
第521章 CHAPTER X(60)

FN 627 "'Tis hier nu Hosanna: maar 't zal, veelligt, haast Kruist hem kruist hem, zyn." Witsen, MS. in Wagenaar, book lxi. It is an odd coincidence that, a very few years before, Richard Duke, a Tory poet, once well known, but now scarcely remembered except by Johnson's biographical sketch, had used exactly the same illustration about James "Was not of old the Jewish rabble's cry, Hosannah first, and after crucify?"The Review.

Despatch of the Dutch Ambassadors Extraordinary, Jan. 8/18. 1689;Citters, same date.

FN 628 London Gazette, Jan. 7. 1688/9.

FN 629 The Sixth Collection of Papers, 1689; Wodrow, III. xii. 4.

App. 150, 151; Faithful Contendings Displayed; Burnet, i. 804.

FN 630 Perth to Lady Errol, Dec. 29. 1688; to Melfort, Dec. 21.

1688; Sixth Collection of Papers, 1689.

FN 631 Burnet, i. 805.; Sixth Collection of Papers, 1689.

FN 632 Albeville, Nov. 9/19. 1688.

FN 633 See the pamphlet entitled Letter to a Member of the Convention, and the answer, 1689; Burnet, i. 809.

FN 634 Letter to the Lords of the Council, Jan. 4/14. 1688/9;Clarendon's Diary, Jan 9/19.

FN 635 It seems incredible that any man should really have been imposed upon by such nonsense. I therefore think it right to quote Sancroft's words,which are still extant in his own handwriting:

"The political capacity or authority of the King, and his name in the government, are perfect and cannot fail; but his person being human and mortal, and not otherwise privileged than the rest of mankind, is subject to all the defects and failings of it. He may therefore be incapable of directing the government and dispensing the public treasure, &c. either by absence, by infancy, lunacy, deliracy, or apathy, whether by nature or casual infirmity, or lastly, by some invincible prejudices of mind, contracted and fixed by education and habit, with unalterable resolutions superinduced, in matters wholly inconsistent and incompatible with the laws, religion, peace, and true policy of the kingdom.

In all these cases (I say) there must be some one or more persons appointed to supply such defect, and vicariously to him, and by his power and authority, to direct public affairs. And this done I say further, that all proceedings, authorities, commissions, grants, &c. issued as formerly, are legal and valid to all intents, and the people's allegiance is the same still, their oaths and obligations no way thwarted . . . . So long as the government moves by the Kings authority, and in his name, all those sacred ties and settled forms of proceedings are kept, and no man's conscience burthened with anything he needs scruple to undertake."--Tanner MS.; Doyly's Life of Sancroft. It was not altogether without reason that the creatures of James made themselves merry with the good Archbishop's English.

FN 636 Evelyn, Jan. 15. 1688/9.

FN 637 Clarendon's Diary, Dee. 24 1688; Burnet, i. 819.;Proposals humbly offered in behalf of the Princess of Orange, Jan. 28. 1688/9.

FN 638 Burnet, i. 389., and the notes of Speaker Onslow.

FN 639 Evelyn's Diary, Sept. 26. 1672, Oct. 12. 1679, July 13.

1700; Seymour's Survey of London.

FN 640 Burnet, i. 388.; and Speaker Onslow's note.

FN 641 Citters, Jan 22/Feb 1 1689; Grey's Debates.

FN 642 Lords' and Commons' Journals, Jan. 22. 1688; Citters and Clarendon's Diary of the same date.

FN 643 Lords' Journals, Jan. 25. 1683; Clarendon's Diary, Jan.

23. 25.

FN 644 Commons' Journals, Jan. 28. 1688/9; Grey's Debates, Citters Jan 29/Feb 8 If the report in Grey's Debates be correct, Citters must have been misinformed as to Sawyer's speech.

FN 645 Lords' and Commons' Journals, Jan. 29. 1688/9FN 646 Clarendon's Diary, Jan. 21. 1688/9; Burnet, i. 810;Doyly's Life of Sancroft;FN 647 See the Act of Uniformity.

FN 648 Stat. 2 Hen. 7. c. I.: Lord Coke's Institutes, part iii. chap i.; Trial of Cook for high treason, in the Collection of State Trials; Burnet, i. 873. and Swift's note.

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