
第37章 BOOK I(37)

"At least you can't think worse things of me than you say!" she exclaimed with a trembling laugh; but before he could answer, the flow of comprehension between them was abruptly stayed by the reappearance of Gus Trenor, who advanced with Mr.

Rosedale in his wake.

"Hang it, Lily, I thought you'd given me the slip: Rosedale and Ihave been hunting all over for you!"

His voice had a note of conjugal familiarity: Miss Bart fancied she detected in Rosedale's eye a twinkling perception of the fact, and the idea turned her dislike of him to repugnance.

She returned his profound bow with a slight nod, made more disdainful by the sense of Selden's surprise that she should number Rosedale among her acquaintances. Trenor had turned away, and his companion continued to stand before Miss Bart, alert and expectant, his lips parted in a smile at whatever she might be about to say, and his very back conscious of the privilege of being seen with her.

It was the moment for tact; for the quick bridging over of gaps;but Selden still leaned against the window, a detached observer of the scene, and under the spell of his observation Lily felt herself powerless to exert her usual arts. The dread of Selden's suspecting that there was any need for her to propitiate such a man as Rosedale checked the trivial phrases of politeness.

Rosedale still stood before her in an expectant attitude, and she continued to face him in silence, her glance just level with his polished baldness. The look put the finishing touch to what her silence implied.

He reddened slowly, shifting from one foot to the other, fingered the plump black pearl in his tie, and gave a nervous twist to his moustache; then, running his eye over her, he drew back, and said, with a side-glance at Selden: "Upon my soul, I never saw a more ripping get-up. Is that the last creation of the dress-maker you go to see at the Benedick? If so, I wonder all the other women don't go to her too!"The words were projected sharply against Lily's silence, and she saw in a flash that her own act had given them their emphasis. In ordinary talk they might have passed unheeded; but following on her prolonged pause they acquired a special meaning. She felt, without looking, that Selden had immediately seized it, and would inevitably connect the allusion with her visit to himself. The consciousness increased her irritation against Rosedale, but also her feeling that now, if ever, was the moment to propitiate him, hateful as it was to do so in Selden's presence.

"How do you know the other women don't go to my dress-maker?" she returned. "You see I'm not afraid to give her address to my friends!"Her glance and accent so plainly included Rosedale in this privileged circle that his small eyes puckered with gratification, and a knowing smile drew up his moustache.

"By Jove, you needn't be!" he declared. "You could give 'em the whole outfit and win at a canter!""Ah, that's nice of you; and it would be nicer still if you would carry me off to a quiet corner, and get me a glass of lemonade or some innocent drink before we all have to rush for the train."She turned away as she spoke, letting him strut at her side through the gathering groups on the terrace, while every nerve in her throbbed with the consciousness of what Selden must have thought of the scene.

But under her angry sense of the perverseness of things, and the light surface of her talk with Rosedale, a third idea persisted: she did not mean to leave without an attempt to discover the truth about Percy Gryce. Chance, or perhaps his own resolve, had kept them apart since his hasty withdrawal from Bellomont; but Miss Bart was an expert in making the most of the unexpected, and the distasteful incidents of the last few minutes--the revelation to Selden of precisely that part of her life which she most wished him to ignore--increased her longing for shelter, for escape from such humiliating contingencies. Any definite situation would be more tolerable than this buffeting of chances, which kept her in an attitude of uneasy alertness toward every possibility of life.

Indoors there was a general sense of dispersal in the air, as of an audience gathering itself up for departure after the principal actors had left the stage; but among the remaining groups, Lily could discover neither Gryce nor the youngest Miss Van Osburgh.

That both should be missing struck her with foreboding; and she charmed Mr. Rosedale by proposing that they should make their way to the conservatories at the farther end of the house. There were just enough people left in the long suite of rooms to make their progress conspicuous, and Lily was aware of being followed by looks of amusement and interrogation, which glanced off as harmlessly from her indifference as from her companion's self-satisfaction. She cared very little at that moment about being seen with Rosedale: all her thoughts were centred on the object of her search. The latter, however, was not discoverable in the conservatories, and Lily, oppressed by a sudden conviction of failure, was casting about for a way to rid herself of her now superfluous companion, when they came upon Mrs. Van Osburgh, flushed and exhausted, but beaming with the consciousness of duty performed.

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    在弗吉尼亚州的郊区,一个又一个的女人接连失踪,尸体以恐怖的方式抛弃在荒郊野外,联邦调查局介入破案却一无所获。一个逍遥法外的连环杀人犯。一个陷入危机的城市。重重困难之下,只有一位探员,能够胜任这起艰巨的任务。她就是特别探员瑞丽·佩吉。瑞丽由于不久前刚破获了一起惨无人道的杀人案,正在休假调整。而调查局的人也不愿打扰他们最为出色的探员之一。瑞丽为了不让更多的女人受到伤害,也为了与自己的心魔抗争,坚持重返战场。 为了获得更多线索,瑞丽将深入诡异的玩偶收集者文化圈、伤心的受害者家里、以及杀手内心最黑暗的沟渠。可随着案情的深入,她发现这个杀手的变态程度远远超过任何人的想象。种种原因之下,瑞丽失去了工作,家人安危也受到了威胁,甚至濒临神经崩溃。这是一场争分夺秒的战斗,而瑞丽被逼迫到了绝望的边缘。但是瑞丽·佩吉一旦出马,就决不会退缩。 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。案件无时不刻纠缠着她,带领她探索着人心最黑暗的角落。一系列意想不到的转折之后,瑞丽敏锐的直觉带领着她揭开了案件背后令人震惊的黑幕。《离开过》这本黑暗的心理悬疑小说,标志着这部扣人心弦的恐怖系列的开始。而我们敬爱的主人公瑞丽,将令您废寝忘食,欲罢不能。瑞丽·佩吉系列之第二部即将发行。
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