
第517章 CHAPTER X(56)

"Licet Foederatis publicus ille preado haud aliud aperte proponat nisi ut Galici imperii exuberans amputetur potesias, veruntamen sibi et suis ex haeretica faece complicibus, ut pro comperto habemus, longe aliud promittit, nempe ut, exciso vel enervato Francorum regno, ubi Catholicarum partium summum jam robur situm est, haeretica ipsorum pravitas per orbem Christisnum universum praevaleat."--Letter of James to the Pope; evidently written in 1689.

FN 454 Avaux Neg., Aug. 2/12 10/20 11/21 14/24 16/26 17/27 Aug 23/Sept 2 1688.

FN 455 Ibid., Sept. 4/14 1688.

FN 456 Burnet, i. 765.; Churchill's letter bears date Aug. 4.


FN 457 William to Bentinck, Aug. 17/27 i688.

FN 458 Memoirs of the Duke of Shrewsbury, 1718.

FN 459 London Gazette, April 25. 28. 1687.

FN 460 Secret Consults of the Romish Party in Ireland. This account is strongly confirmed by what Bonrepaux wrote to Seignelay, Sept. 12/22 1687. "Il (Sunderland) amassera beaucoup d'argent, le roi son maitre lui donnant la plus grande partie de celui qui provient des confiscations on des accommodemens que ceux qui ont encouru des peines font pour obtenir leur grace."FN 461 Adda says that Sunderland's terror was visible. Oct 26/Nov 5 1688.

FN 462 Compare Evelyn's account of her with what the Princess of Denmark wrote about her to the Hague, and with her own letters to Henry Sidney.

FN 463 Bonrepaux to Seignelay, July 11/21 1688.

FN 464 See her letters in the Sidney Diary and Correspondence lately published. Mr. Fox, in his copy of Barillon's despatches, marked the 30th of August N.S. 1688, as the date from which it was quite certain that Sunderland was playing false.

FN 465 Aug 19/29 1688.

FN 466 Sept 4/14 1688.

FN 467 Avaux, July 19/29 July 31/Aug 10 Aug.11/21 1688; Lewis to Barillon, Aug. 2/12, 16/26.

FN 468 Barillon, Aug. 20/30 Aug 23/Sept 2 1688 Adda, Aug 24/Sept 3; Clarke's Life of James, ii. 177. Orig. Mem.

FN 469 Lewis to Barillon, Sept. 3/13 8/18 11/21 1688.

FN 470 Avaux, Aug 23/Sept 2, Aug 30/Sept 9 1688.

FN 471 "Che l'adulazione e la vanita gli avevano tornato il capo"--Adda, Aug 31/Sept 10 1688.

FN 472 Citters, Sept. 11/21 1688 Avaux, Sept. 17/27 Sept 27/Oct 7Oct. 3 Wagenaar, book lx.; Sunderland's Apology. It has been often asserted that James declined the help of a French army. The truth is that no such army was offered. Indeed, the French troops would have served James much more effectually by menacing the frontiers of Holland than by crossing the Channel.

FN 473 Lewis to Barillon, Sept. 20/30 1688.

FN 474 Avaux, Sept 27/Oct 7 27. Oct. 4/14 1688.

FN 475 Madame de Sevigne, Oct 24/Nov 3 1688.

FN 476 Witsen MS. quoted by Wagenaar; Lord Lonsdale's Memoirs;Avaux, Oct. 4/14 5/15 1688. The formal declaration of the States General, dated Oct. 18/28 will be found in the Recueil des Traites, vol. iv. no. 225.

FN 477 Abrege de la Vie de Frederic Duc de Schomberg, 1690;Sidney to William, June 30. 1688; Burnet, i. 677.

FN 478 Burnet, i. 584.; Mackay's Memoirs.

FN 479 Burnet, i. 775. 780.

FN 480 Eachard's History of the Revolution, ii. 2.

FN 481 Pepys's Memoirs relating to the Royal Navy, 1690. Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 186 Orig. Mem.; Adda, Sept 21/Oct 1Citters, Sept 21/Oct 1.

FN 482 Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 186. Orig. Mem.;Adda, Sept 14/Oct 2 Citters, Sept 21/Oct 1.

FN 483 Adda, Sept 28/Oct. 8. 1688. This despatch describes strongly James's dread of an universal defection of his subjects.

FN 484 All the scanty light which we have respecting this negotiation is derived from Reresby. His informant was a lady whom he does not name, and who certainly was not to be implicitly trusted.

FN 485 London Gazette, Sept. 24. 27., Oct. 1., 1688.

FN 486 Tanner MSS.; Burnet, i. 784. Burnet has, I think, confounded this audience with an audience which took place a few weeks later.

FN 487 London Gazette, Oct. 8. 1688.

FN 488 Ibid.

FN 489 Ibid. Oct. 15. 1688; Adda, Oct. 12/22 The Nuncio, though generally an enemy to violent courses, seems to have opposed the restoration of Hough, probably from regard for the interests of Giffard and the other Roman Catholics who were quartered in Magdalene College. Leyburn declared himself "nel sentimento che fosse stato non spoglio, e che il possesso in cui si trovano ora li Cattolici fosse violento ed illegale, onde non era privar questi di no dritto acquisto, ma rendere agli altri quello che era stato levato con violenza."FN 490 London Gazette, Oct. 18. 1688.

FN 491 "Vento Papista." says Adda Oct 24/Nov 3 1688. The expression Protestant wind seems to have been first applied to the wind which kept Tyrconnel, during some time, from taking possession of the government of Ireland. See the first part of Lillibullero.

FN 492 All the evidence on this point is collected in Howell's edition of the State Trials.

FN 493 It will be found with much illustrative matter in Howell's edition of the State Trials.

FN 494 Barillon, Oct. 8/18 16/26 18/28 Oct 25/Nov 4 Oct.27/Nov 6Oct 29/Nov 8 1688; Adda, Oct 26/Nov 5.

FN 495 London Gazette, Oct. 29. 1688.

FN 496 Register of the Proceedings of the States of Holland and West Friesland; Burnet, i. 782.

FN 497 London Gazette, Oct. 29. 1688; Burnet, i. 782.; Bentinck to his wife, Oct. 21/31 Oct. 22/Nov 1 Oct 24/Nov 3 Oct. 27/Nov 61688.

FN 498 Citters. Nov. 2/12 1688: Adda, Nov. 2/12FN 499 Ronquillo, Nov. 12/22 i688. "Estas respuestas," says Ronquillo, "son ciertas, aunque mas las encubrian en la corte."FN 500 London Gazette, Nov. 5 1688. The Proclamation is dated Nov. 2.

FN 501 Tanner MSS.

FN 502 Burnet, i. 787.; Rapin; Whittle's Exact Diary; Expedition of the Prince of Orange to England, 1688; History of the Desertion, 1688; Dartmouth to James. Nov. 5. 1688, in Dalrymple.

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