
第168章 Chapter 8(3)

One of her dissimulated arts for meeting their tension meanwhile was to interweave Mrs. Assingham as plausibly as possible with the parts and parcels of their surface, to bring it about that she should join them of an afternoon when they drove together or if they went to look at things--looking at things being almost as much a feature of their life as if they were bazaar-opening royalties. Then there were such combinations, later in the day, as her attendance on them, and the Colonel's as well, for such whimsical matters as visits to the opera no matter who was singing and sudden outbreaks of curiosity about the British drama. The good couple from Cadogan Place could always unprotestingly dine with them and "go on" afterwards to such publicities as the Princess cultivated the boldness of now perversely preferring.

It may be said of her that during these passages she plucked her sensations by the way, detached nervously the small wild blossoms of her dim forest, so that she could smile over them at least with the spacious appearance, for her companions, for her husband above all, of bravely, of altogether frivolously, going a-maying. She had her intense, her (145) smothered excitements, some of which were almost inspirations; she had in particular the extravagant, positively at moments the amused, sense of USING her friend to the topmost notch, accompanied with the high luxury of not having to explain. Never, no never should she have to explain to Fanny Assingham again--who, poor woman, on her own side, would be charged, it might be for ever, with that privilege of the higher ingenuity. She put it all off on Fanny, and the dear thing herself might henceforth appraise the quantity. More and more magnificent now in her blameless egoism, Maggie asked no questions of her, and thus only signified the greatness of the opportunity she gave her.

She did n't care for what devotions, what dinners of their own the Assinghams might have been "booked"; that was a detail, and she could think without wincing of the ruptures and rearrangements to which her service condemned them. It all fell in beautifully moreover; so that, as hard at this time, in spite of her fever, as a little pointed diamond, the Princess showed something of the glitter of consciously possessing the constructive, the creative hand. She had but to have the fancy of presenting herself, of presenting her husband, in a certain high and convenient manner, to make it natural they should go about with their gentleman and their lady. To what else but this exactly had Charlotte during so many weeks of the earlier season worked her up?--herself assuming and discharging, so far as might be, the character and office of one of those revolving subordinate presences that float in the wake of greatness. (146) The precedent was therefore established and the group normally constituted. Mrs. Assingham meanwhile, at table, on the stairs, in the carriage or the opera-box, might--with her constant overflow of expression, for that matter, and its singularly resident character where men in especial were concerned--look across at Amerigo in whatever sense she liked: it was n't of that Maggie proposed to be afraid. She might warn him, she might rebuke him, she might reassure him, she might--if it were impossible not to--absolutely make love to him; even this was open to her, as a matter simply between THEM, if it would help her to answer for the impeccability she had guaranteed. And Maggie desired in fact only to strike her as acknowledging the efficacy of her aid when she mentioned to her one evening a small project for the morrow, privately entertained--the idea, irresistible, intense, of going to pay at the Museum a visit to Mr. Crichton. Mr. Crichton, as Mrs. Assingham could easily remember, was the most accomplished and obliging of public functionaries, whom every one knew and who knew every one--who had from the first in particular lent himself freely, and for the love of art and history, to becoming one of the steadier lights of Mr. Verver's adventurous path. The custodian of one of the richest departments of the great national collection of precious things, he could feel for the sincere private collector and urge him on his way even when condemned to be present at his capture of trophies sacrificed by the country to parliamentary thrift. He carried his amiability to the point (147) of saying that since London, under pettifogging views, HAD to miss from time to time its rarest opportunities, he was almost consoled to see such lost causes invariably wander at last one by one, with the tormenting tinkle of their silver bells, into the wondrous, the already famous fold beyond the Mississippi. There was a charm in his "almosts" that was not to be resisted, especially after Mr. Verver and Maggie had grown sure--or almost again--of enjoying the monopoly of them; and on this basis of envy changed to sympathy by the more familiar view of the father and the daughter, Mr. Crichton had at both houses, though especially in Eaton Square, learned to fill out the responsive and suggestive character.

It was at his invitation, Fanny well recalled, that Maggie, one day, long before, and under her own attendance precisely, had, for the glory of the name she bore, paid a visit to one of the ampler shrines of the supreme exhibitory temple, an alcove of shelves charged with the gold-and-brown, gold-and-ivory, of old Italian bindings and consecrated to the records of the Prince's race. It had been an impression that penetrated, that remained; yet Maggie had sighed ever so prettily at its having to be so superficial.

  • 金陵清凉院文益禅师语录


  • 须真天子经


  • 太真玉帝四极明科经


  • 麻疹阐注


  • 破阵乐


  • 爱情传(男女情感史)


  • 人类神秘现象


  • Uncle Remus

    Uncle Remus

  • 激情挥洒青春的气息(珍藏一生的经典散文)


  • 老王的极限游戏


  • 想飞上蓝天的白菜


  • 与如花的灵魂共舞(指导学生心理健康的经典故事)


  • 专属味道:我的柠檬男孩


  • 回到原来的世界时


  • 我的最后一本日语语法书,看这本真的够了

