
第516章 CHAPTER X(55)

FN 411 This document will be found in the first of the twelve collections of papers relating to the affairs of England, printed at the end of 1688 and the beginning of 1689. It was put forth on the 26th of July, not quite a month after the trial. Lloyd of Saint Asaph about the same time told Henry Wharton that the Bishops purposed to adopt an entirely new policy towards the Protestant Dissenters; "Omni modo curaturos ut ecelesia sordibus et corruptelis penitus exueretur; ut sectariis reformatis reditus in ecclesiae sinum exoptati occasio ac ratio concederetur, si qui sobrii et pii essent; ut pertinacibus interim jugum le aretur, extinctis penitus legibus mulciatoriis."--Excerpta ex Vita H.


FN 412 This change in the opinion of a section of the Tory party is well illustrated by a little tract published at the beginning of 1689, and entitled "A Dialogue between Two Friends, wherein the Church of England is vindicated in joining with the Prince of Orange."FN 413 "Aut nunc, aut nunquam."--Witsen MS. quoted by Wagenaar, book lx.

FN 414 Burnet, i. 763.

FN 415 Sidney's Diary and Correspondence, edited by Mr. Blencowe;Mackay's Memoirs with Swift's note; Burnet, i. 763.

FN 416 Burnet, i. 764.; Letter in cipher to William, dated June 18. 1688, in Dalrymple.

FN 417 Burnet, i. 764.; Letter in cipher to William, dated June 18 1688.

FN 418 As to Montaigne, see Halifax's Letter to Cotton. I am not sure that the head of Halifax in Westminster Abbey does not give a more lively notion of him than any painting or engraving that Ihave seen.

FN 419 See Danby's Introduction to the papers which he published in 1710; Burnet, i. 764.

FN 420 Burnet, i. 764.; Sidney to the Prince of Orange, June 30.

1688, in Dalrymple.

FN 421 Burnet, i. 763.; Lumley to William, May 31. 1688, in Dalrymple.

FN 422 See the invitation at length in Dalrymple.

FN 423 Sidney's Letter to William, June 30. 1688; Avaux Neg., July 10/20 12/22FN 424 Bonrepaux, July 18/28 1687.

FN 425 Birch's Extracts, in the British Museum.

FN 426 Avaux Neg., Oct 29/Nov 9 1683.

FN 427 As to the relation in which the Stadtholder and the city of Amsterdam stood towards each other, see Avaux, passim.

FN 428 Adda, July 6/16 1688.

FN 429 Reresby's Memoirs.

FN 430 Barillon, July 2/12 1688.

FN 431 London Gazette of July 16. 1688. The order bears date July 12.

FN 432 Barillon's own phrase, July 6/16 1688.

FN 433 In one of the numerous ballads of that time are the following lines:

"Both our Britons are fooled, Who the laws overruled, And next parliament each will he plaguily schooled."The two Britons are Jeffreys and Williams, who were both natives of Wales.

FN 434 London Gazette, July 9. 1688.

FN 435 Ellis Correspondence, July 10. 1688; Clarendon's Diary, Aug. 3. 1688.

FN 436 London Gazette, July 9. 1688; Adda, July 13/23 Evelyn's Diary, July 12. Johnstone, Dec. 8/18 1687, Feb. 6/16 1688.

FN 437 Sprat's Letters to the Earl of Dorset; London Gazette, Aug. 23. 1688.

FN 438 London Gazette, July 26. 1688; Adda, Ju1y 27/Aug 6.;Newsletter in the Mackintosh Collection, July 25. Ellis Correspondence, July 28. 31; Wood's Fasti Oxonienses.

FN 439 Wood's Athenae Oxonienses; Luttrell's Diary, Aug. 23.


FN 440 Ronquillo, Sept. 17/27 1688; Luttrell's Diary, Sept. 6.

FN 441 Ellis Correspondence, August 4. 7. 1688; Bishop Sprat's relation of the Conference of Nov. 6. 1688.

FN 442 Luttrell's Diary, Aug. 8. 1688.

FN 443 This is told us by three writers who could well remember that time, Kennet, Eachard, and Oldmixon. See also the Caveat against the Whigs.

FN 444 Barillon, Aug 24/Sept 1 1688; Sept. 3/13 6/16 8/18FN 445 Luttrell's Diary, Aug. 27. 1688.

FN 446 King's State of the Protestants of Ireland; Secret Consults of the Romish Party in Ireland.

FN 447 Secret Consults of he Romish Party in Ireland.

FN 448 History of the Desertion, 1689; compare the first and second editions; Barillon, Sept. 8/18 1688; Citters of the same date; Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 168. The compiler of the last mentioned work says that Churchill moved the court to sentence the six officers to death. This story does not appear to have been taken from the King's papers; I therefore regard it as one of the thousand fictions invented at Saint Germains for the purpose of blackening a character which was black enough without such daubing. That Churchill may have affected great indignation on this occasion, in order to hide the treason which he meditated, is highly probable. But it is impossible to believe that a man of his sense would have urged the members of a council of war to inflict a punishment which was notoriously beyond their competence.

FN 449 The song of Lillibullero is among the State Poems, to Percy's Relics the first part will be found, but not the second part, which was added after William's landing. In the Examiner and in several pamphlets of 1712 Wharton is mentioned as the author.

FN 450 See the Negotiations of the Count of Avaux. It would be almost impossible for me to cite all the passages which have furnished me with materials for this part of my narrative. The most important will be found under the following dates: 1685, Sept. 20, Sept. 24, Oct. 5, Dec. 20; 1686, Jan. 3, Nov. 22; 1687, Oct. 2, Nov. 6, Nov. 19 1688, July 29, Aug. 20. Lord Lonsdale, in his Memoirs, justly remarks that, but for the mismanagement of Lewis, the city of Amsterdam would have prevented the Revolution.

FN 451 Professor Von Ranke, Die Romischen Papste, book viii.;Burnet, i. 759.

FN 452 Burnet, i. 758.; Lewis paper bears date Aug 27/Sept 61688. It will be found in the Recueil des Traites, vol. iv. no.


FN 453 For the consummate dexterity with which he exhibited two different views of his policy to two different parties he was afterwards bitterly reviled by the Court of Saint Germains.

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