
第185章 Chapter 1(1)

After the little party was again constituted at Fawns--which had taken, for completeness, some ten days--Maggie naturally felt herself still more possessed in spirit of everything that had last happened in London. There was a phrase that came back to her from old American years: she was having, by that idiom, the time of her life--she knew it by the perpetual throb of this sense of possession, which was almost too violent either to recognise or to hide. It was as if she had come out--that was her most general consciousness; out of a dark tunnel, a dense wood, or even simply a smoky room, and had thereby at least for going on the advantage of air in her lungs. It was as if she were somehow at last gathering in the fruits of patience; she had either been really more patient than she had known at the time, or had been so for longer: the change brought about by itself as great a difference of view as the shift of an inch in the position of a telescope. It was her telescope in fact that had gained in range--just as her danger lay in her exposing herself to the observation by the more charmed and therefore the more reckless use of this optical resource. Not under any provocation to produce it in public was her unremitted rule; but the difficulties of duplicity had not shrunk while the need of that course had doubled. Humbugging, which she had so practised with her father, had been (208) a comparatively simple matter on the basis of mere doubt; but the ground to be covered was now greatly larger, and she felt not unlike some young woman of the theatre who, engaged for a minor part in the play and having mastered her cues with anxious effort, should find herself suddenly promoted to leading lady and expected to appear in every act of the five. She had made much to her husband, that last night, of her "knowing"; but it was exactly this quantity she now knew that, from the moment she could only dissimulate it, added to her responsibility and made of the latter ALL a mere question of having something precious and precarious in charge. There was no one to help her with it--not even Fanny Assingham now; this good friend's presence having been doomed to become, with that climax of their last interview in Portland Place, a severely simplified function. She had her use, oh yes, a thousand times; but it could only consist henceforth in her quite conspicuously touching at no point whatever--assuredly at least with Maggie--the matter they had discussed. She was there inordinately as a value, but as a value only for the clear negation of everything. She was exactly their general sign of unimpaired beatitude--and she was to live up to that somewhat arduous character, poor thing, as she might. She might privately lapse from it, if she must, with Amerigo, or with Charlotte--only not of course ever, so much as for the wink of an eye, with the master of the house.

Such lapses would be her own affair, which Maggie at present could take no thought of. She treated her young friend meanwhile, it was (209) to be said, to no betrayal of such wavering; so that from the moment of her alighting at the door with the Colonel everything went on between them at concert pitch. What had she done that last evening in Maggie's room but bring the husband and wife more together than, as would seem, they had ever been? Therefore what indiscretion should n't she show by attempting to go behind the grand appearance of her success?--which would be to court a doubt of her beneficent work. She knew accordingly nothing but harmony, she diffused restlessly nothing but peace--an extravagant expressive aggressive peace, not incongruous after all with the solid calm of the place; a kind of helmeted trident-shaking pax Britannica.

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