
第248章 CHAPTER V(54)

94 Thoresby's Ducatus Leodensis; Whitaker's Loidis and Elmete;Wardell's Municipal History of the Borough of Leeds. (1848.) In 1851 Leeds had 172,000 Inhabitants. (1857.)95 Hunter's History of Hallamshire. (1848.) In 1851 the population of Sheffield had increased to 135,000. (1857.)96 Blome's Britannia, 1673; Dugdale's Warwickshire, North's Examen, 321; Preface to Absalom and Achitophel; Hutton's History of Birmingham; Boswell's Life of Johnson. In 1690 the burials at Birmingham were 150, the baptisms 125. I think it probable that the annual mortality was little less than one in twenty-five. In London it was considerably greater. A historian of Nottingham, half a century later, boasted of the extraordinary salubrity of his town, where the annual mortality was one in thirty. See Doring's History of Nottingham. (1848.) In 1851 the population of Birmingham had increased to 222,000. (1857.)97 Blome's Britannia; Gregson's Antiquities of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, Part II.; Petition from Liverpool in the Privy Council Book, May 10, 1686. In 1690 the burials at Liverpool were 151, the baptisms 120. In 1844 the net receipt of the customs at Liverpool was 4,366,526? 1s. 8d.

(1848.) In 1851 Liverpool contained 375,000 inhabitants, (1857.)98 Atkyne's Gloucestershire.

99 Magna Britannia; Grose's Antiquities; New Brighthelmstone Directory.

100 Tour in Derbyshire, by Thomas Browne, son of Sir Thomas.

101 Memoires de Grammont; Hasted's History of Kent; Tunbridge Wells, a Comedy, 1678; Causton's Tunbridgialia, 1688; Metellus, a poem on Tunbridge Wells, 1693.

102 See Wood's History of Bath, 1719; Evelyn's Diary, June 27,1654; Pepys's Diary, June 12, 1668; Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiosum; Collinson's Somersetshire; Dr. Peirce's History and Memoirs of the Bath, 1713, Book I. chap. viii. obs. 2, 1684. Ihave consulted several old maps and pictures of Bath, particularly one curious map which is surrounded by views of the principal buildings. It Dears the date of 1717.

103 According to King 530,000. (1848.) In 1851 the population of London exceeded, 2,300,000. (1857.)104 Macpherson's History of Commerce; Chalmers's Estimate;Chamberlayne's State of England, 1684. The tonnage of the steamers belonging to the port of London was, at the end of 1847, about 60,000 tons. The customs of the port, from 1842 to 1845, very nearly averaged 11,000,000? (1848.) In 1854 the tonnage of the steamers of the port of London amounted to 138,000 tons, without reckoning vessels of less than fifty tons. (1857.)105 Lyson's Environs of London. The baptisms at Chelsea, between 1680 and 1690, were only 42 a year.

106 Cowley, Discourse of Solitude.

107 The fullest and most trustworthy information about the state of the buildings of London at this time is to be derived from the maps and drawings in the British Museum and in the Pepysian Library. The badness of the bricks in the old buildings of London is particularly mentioned in the Travels of the Grand Duke Cosmo.

There is an account of the works at Saint Paul's in Ward's London Spy. I am almost ashamed to quote such nauseous balderdash; but Ihave been forced to descend even lower, if possible, in search of materials.

108 Evelyn's Diary, Sept. 20. 1672.

109 Roger North's Life of Sir Dudley North.

110 North's Examen. This amusing writer has preserved a specimen of the sublime raptures in which the Pindar of the City indulged:

-"The worshipful sir John Moor!

After age that name adore!

111 Chamberlayne's State of England, 1684; Anglie Metropolis, 1690; Seymour's London, 1734.

112 North's Examen, 116; Wood, Ath. Ox. Shaftesbury; The Duke of B.'s Litany.

113 Travels of the Grand Duke Cosmo.

114 Chamberlayne's State of England, 1684; Pennant's London;Smith's Life of Nollekens.

115 Evelyn's Diary, Oct. 10, 1683, Jan. 19, 1685-6.

116 Stat. 1 Jac. II. c. 22; Evelyn's Diary, Dec, 7, 1684.

117 Old General Oglethorpe, who died in 1785, used to boast that he had shot birds here in Anne's reign. See Pennant's London, and the Gentleman's Magazine for July, 1785.

118 The pest field will be seen in maps of London as late as the end of George the First's reign.

119 See a very curious plan of Covent Garden made about 1690, and engraved for Smith's History of Westminster. See also Hogarth's Morning, painted while some of the houses in the Piazza were still occupied by people of fashion.

120 London Spy, Tom Brown's comical View of London and Westminster; Turner's Propositions for the employing of the Poor, 1678; Daily Courant and Daily Journal of June 7, 1733; Case of Michael v. Allestree, in 1676, 2 Levinz, p. 172. Michael had been run over by two horses which Allestree was breaking in Lincoln's Inn Fields. The declaration set forth that the defendant "porta deux chivals ungovernable en un coach, et improvide, incante, et absque debita consideratione ineptitudinis loci la eux drive pur eux faire tractable et apt pur an coach, quels chivals, pur ceo que, per leur ferocite, ne poientestre rule, curre sur le plaintiff et le noie."121 Stat. 12 Geo. I. c. 25; Commons' Journals, Feb. 25, March 2, 1725-6; London Gardener, 1712; Evening Post, March, 23, 1731. Ihave not been able to find this number of the Evening Post; Itherefore quote it on the faith of Mr. Malcolm, who mentions it in his History of London.

122 Lettres sur les Anglois, written early in the reign of William the Third; Swift's City Shower; Gay's Trivia. Johnson used to relate a curious conversation which ho had with his mother about giving and taking the wall.

123 Oldham's Imitation of the 3d Satire of Juvenal, 1682;Shadwell's Scourers, 1690. Many other authorities will readily occur to all who are acquainted with the popular literature of that and the succeeding generation. It may be suspected that some of the Tityre Tus, like good Cavaliers, broke Milton's windows shortly after the Restoration. I am confident that he was thinking of those pests of London when he dictated the noble lines:

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