
第8章 CHAPTER 2(3)

So home they went. The parlour in Fitzroy Street was a very flat background to magic happenings. Down in the country among the flowers and green fields anything had seemed--and indeed had been--possible. But it was hard to believe that anything really wonderful could happen so near the Tottenham Court Road. But the Psammead was there--and it in itself was wonderful. And it could talk--and it had shown them where a charm could be bought that would make the owner of it perfectly happy. So the four children hurried home, taking very long steps, with their chins stuck out, and their mouths shut very tight indeed. They went so fast that the Psammead was quite shaken about in its fish-bag, but it did not say anything--perhaps for fear of attracting public notice.

They got home at last, very hot indeed, and set the Psammead on the green tablecloth.

'Now then!' said Cyril.

But the Psammead had to have a plate of sand fetched for it, for it was quite faint. When it had refreshed itself a little it said--'Now then! Let me see the charm,' and Anthea laid it on the green table-cover. The Psammead shot out his long eyes to look at it, then it turned them reproachfully on Anthea and said--'But there's only half of it here!'

This was indeed a blow.

'It was all there was,' said Anthea, with timid firmness. She knew it was not her fault. 'There should be another piece,' said the Psammead, 'and a sort of pin to fasten the two together.'

'Isn't half any good?'--'Won't it work without the other bit?'--'It cost seven-and-six.'--'Oh, bother, bother, bother!'--'Don't be silly little idiots!' said everyone and the Psammead altogether.

Then there was a wretched silence. Cyril broke it--'What shall we do?'

'Go back to the shop and see if they haven't got the other half,' said the Psammead. 'I'll go to sand till you come back. Cheer up! Even the bit you've got is SOME good, but it'll be no end of a bother if you can't find the other.'

So Cyril went to the shop. And the Psammead to sand. And the other three went to dinner, which was now ready. And old Nurse was very cross that Cyril was not ready too.

The three were watching at the windows when Cyril returned, and even before he was near enough for them to see his face there was something about the slouch of his shoulders and set of his knickerbockers and the way he dragged his boots along that showed but too plainly that his errand had been in vain.

'Well?' they all said, hoping against hope on the front-door step.

'No go,' Cyril answered; 'the man said the thing was perfect. He said it was a Roman lady's locket, and people shouldn't buy curios if they didn't know anything about arky--something or other, and that he never went back on a bargain, because it wasn't business, and he expected his customers to act the same.

He was simply nasty--that's what he was, and I want my dinner.'

It was plain that Cyril was not pleased.

The unlikeliness of anything really interesting happening in that parlour lay like a weight of lead on everyone's spirits. Cyril had his dinner, and just as he was swallowing the last mouthful of apple-pudding there was a scratch at the door. Anthea opened it and in walked the Psammead.

'Well,' it said, when it had heard the news, 'things might be worse. Only you won't be surprised if you have a few adventures before you get the other half. You want to get it, of course.'

'Rather,' was the general reply. 'And we don't mind adventures.'

'No,' said the Psammead, 'I seem to remember that about you.

Well, sit down and listen with all your ears. Eight, are there?

Right--I am glad you know arithmetic. Now pay attention, because I don't intend to tell you everything twice over.'

As the children settled themselves on the floor--it was far more comfortable than the chairs, as well as more polite to the Psammead, who was stroking its whiskers on the hearth-rug--a sudden cold pain caught at Anthea's heart. Father--Mother--the darling Lamb--all far away. Then a warm, comfortable feeling flowed through her. The Psammead was here, and at least half a charm, and there were to be adventures. (If you don't know what a cold pain is, I am glad for your sakes, and I hope you never may.)

  • A House-Boat on the Styx

    A House-Boat on the Styx

  • 太上清静元洞真文玉字妙经


  • 佛说琉璃王经


  • 泛鄱阳湖


  • 七祖院小山


  • 变融


  • 缘来我等的就是你


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  • 翘起后腿撒尿的母犬


  • 富有的鸭太太


  • 财富泡泡糖


    本书为《微型小说超人气读本》之“致富篇”,由微型小说选刊杂志 社选编,本丛书编选了《微型小说选刊》杂志创刊二十五年来的优秀作品 。本册包括了千万富翁的秘密、道德量化法、把木梳卖给和尚、一面白 墙、海水的世界、帮仇人赚钱、高粱秸门帘、老和尚炒股、百万富翁培训班、百万身价的人、与两百个美女约会、跳楼价、失信的种子、致富秘诀、富商与乞丐、名牌的诞生等66篇精彩关于“致富”话题的微型小说。
  • 像战斗一样恋爱吧


  • 星符传


  • 恰随风雨入江月


  • 不死少女

