
第515章 CHAPTER X(54)

FN 363 Extracts from Tanner MS. in Howell's State Trials; Life of Prideaux; Clarendon's Diary, May 16. 1688.

FN 364 Clarendon's Diary, May 16 and 17. 1688.

FN 365 Sancroft's Narrative printed from the Tanner MS.; Citters, May 22/June 1 1688.

FN 366 Burnet, i. 741; Revolution Politics; Higgins's Short View.

FN 367 Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 155.

FN 368 Citters, May 22/June 1688 . Burnet, i. 740.; and Lord Dartmouth's note; Southey's Life of Wesley.

FN 369 Citters, May 22/June 1 1688.

FN 370 Ibid. May 29/June 8 1688.

FN 371 Ibid.

FN 372 Barillon, May 24/June 3 May 31/June 10 1688; Citters, July, 1/11 Adda, May 25/June 4, May 30/June 9, June 1/11 Clarke s Life of James the Second, ii. 158.

FN 373 Burnet, i. 740.; Life of Prideaux; Citters, June 12/2215/25 1688. Tanner MS.; Life and Correspondence of Pepys.

FN 374 Sancroft's Narrative, printed from the Tanner MS.

FN 375 Burnet, i. 741.; Citters, June 8/18 12/22. 1688;Luttrell's Diary, June 8.; Evelyn's Diary; Letter of Dr. Nalson to his wife, dated June 14., and printed from the Tanner MS.;Reresby's Memoirs.

FN 376 Reresby's Memoirs.

FN 377 Correspondence between Anne and Mary, in Dalrymple;Clarendon's Diary, Oct. 31. 1688.

FN 378 This is clear from Clarendon's Diary, Oct. 31. 1688.

FN 379 Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 159, 160.

FN 380 Clarendon's Diary, June 10. 1688.

FN 381 Johnstone gives in a very few words an excellent summary of the case against the King. "The generality of people conclude all is a trick; because they say the reckoning is changed, the Princess sent away, none of the Clarendon family nor the Dutch Ambassador sent for, the suddenness of the thing, the sermons, the confidence of the priests, the hurry." June 13. 1688.

FN 382 Ronquillo, July 26/Aug 5. Ronquillo adds, that what Zulestein said of the state of public opinion was strictly true.

FN 383 Citters, June 12/22 1688; Luttrell's Diary, June 18.

FN 384 For the events of this day see the State Trials;Clarendon's Diary Luttrell's Diary; Citters. June 15/25Johnstone, June 18; Revolution Politics.

FN 385 Johnstone, June 18. 1688; Evelyn's Diary, June 29.

FN 386 Tanner MS.

FN 387 This fact was communicated to me in the most obliging manner by the Reverend R. S. Hawker of Morwenstow in Cornwall.

FN 388 Johnstone, June 18. 1688.

FN 389 Adda, June 29/July 9 1688.

FN 390 Sunderland's own narrative is, of course, not to be implicitly trusted, but he vouched Godolphin as a witness of what took place respecting the Irish Act of Settlement.

FN 391 Barillon June 21/June 28 June 28/July 8 1688; Adda, June 29/July 9 Citters June 26/July 6; Johnstone, July 2. 1688; The Converts, a poem.

FN 392 Clarendon's Diary, June 21. 1688.

FN 393 Citters, June 26/ July 6. 1688.

FN 394 Johnstone, July 2. 1688.

FN 395 Ibid.

FN 396 Johnstone, July 2. 1688. The editor of Levinz's reports expresses great wonder that, after the Revolution, Levinz was not replaced on the bench. The facts related by Johnstone may perhaps explain the seeming injustice.

FN 397 I draw this inference from a letter of Compton to Sancroft, dated the 12th of June.

FN 398 Revolution Politics.

FN 399 This is the expression of an eye witness. It is in a newsletter in the Mackintosh Collection.

FN 400 See the proceedings in the Collection of State Trials. Ihave taken some touches from Johnstone, and some from Van Citters.

FN 401 Johnstone, July 2. 1688; Letter from Mr. Ince to the Archbishop, dated at six o'clock in the morning; Tanner MS.;Revolution Politics.

FN 402 Johnstone, July 2. 1688.

FN 403 State Trials; Oldmixon, 739.; Clarendon's Diary, June 25, 1688; Johnstone, July 2.; Citters, July 3/13 Adda, July 6/16;Luttrell's Diary; Barillon, July 2/12.

FN 404 Citters, July 3/13 The gravity with which he tells the story has a comic effect. "Den Bisschop van Chester, wie seer de partie van het hof houdt, om te voldoen aan syne gewoone nieusgierigheyt, hem op dien tyt in Westminster Hall mede hebbende laten vinden, in het uytgaan doorgaans was uytgekreten voor een grypende wolf in schaaps kleederen; en by synde een beer van hooge stature en vollyvig, spotsgewyse alomme geroepen was dat men voor hem plaats moeste maken, om te laten passen, gelyck ook geschiede, om dat soo sy uytschreeuwden en hem in het aansigt seyden, by den Paus in syn buyck hadde."FN 405 Luttrell; Citters, July 3/13. 1688. "Soo syn in tegendeel gedagte jurys met de uyterste acclamatie en alle teyckenen van genegenheyt en danckbaarheyt in het door passeren van de gemeente ontvangen. Honderden vielen haar om den hals met alle bedenckelycke wewensch van segen en geluck over hare persoonen en familien, om dat sy haar so heusch en eerlyck buyten verwagtinge als het ware in desen gedragen hadden. Veele van de grooten en kleynen adel wierpen in het wegryden handen vol gelt onder tie armen luyden, om op de gesontheyt van den Coning, der Heeren Prelaten, en de Jurys te drincken."FN 406 "Mi trovava con Milord Sunderland la stessa mattina, quando venne l'Avvocato Generale a rendergli conto del successo, e disse, che mai piu a memoria d'huomini si era sentito un applauso, mescolato di voci e lagrime di giubilo, egual a quello che veniva egli di vedere in quest' occasione." Adda, July 6/16.


FN 407 Burnet, i. 744.; Citters, July 3/13 1688.

FN 408 See a very curious narrative published among other papers, in 1710, by Danby, then Duke of Leeds. There is an amusing account of the ceremony of burning a Pope in North's Examen, 570.

See also the note on the Epilogue to the Tragedy of Oedipus in Scott's edition of Dryden.

FN 409 Reresby's Memoirs; Citters, 3/13 July 17. 1688; Adda 6/16July; Barillon, July 2/12 Luttrell's Diary; Newsletter of July 4.; Oldmixon, 739.; Ellis Correspondence.

FN 410 The Fur Praedestinatus.

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