plainly that he entered into life again at war with his fellows. Where he could see an opportunity of doing evil, he meant to do it; where he could bring misery and suffering upon anyone with whom he came into contact, he meant to grasp the opportunity. I listened to him, but I never believed. I told myself that it would be interesting to watch his life, and to see the gradual, inevitable humanizing of the man. So I entered his service, and have remained in it until today."He turned more directly towards Juliet. She was listening breathlessly to every word.

"Juliet," he said, "he has kept his word. I have been by his side, and I speak of the things I know. He has sought no one's friendship who has not suffered for it, there is not a man or woman living who owes him the acknowledgment of a single act of kindness. I have seen him deliberately scheme to bring about the ruin of a harmless little woman. I have seen him exact his pound of flesh, even at the cost of ruin, from a boy. I tell you, Juliet, of my own knowledge, that he has neither heart nor conscience, and that he glories in the evil that his hand finds to do. Even you must know something of his reputation--have heard something of his doings, under the name he is best known by in London--Mr. Wingrave, millionaire."She started back as though in terror. Then she turned to Wingrave, who sat stonily silent.

"It isn't true," she cried. "You are not--that man?"He raised his eyes and looked at her. It seemed to her that there was something almost satanic in the smile which alone disturbed the serenity of his face.

"Certainly I am," he answered; "when I returned from America, it suited me to change my identity. You must not doubt anything that Mr. Aynesworth says. Ican assure you that he is a most truthful and conscientious young man. I shall be able to give him a testimonial with a perfectly clear conscience."Juliet shuddered as she turned away. All the joy of life seemed to have gone from her face.

"You are Mr. Wingrave--the Mr. Wingrave. Oh! I can't believe it," she broke off suddenly. "No one could have been so kind, so generous, as you have been to me."She looked from one to the other of the two men. Both were silent, but whereas Aynesworth had turned his head away, Wingrave's position and attitude were unchanged. She moved suddenly over towards him. One hand fell almost caressingly upon his shoulder. She looked eagerly into his face.

"Tell me--that it isn't all true," she begged. "Tell me that you kindness to me, at least, was real--that you did not mean it to be for my unhappiness afterwards. Please tell me that. I think if you asked me, if you cared to ask me, that I could forgive everything else.""Every vice, save one," Wingrave murmured, "Nature has lavished upon me. I am a poor liar. It is perfectly true that my object in life has been exactly as Aynesworth has stated it. I may have been more or less successful--Aynesworth can tell you that, too. As regards yourself--""Yes?" she exclaimed.

"I congratulate you upon your escape," Wingrave said. "Aynesworth is right.

Association of any sort with me is for your evil!"She covered her face with her hands. Even his tone was different. She felt that this man was a stranger, and a stranger to be feared. Aynesworth came over to her side and drew her away.

"I have a cart outside," he said. "I am going to take you to Truro--"Wingrave heard the gate close after them--he heard the rumble of the cart in the road growing fainter and fainter. He was alone now in the garden, and the darkness was closing around him. He staggered to his feet. His face was back in its old set lines. He was once more at war with the world.

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  • BARNABY RUDGE,80's Riots

    BARNABY RUDGE,80's Riots

  • 摄政毒后


    新文《快穿攻略:男配滚远点》正在更新中,希望小可爱们多多支持。 苏缘,皇帝的遗孀;玉沅,皇帝的私生子;她扶持傀儡太子,斗大臣,夺大权,居然和他杠上了。他讨伐她,匡扶天下,誓死诛杀她,没想到还是栽在她手里。不疯不成魔,爱上了谁都别好过,反正一辈子还长,大不了死磕到底。
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  • 懂幽默的人跟任何人都聊得来


  • 天剑图腾


  • 怎样延长你的寿命


    书中内容涉及生物学、昆虫学、解剖学、微生物学、生理学、医学、美食学、历史学、文学,讲解深入浅出,所提供的养生方法简单易用。因此,对许多读者而言,本书又是一本养生书,书中对影响寿命的因素及如何延长寿命这个问题进行了精辟的分析,并提供了延长寿命的方法,而这些方法操作简单,对读者大有益处。 本书虽然为研究性著作,然而论断精辟,文风简练,语言流畅。正是如此,编者才敢将这盘佳肴精细加工,以飨读者。全书包括老年的研究,动物的寿命,自然死亡的研究,以及人类的寿命能延长吗?四个章节。每个章节都围绕主题进行深入的探讨与分析,从生命的本质上为读者解释养生和长寿的秘诀。
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  • 了堂惟一禅师语录


  • 交口称赞

