
第14章 CHAPTER IV(3)

"As a deputy, Monsieur. My friends of Arras have elected me to the Third Estate of Artois."

"Dieu! How I envy you!" exclaimed La Boulaye, to cry out a moment later in the pain to which Duhamel's well-intentioned operations were subjecting him. "I would it might be mine," he added presently, "to take a hand in legislation, and the mending of it; for as it stands at present it is inferior far to the lawless anarchy of the aborigines. Among them, at least, the conditions are more normal, they offer better balance between faculty and execution; they are by far more propitious to happiness and order than is this broken wreck of civilisation that we call France. It is to equality alone," he continued, warming to his subject, "that Nature has attached the preservation of our social faculties, and all legislation that aims at being efficient should be directed to the establishment of equality. As it is, the rich will always prefer their own fortune to that of the State, whilst the poor will never love - nor can love - a condition of laws that leaves them in misery."

Robespierre eyed the young man in some surprise. His delivery was impassioned, and although in what he said there was perhaps nothing that was fresh to the lawyer of Arras, yet the manner in which he said it was impressive to a degree.

"But Duhamel," he cried to the schoolmaster, "you did not tell me this young patriot was an orator."

"Nor am I, Monsieur," smiled La Boulaye. "I am but the mouthpiece of the great Rousseau. I have so assimilated his thoughts that they come from me as spontaneously as if they were my own, and often I go so far as to delude myself into believing that they are."

No better recommendation than this could he have had to the attention of Robespierre, who was himself much in the same case, imbued with and inspired by those doctrines, so ideal in theory, but, alas! so difficult, so impossible in practice. For fully an hour they sat and talked, and each improved in his liking of the other, until at last, bethinking him of the flight of time, Robespierre announced that he must start.

"You will take him to Paris with you, Maximilien?" quoth the old pedagogue.

"Ma foi, yes; and if with such gifts as Nature appears to have given him, and such cultivation of them as, through the teachings of Rousseau, he has effected, I do not make something of him, why, then, I am unworthy of the confidence my good friends of Arras repose in me."

They made their adieux, and the schoolmaster, opening his door, peered out. The street was deserted save forte Robespierre's berline and his impatient postillion. Between them Duhamel and Maximilien assisted Caron to the door of the carriage. The moving subjected him to an excruciating agony, but he caught his nether lip in his teeth, and never allowed them to suspect it. As they raised him into the berline, however, he toppled forward, fainting.

Duhamel hastened indoors for a cordial, and brought also some pillows with which to promote the young man's comfort on the journey that was before him - or, rather, to lessen the discomfort which the jolting was likely to occasion him.

Caron recovered before they started, and with tears in his eyes he thanked old Duhamel and voiced a hope that they might meet again ere long.

Then Robespierre jumped nimbly into the berline. The door closed, the postillion's whip cracked briskly, and they set out upon a journey which to La Boulaye was to be as the passing from one life to another.

  • 两同书


  • 观自在菩萨随心咒经


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  • 倾非魔


    本文一对一,男强女强她,洛倾云,洛家直系九小姐,一身灵力气息全无,千百年难遇的废材体质,当灵魂再造,21世纪女特种兵队长,洛倾云,当她变成她,世界也为之疯狂。新生的她,从此一鸣惊人,大放异彩。宅门深深,锁不住一身傲骨。上一秒还在于你欢声笑语,下一秒却可以面无表情的砍下你的头颅。为了亲人,千古世家,她灭;为了朋友,绝世高手,她杀;为了爱人,即使是世界,她毁。无情却又重情,绝情却又痴情。世人皆道她狂妄,她却说“欺她在意者,必千百倍还之。辱她朋友者,必血溅当场。”他,血魔天,乃那浩瀚血池之中一抹孤魂,飘荡无望,千百年的孤寂,让他忘了情为何物。冷酷绝情的他完全不把人命放在眼里,挥手间就毁了世人所奢望的一切,但独独对她,他狠不下心,下不了手,爱恨交缠,痴心相付。宁负天下人,不负洛倾云,为了她,即使毁了这天下那又如何,世人皆道他无情,他却一笑置之,只道“无情才是他的本性”当绝情情遇上无情,痴情对上痴心,又将碰撞出怎样的火花? 短简介本文一对一,男强女强她,洛倾云,洛家直系九小姐,千百年难遇的废材体质,当灵魂再造,世界也为之疯狂。宅门深深,锁不住一身傲骨。为了亲人,千古世家,她灭;为了朋友,绝世高手,她杀;为了爱人,即使是世界,她毁。他,血魔天,乃血池之中一抹孤魂,千百年的孤寂,让他忘了情为何物。冷酷绝情的他完全不把人命放在眼里,挥手间就毁了世人所奢望的一切。当绝情情遇上无情,痴情对上痴心,又将碰撞出怎样的火花?
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