

The poor woman, heartened by her meal, rose and came to sit by it, and stretching out her thin hands to the grateful warmth, told her tale.

"'Twas Gammer Harden's son who first heard tell of a strange new sickness at Caxton's; and then Jocell had speech with a herd from those parts, who was fleeing to a free town, because of some ill he had done. Next day Jocell fell sick with vomitings, and bleeding, and breaking out of boils, and in three days he lay dead; and Gammer Harden fell sick and died likewise. Then one cried 'twas the Plague, and the wrath of God; and they fled - the women to the nuns at Bungay, and the men to seek work or shelter on the Manor; but us they left, for I was with child."

"And thy husband?' said Hilarius.

"Nay, he was not my husband, but these are his children, his and mine. Some hold 'tis a sin to live thus, and perhaps because of it this evil hath fallen upon me."

She looked at the babe lying on her lap, its waxen face drawn and shrunk with the stress of its short life.

Hilarius spoke gently:-"It is indeed a grievous sin against God and His Church to live together out of holy wedlock, and perchance 'tis true that for this very thing thou hast been afflicted, even as David the great King.

But since thou didst sin ignorantly the Lord in His mercy sent me to serve thee in thy sore need; ay, and in very truth, Our Lady herself showed me where the coney lay snared. Let us pray God by His dear Mother to forgive us our sins and to have mercy on these little ones."

And kneeling there in the firelight he besought the great Father for his new-found family.

Five days passed, and despite extreme care victuals were short.

Hilarius dug up roots from the hedgerows, and went hungry, but at last the pinch came; the woman was too weak and ill to walk, the babe scarce in life - there could be no thought of flight - and the little maid grew white, and wan and silent. Then it came to Hilarius that he would once again beg food in the village where he had sought help before.

He went slowly, for he had eaten little that his maid might be the better fed, and he was very sad. When he reached the village he found his errand like to be vain. News of the Plague was coming from many parts, and each man feared for his own skin. At every house they questioned him: "Art thou from a hamlet where the Plague hath been?" and when he answered "Yea," the door was shut.

Very soon men, angry and afraid, came to drive him from the place.

He gained the village cross, and prayed them for love of the Saviour and His holy Rood to give him bread for his little maid and her mother. Let them set it in the street, he would take it and cross no man's threshold. Surely they could not; for shame, let a little child die of want?

"Nay, 'tis better they die, so are we safe," cried a voice; then they fell upon him and beat him, and drove him from the village with blows and curses.

Bruised and panting, he ran from them, and at last the chase ceased; breathless and exhausted he flung himself under a hedge.

A hawk swooped, struck near him, and rose again with its prey.

Hilarius shuddered; but perhaps the hawk had nestlings waiting open-mouthed for food? His little maid! His eyes filled with tears as he thought of those who awaited him. He picked up a stone, and watched if perchance a coney might show itself. He had never killed, but were not his nestlings agape?

Nothing stirred, but along the road came a waggon of strange shape and gaily painted.

He rose to his feet, praying the great Mother to send him help in his awful need.

The waggon drew near; the driver sat asleep upon the shaft, the horse took his own pace. It passed him before he could pluck up heart to ask an alms, and from the back dangled a small sack and a hen. If he begged and was refused his little maid must die. A minute later the sack and the hen had changed owners - but not unobserved; a clear voice called a halt; the waggon stood fast; two figures sprang out, a girl and a boy: and Hilarius stood before them on the white highway - a thief.

"Seize the knave!" cried the girl sharply.

Hilarius stared at her and she at him. It was his dancer, and she knew him, ay, despite the change of dress and scene, she knew him.

"What! The worthy novice turned worldling and thief! Nay, 'tis a rare jest. What of thy fine sermons now, good preacher?"

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    一朝醒来,她已是天圣慕国公府嫡长女,父亲不疼,家人不喜,沦落到破旧茅屋自生自灭!既然老天给她重生之机,她又怎能辜负这番天意?身上背负的血债,前世仇人,她势必要个个手刃! 哪知,会遇上个比她厉害强大又腹黑无耻之徒!面瞧一棋行得千般正,转眼一切皆是虚!是搅了她的局,还是助了她的阵?【小剧场】某男:医书所言,时感伤,患得患失,阴晴不定,胸闷失眠,食欲不振,乃谓相思!某女凝眉淡道:我知。某男:知便好,爷念你相思之苦,勉为其难替你解之!某女讶:我何来相思?某男蹙眉:你不思爷?某女:不思某男一本正经:哦,那错了,爷思你好了!某女黑线:……** 【双强双处1v1,欢迎入坑】完结文:《袖手天下之毒医宠妃》
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