

I catch something of the spirit, I think, which caught your father, Mr. Hamel, and kept him a prisoner here. In my small way I, too, paint while I am down there, paint and dream. These things may not appeal to you, but you must remember that there are few things left to me in life, and that those, therefore, which I can make use of, are dear to me. Gerald, you are silent to-night. How is it that you say nothing?"

"I am tired, sir," the boy answered quietly.

Mr. Fentolin nodded gravely.

"It is inexcusable of me," he declared smoothly, "to have forgotten even for a moment. My nephew, Mr. Hamel," he went on, "had quite an exciting experience last night - or rather a series of experiences. He was first of all in a railway accident, and then, for the sake of a poor fellow who was with him and who was badly hurt, he motored back here in the grey hours of the morning and ran, they tell me, considerable risk of being drowned on the marshes.

A very wonderful and praiseworthy adventure, I consider it. I trust that our friend up-stairs, when he recovers, will be properly grateful."

Gerald rose to his feet precipitately. The service of dinner was almost concluded, and he muttered something which sounded like an excuse. Mr. Fentolin, however, stretched out his band and motioned him to resume his seat.

"My dear Gerald!" he exclaimed reprovingly. "You would leave us so abruptly? Before your sister, too! What will Mr. Hamel think of our country ways? Pray resume your seat."

For a moment the boy stood quite still, then he slowly subsided into his chair. Mr. Fentolin passed around a decanter of wine which had been placed upon the table by the butler. The servants had now left the room.

"You must excuse my nephew, if you please, Mr. Hamel," he begged.

"Gerald has a boy's curious aversion to praise in any form. I am looking forward to hearing your verdict upon my port. The collection of wine and pictures was a hobby of my grandfather's, for which we, his descendants, can never be sufficiently grateful."

Hamel praised his wine, as indeed he had every reason to, but for a few moments the smooth conversation of his host fell upon deaf ears. He looked from the boy's face, pale and wrinkled as though with some sort of suppressed pain, to the girl's still, stony expression. This was indeed a house of mysteries! There was something here incomprehensible, some thing about the relations of these three and their knowledge of one another, utterly baffling.

It was the queerest household, surely, into which any stranger had ver been precipitated.

"The planting of trees and the laying down of port are two virtues in our ancestors which have never been properly appreciated," Mr.

Fentolin continued. "Let us, at any rate, free ourselves from the reproach of ingratitude so far as regards my grandfather - Gerald Fentolin - to whom I believe we are indebted for this wine. We will drink -"

Mr. Fentolin broke off in the middle of his sentence. The august calm of the great house had been suddenly broken. From up-stairs came the tumult of raised voices, the slamming of a door, the falling of something heavy upon the floor. Mr. Fentolin listened with a grim change in his expression. His smile had departed, his lower lip was thrust out, his eyebrows met. He raised the little whistle which hung from his chain. At that moment, however, the door was opened. Doctor Sarson appeared.

"I am sorry to disturb you, Mr. Fentolin," he said, "but our patient is becoming a little difficult. The concussion has left him, as I feared it might, in a state of nervous excitability. He insists upon an interview with you."

Mr. Fentolin backed his little chair from the table. The doctor came over and laid his hand upon the handle.

"You will, I am sure, excuse me for a few moments, Mr. Hamel," his host begged. "My niece and nephew will do their best to entertain you. Now, Sarson, I am ready."

Mr. Fentolin glided across the dim, empty spaces of the splendid apartment, followed by the doctor; a ghostly little procession it seemed. The door was closed behind them. For a few moments a curious silence ensued. Gerald remained tense and apparently suffering from some sort of suppressed emotion. Esther for the first time moved in her place. She leaned towards Hamel. Her lips were slowly parted, her eyes sought the door as though in terror.

Her voice, although save for themselves there was no one else in the whole of that great apartment, had sunk to the lowest of whispers.

"Are you a brave man, Mr. Hamel?" she asked.

He was staggered but he answered her promptly.

"I believe so."

"Don't give up the Tower - just yet. That is what - he has brought you here for. He wants you to give it up and go back. Don't!"

The earnestness of her words was unmistakable. Hamel felt the thrill of coming events.

"Why not?"

"Don't ask me," she begged. "Only if you are brave, if you have feeling for others, keep the Tower, if it be for only a week.


The door had been noiselessly opened. The doctor appeared and advanced to the table with a grave little bow.

"Mr. Fentolin," he said, "has been kind enough to suggest that I take a glass of wine with you. My presence is not needed up-stairs.

Mr. Hamel," he added, "I am glad, sir, to make your acquaintance.

I have for a long time been a great admirer of your father's work."

He took his place at the head of the table and, filling his glass, bowed towards Hamel. Once more Gerald and his sister relapsed almost automatically into an indifferent and cultivated silence.

Hamel found civility towards the newcomer difficult. Unconsciously his attitude became that of the other two. He resented the intrusion. He found himself regarding the advent of Doctor Sarson as possessing some secondary significance. It was almost as though Mr. Fentolin preferred not to leave him alone with his niece and nephew.

Neverthe1ess, his voice, when he spoke, was clear and firm.

  • 傲气九洲


  • 佛说甚深大回向经


  • 中国古代宦官传(中国古代名人传奇丛书)


  • 暴牧女王


  • 为没好的世界献上英灵


    新书《次元世界融合目录》正式上线~求推荐支持~ 综漫向,穿越异世界,这里的一切都是那么熟悉,手持《英灵之书》,带着从各个世界召唤而来的英灵闯荡各个世界,这是一场欢乐之旅。第一世界《地下城与勇士》第二世界《魔法禁书目录》第三世界《我的英雄学院》 第四世界《雄兵连》 第五世界《刀剑神域》 第六世界《问题儿童》 第七世界《fateUBW》嘻嘻,只能剧透这么多。裙~597,732,216
  • 哈怂王爷捣蛋妃


  • 徒然喜欢你


  • 他才是我


  • 寒王绝宠:全能小灵妃


  • 晚安,我亲爱的人

